Also reason i prefer F1 keys and 1 to 0 is bc the rest has been bound to somthing......
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May 10 2016
SO this would give you like
F11=Support -> 1 Extraction -> 3=Littlebird -> (maybey) SPeed -> 3 (1 slow 2 normal 3 fast)
And then in the bottom a small windows giving ETA, If succes with calling in or failed and reason if its failed.
Exactly what i mean: Hear is an idea.
Still use F1 to F11 to select the different Menu's like movement, combat, vehicle, miscs, enc TO seletc the menu you want and 1 to 0 for the action SO:
F11 for support -> 1 for air suport -> 1 to 4 for type of Airsuport ->3 for CAS 1 to 4 for type so: ->4 for RA 88 helicopter.
For unit commanding somthing like:
F1 (movement) -> 1 to 7 (Move,getin,takecover,seekanddestroy, enc) so we pick -> 1 (Moveto) then new screen pops up with speed( 1=walking, 2=Jogging, 3 tactical pase, 4=Running, 5=Get to tha choppa speed)
And using 1 to 0 before pressing F1 to F11 selects a unit. Using + and - to go to next 10 units or back to previous 10 units.
Wats that xD and no prob i have thoes rage moments also all you need is some one that backfires it at you :P
Hahah lol. I'l try to create somthing with the ingame arma editor as -prebuild mod example.
@St.Jimmy not talking to you in note above. But yes i understand the frustration it brings 20 keys to command 4 units around the field when it can be easyer. But i must say this is one of thoes requests that make it a bit tooo easyy. Maybey bis needs to like implement this on the same keys as they are using now only map the keys more logic.
1 for Moving (take cover, doubletime,tripple time, crouch,walk enc
2 for formations and stance(Formation collem enc and you know stealth aware open fire enc
and so on just to give an example. Instad of having to press F2 1 6 9 to tell a guy that he needs to move left..
Maybey you should make an simple paint example :P Using arma's current commands and mapping them in a menu like you describe.
AI does this by default. WHen some teamm8 is shot(AI) select the AI medic by hitting F1 to F11 (F12 to switch to next group if you have an entire platoon F12 again to switch back) then scroll over the injured soldier and click HEAL......
As most of the time AI will actually do this themself. If your injured the medic again and say heal team leader if you are team leader. IF AI is in command AI commander wil order the corpsman/medic to heal the injured unit. SO by default AI is set to do this automatically. and the actions to do this are quite easy.
We have VON ts and ACRE for this.
Dont have that.
Officers in A2 where just fancy Drill instructors. Now they look like some soldier ofduty hybride...
Well the invisible ones are objects only whitout a texture allowing the engine not to render them making them invisible. they are just a pathnode that allows AI to land on. Annyway this is not such big deal. They are there they work thats why you should prioratize them low.
Bout the they are useless. its semi true since AI only lands on them when not in a combat zone or taking heavy fire. The mmoment AI figures there are enemys close they will not land even if the waypoint says careless. Look it up there is a ticket about this issue has yet to be solved.
Yes But heli transport is some needly little function. People that make large useless insertions (Like me) With over 10 helicopters just want to be abble to palce WP that makes helo's land on INV helipads. Dostop Helicopter;Helicopter "GET OUT" not the get out means helo hovers kicks everyone out and then ghoes away. This works whitout anny enemys around. But the moment there are (Even on waypoint careless) its ghoes in your perpetual hover.
Yes but low really low priority. and what are helipads usefull for if AI wont land at them in combat envoirment.
BTW how can you have an eight core Processor when it only has 4 cores and 8 treads? 8 cores well its in the name 8 cores and probably 16 treads or still 8 treads.. so try to give exactly the detail they gave you when you bought it and even google a bit deeper.
Well Your mobo is a piece of shit to begin with. Not good enough to handle your CPU and GPU at the same time. Your gpu.. might time to start looking for somthing new. Nvidia Geforce GTX 650 Super clocked is a good one. CPU well its good but the 8 cores its experimental. Not really somthing you would recommend for a gamer. So bad news buddy either reinstall arma from scratch OR (i'd recommend this if you want to play games whitout these issues) Buy a new motherboard a new CPU I5 prefered and new GPU. Your system is simply to experimental to actually play system draining games like this. Also Do you experience anny of this issues with othergames? Such as battlefield(one of the most GPU draining games). ?
ALright well most of the info here is not correct:P but no worries. If your dad is home ask him what what all the things i want to know are.
Ok here:
Bios system-
WIndows vers-
Game vers-
DirectX vers-
Nvidia physx vers-
GPU driver vers-
I want on all the Hardware parts brand and number.
Description of what happends before crash:
1.What happends with your sound(Buzzing beep sound sample loops)-
2.What happends with your screen(ghoes black white changes to one solid colour)-
3.What are the results after reboot(error messages)-
A crash report from either your system or arma 3(I wil provide the paths to those dumps).
I'f you could fill out this in the description i can find a solution more easyer because then i know what could cause the issue.
Yep ok last time im gona try to help you out. Either you add a node Anwsering the following things:
Specs of your gaming system
and a short description of what you see when it crashes:
-What happends with the Audio(weird noises)
-Screen (Blank blue or red collored)
-After system report. If you run win 7 it will say your system unexpectedly had to shut down to prefent a major system crash. It will create a log and also briefly describe what cause the error.
Either you anwser that and stop updating the Post with the old stuff you had they're from the beginning or im just gona leave it for as it is. Im trying to help you out but you're not being helpfull to me at all.
Again read my Note and reply to the points im talking about. Updating the post and saying you have decent FPS doesnt help at all.
Play untill it crashes... Do you want our pc's to crash?
There should be a log somewhere attach the files to the post also.
What are you pc specs? Usually these kinda of things happend due to system failure you must understand ArmA takes lot of memory space. If your CPU and or GPU cant deal with it it will mostelikly crash your game somethimes resulting into a crash of the entire system.
SO i need your: Specs and a short description of what you see when it crashes:
-What happends with the Audio(weird noises)
-Screen (Blank blue or red collored)
-After system report. If you run win 7 it will say your system unexpectedly had to shut down to prefent a major system crash. It will create a log and also briefly describe what cause the error.
Extra Info(Thanks to JonnyTyler)
The problem is present in the dev branch (1.31.127225) and also in stable (1.28.127008). No mods used.
The view stays in the center of the head, but does not follow it's direction.
An easy way to reproduce the issue is to place an explosive charge a few meters ahead of you and touch off the bomb while facing towards it. You can also quickly switch between 3rd and 1st person view while ragdolling to see the actual direction of the head. You can slow down the time for the time being with a setacctime in a simple trigger to see the issue better.
The rotation of the camera is also missing when ragdolling in 1st person view.
There are so manny posts about this that are far more detailed then this. If you want somthing atleast put some detail of what you want. Jumping over fence? there are 10 different ways of doing that. so give some extra info or wait since your post is probably gona get closed due to the fact its most likely a dupe.
This relates to one of the lighting posts explaining that lighting in the game is to dim. I never noticed the taillights being so bad but il upvote In case this is not fixed yet.
THis is somthing as old as arma itself. The reason you get 2500 ping is because thats the highest possible pin you can get in arma. Servers are usually registerd witch calculates the ping for every user that searches for them. This counts only for dedicated servers that are registerd. Normal gameservers are not registerd so they will show up as 2500Ping since the game cannot determ where it is. THe only issue you have looking at ping is when in game your ping is higher then 200 and you have desinc higher then 10.
^thanks. But yes would be nice if they implemented it by default.
Okey. But in arma full zoom 1 to 2 sec burst.. No vibration at all. Well the only vibrtion you get is from the player thats trying to hold it steady.
True. Only thing now is a gunpowder smell genereator.. xD
I AM XD wrong pick of words. Its mostly just the tiny vibration and the way you should move the vehicle in such way to coutner effect the forces of the weapons.
Recoil but they defenetly knock your Vehicle back. Didn't you see the pilot in the vid before shooting pushed the Stick forward to act like counterforce that the rockets produce? I know people who have actually flown attack helicopters in the USMC and US army. Trust me they said thoes things are non the less recoiless if not handled properly they will push you out of direction NOT drasticaly but yhea they do create some sort of counterforce.
We need more people like you. You just corrected me with hard evidence and not some bellend comment like: /downvoted because i think its not true.
THanks for the little lesson m8.
Hydra's dont really produce such big shake but they deffenetly produce some. Asfor Helfires or AA missiles same counts. Not a big shake but still A shake.
Well that already can be the issue. Try updating tough. But most of the times specially with Nvidia software engines enc its because you dont have a nvidia card.
Try updating all Nvidia drivers and Physx. You should go into your folder C:\Programfiles OR Progfiles x86\nvidia\physx i dont know the exact path but it most likely will contain thoes words. Annyhoe there should be a updatephysx.exe in there or update.exe in there try running it or go
And select your products to check for the latest drivers. If you are running other GPU's then Nvidia that might be the issue since they tend to make they're software Nvidia compatible whitout issues.
Taking tripping over a ladybug to a whole new level. /upvoted.
O damm... that looks silly /upvoted..
Or child idk witch one all i know i already posted this.
Duplicant of 0010272
exactly. First day playing A3 Gets injured because he fell of fastrope. Haha sounds like somthing that would happen to me. Or as pilot you quickly move your vehicle everyone falls. Or detach the rope. Ore when doing Spie rigging and you cut the rope.. Ohhh now i want these functions..
TheDutchRecon i think. Should only be one of me (0.0)
Exactly. THe problem with ACE was that its coding is compleetly different from the used If then that bis used. SO getting script to work was not an option at all. Unless you figured out a way to use 4d party scripting to make the 3d party work with the 2nd hand ace scripting to get it working into ARMA but yes lets not waste time with that eyh :P
Its not really about the speed. FR is designed for when you cannot land a helicopter EG roofs or small roads. its quicker then searching for a good landing site. and pretty much allows INF to land where ever the hell theywant. Since larger Helicopters like Chinooks can carry a car or small apc this allows inf to be placed in a tight envoirment with a vehicle for support. (Look at BHD movie)
Also you should be able to fall of the rope. If the Helo makes a sharp evasive manouver and your not holding on enough you just fallw off having a nice physics effect.
Nope ACE2 will not allow you to script the AI to use fastrope. You have to use mission scripts witch are crappy. Thats why we want it to be implemented in the game itself.
ATTEMPTED animations. THats the best description for some animations in BIS games i've seen so far. Yhea i agree some anims are quite sketchy look at A2 for instance but i gues they worked on it todays animations are smooth as hell.
Yep its gona be suported check the ArmAholic link its bout the features in arma 3 supported. Also this post is child of the Fastrope one. SInce you are talking about waypoints. I must say your idea is really cool. In A2 OA with ace everyone had the issue of AI not allowing you to fast rope. You always needed a humn player in the Pilot say if you wanted this to happen. SImpyl placing a waypoint where you have to set the hight of the Fast Rope insertion would be extreemly helpfull.
SPie rigging defenetly somthing i want to see in this game :P. Make a new post bout it.
Fast-roping will be sported by the engine
Armaholic never lies.
Whats SPIE rigging?
Kudo's sir. This is somthing nice only problem are you compleetly shure FR is implemented? If not quickly make a new post requesting it otherwize your gona look a bit silly :P
NOt really.. Your gpu isnt really that new btw but that aint the issue. Seems like a irect x problem instead of a clientside issue or arma issue.
Had this to. SHouted at my laptop and it worked. Also i updated my GPU drivers Checked DIrectx. and set my PRIM grapics controller To my GPU instad of my DAM CPU. note i have a Dell XPS L502z laptop Nvidia Geforce GT 550M Intel I7 Quad core 2.5Ghz turbo boost to 2.7Ghz.
And Astaroth in my case i could start other games using DX11 and software Using DX11 or 10. SO idk what the issue was.
^is that a 'normal'dev build or a dev build that is only for special people?
^true but some people still have issues with massife lag spikes. Even do reducing your graphics it still ocures in mp sessions. Also why make a game with ultra graphics and fancy shaders if no one could run it on thoese settings because the weapons would fire weird.
GPU and CPU utilization is what they are working on now i gues. Allowing almost everyone to have the same fps accept for people having better systems. But yhea i noticed this my fps dropped bellow 9 and the Firerate was extreemly slow. When it raised back to 40 1 mag was empty whitin a sec. when the fps was stable again firerate went to normal.
Well Single player and Servers to. Servers the entire server just lags out and ghoes selfdestruct. Single player ou get massife lag spikes and if you have bad luck Ur game just locks up or crashes. so idk what it is with A3 engine and GPU/CPU utilization but it sucks ass.
Well i dont play on servers.. witch is the interesting part on servers i have no issue's at all. Other people do but i dont have them.
I have to run my game on Max to have 40 FPS then it starts Dropping to +-10 and i have to turn it to low. AFter a while the FPS drop's start again and when i max everything out again it runs smooth with +-30 frames.... I have to continue this process during the entire gameplay. Somthimes i can run it just fine whitout anny problems for the day.
so they dont put this in arma 3 but in vbs 3 they do.
Yes well its cool you have an opinion and a feeling but could you explain why? I mean correct me if im wrong but have you ever worked with apex and physx?
It already has been tested on AMD by me and a friend. I will uploaded a demo soon.
wtf? Seriously Apex works on AMD. Its just the Nvidia pin that made APEX and PHysx work better on Nvidia cards. Do you understand now? Hell Apex even works on Intel HD grapics Only the preformance is shit. Do you understand it now billy boy? Seriously Stop bullshiting. You are not smart at all. You're the most stupid person if come allong in a while because all of your statements are based your knowledge. Everyone here comes with hard evidence exept for you.
Its funny Anachoretes. Everyone dissagrees with you on every point you made. Not to mention you keep bullshitting yourself in a corner by saying stuff no one said. Also the facts you bring up are bullshit. Stop using Yahoo as source of information. Stop trying to make yourself look smart without showing us hard information regarding yourstatments.
Educated? Wtf you dont even speak propper english. Also Pluto comes with hard evidence unless like you who just comes here and say no no no its not right because i say its not. Seriously jump of a bridge.
Serious to all AMD users. Start investing into Nvidia. Truth is not fun Nvidia is taking everything over. More and more games are going on physx and more are implementing APEX destruction. Also Physx was Nvidia locked aswell but still most AMD users can play A3 whitout issues. So whats the issue? Asfor Anachoretes hes just a troll.
HAWKEN MAFIA2 seriously fuck off now you are starting to piss me off. Instad of being a bitch and spamming my post you can do some research yourfuckingself. Shit are you that dumb you cant even use google?.
Wtf that sentence doesn't even make sense. Also i had more education then you because i know how to explain myself. As fact you are not being helpfull at all i dont even know why you made a feedback accound. Fuck of back to the getto with your sorry ass because your a epic fail. Should you be robbing some place annyway? Fuck off now seriously where are moderators where you need them. Ban this waste of life.
Wtf is wrong woth you do you like it when people hate you? you are so fucking childish. Shit every stop responding to this childish cunt hes just a troll and you know what they say about trolls. Dont feed them they just get fatter.
Well the issue is Bis packs everything in 1 file. Like the file stratis contains files that contains files that contain structures. Im not gona spend time searching for them if i can make somthing close to what bis already has in just 5 min.
@ Kol9yN you have a link for me? A demo? I also do stuff with game dev and im always interested in what other people do :D
Implement it? In ARMA? idk Bis coding is hard i dont know it. I only know how to write scripts for missions. I can show how easy it is to make a structure fractureize it and import it in this case UDK.
Go spam somewhere else for fuck sake.
note you pluto
Little update. I made a house in sketchup well a building and imported into Physx. its working and all only there are some issue's on my side not physx. Some collisions and params i messed up il record today and upload it aswell linking in the information section.
Just stop wasting our time by saing somthing is impossible because of a reason we already explained is invalid.
Just pissoff already ouare changing the subject of this because you are mad. Pull your head out of your ass and stop being ignorant about things.
^ its time consuming yes. But i'f they'd at the resources i know the community is willign to help. Also you not learn. you try to learn. and have failed. what the hell is that seposed to mean? I learned how to use differnt engines in just a week each. Also i have learned to speak english properly. Next of as pluto said, "nothing is imposible!" wich is true. People where sceptical about Apex in UDK but still they managed to work it out.
UE3 on the otherhand is more demanding then A3 engine differences is that the people at Unreal Development have figured out is how to optimize this.
Also tip to the community If you have the money buy an extra not to amazing GPU. You can set physx to render physx on a different gpu while using your primary gpu to do the rest. Asfor you cpu to only use ram to put everything together on your system. I think bis should start working on things as multy treading enc enc enc and allowing people to assign what parts of they're processing powers to use for what. Since arma is a simulator(more arcade then VBS) i think they should start working on allowing more client config properties then on fancy graphics.
As some people said: Physics and dynamic destruction are the new graphics. What they mean with that is that people are getting bored of having fancy graphics but a borring static non dynamic envoirment. ArmA has the same issue. Instand of working out how to be more dynamic with the world (like making holes in walls to shoot trough) they wanted better graphics.
I made a FR about making keyholes. Apex would totaly fit this since you can set walsl to have different prebaked chunks(fracturize them) allowing players to decide where they want a hole so they can shoot trough it. Making the game more realistic.
Im just gona explain this again.
Nvidia says they pinned Physx and Apex to Nvidia cards. This they only said so consumers that dont know things like you buy nvidia cards. How ever AMD can use physx and Nvidia but maybey with a max preformance of 90 95 compared to the Nvidia cards.(I fucking study hardware and software development so dont go explaining things to me i actually learn about the last 2 years).
As for the GPU CPU issue with arma now? They need to fix this bad utilization with GPu and CPU the games preformance is bad for how much power it sucks up.
Also disvote this post and pissoff. You are making yourself look like a jerk for spamming stuff that has been explained before and proven to be wrong. Also you clearly have no clue what you are talking about if it comes to physx and Apex and use things wikipedia tells you or yahoo.
yhea that was what it said when i bought it. But checking info on sites and using software i have a 525M witch is like vista between the GPU's
i have a TXG 525 M <<<<<<<<<<< A 525M! and i can still play this game even do its awefully utilized. Also i can render more then 100 rigid body's using APEX at a time whitout preformance damage. Image what mister pluto with his titan can do.
Anachoretes? Are you stupid. Sorry for saying it but you clearly have not read the post on this ticket. I have explained myself 10 times why this is doable. You dont need movie cinameticd destruction. But having a wall that splits in 5 pieces or a floor that can fall from under you would be nice. Also you are stupid enough to not realize that Clothing is just somthing that could be added if time and resources are avalible. Also note that if you are afraid you cant handle the game with this you should upgrade to a better system. (Also the game is not optimized at all. For the 50% it uses of both GPU and CPU the preformance is bad). I simply cannot say how enough that people need to read posts and do some research before bellendly spamming this ticket with nonsense. Also google the game HAWKEN its a first person robot shooter whit a compleetly destructible envoirment. As in shown that is doable.
haha. NP maybey later :P
Ty. Already fond out how to use collision impact. Also how to use SKP to import in Phsx lab. So ima make a quick building and destroy it.
So much so much of not what i want. Could you link me a vid of how to import custom buildings In physxlabs
Trying to get some of A2 buildings in Apex but physx lab is kinda glitchy (and im not skilled enough)
Of camera's robot arms and langing gear.
tyl3r99 idk with right coding i gues it might be possible.
Yes. But like they want to do somthing good with ArmA and still they do somthing else next to it. If they could just focus on A3 for thoese last months using the entire team it would be better. They would be able to get more costumers not to mention a fabulous game. I mean at this pase most of the bugs and bad engine issue's will be in during final release.
Also you can make the Apex destructibles (name of bodies) to delete fragments after they have been laying around for xx amount of time or are a xx disntace away from the original boddy. This would cause people to have to render parts 1 km away form the destruction..
Yep both SP as wel for MP. Both client and server should be abble to config it. Servers due to theýre processing powers and clients if they still think its to high.
For all yha out there saying they have better things to do: this you call better?
I think if implemented servers should be able to determen the amount of Body's at the time in certain area's Here splut the map in like what 10 area's witch each a max of 50. Allowing only 500 massife chunks flying around Reducing the Load on pc's. Not to mention that in arma the changes of you leveling a entire city while doing a serious mission is .05
PLuto. If the game engine does and we have apex and we run fallujah on it. Image the chaos. Pieces of building landing miles away bc of scuds Cruisemissiles trigger happy twats.. xD
What about the Quad 480 SLI xD
Well heres the thing. If they add APEX des. With like a part of A3 buildings destructible. I'd be willing to do the rest of the buildings by what they want. Also Adding Apex would change the whole mod comunity since everyone is gona start making large city's (Imagine fallujah A2 with this)
^thanks stay tuned.