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- User Since
- Jan 13 2014, 8:21 AM (583 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
this happened to me too, but it's easy to get out. sprint at the wall and hold down W to continue running against it, then hit escape and exit the server. when you log back in you will be on the other side.
what other programs are you running while having the issue?
skype? vent? teamspeak? are you broadcasting to twitch?
some friends and i were having issues of crashing but setting other running programs to run as administrator seems to mostly have taken care of it. so far.
I think it might have something to do with an item the "infected" player is carrying. It would be interesting to know what these players have on them; what hats, what guns, etc. I cruise along just fine at 70-80 FPS on my own, but when my friend with an M4 on his back joined up I was down in the teens on FPS. Eventually he found a Mosin and tossed the M4 and it seemed to get better after that, though there was still an occasional FPS drop. Could be another player was in our vicinity for a short time during the occasional drops.
yeaah, it's kind of annoying. i never shoot on sight, but if you shoot at me i'm going to do my best to take you down. it sucks when you get a dude taking pot shots at you, only to have his body disappear as you're rearranging your inventory to loot him. i deserve that loot, damn it!
not a bug. you get your stuff bloody, it could ruin it.
works fine for me. however, i still can't fit a banana in a chest holster. kinda game breaking, imo.
happens with other gear as well. i hid in a tree and put some stuff on the ground to do a little inventory rearranging and i was not able to pick the stuff back up. it was kind of a bummer as one of the items i put on the ground was a full ammo can for my mosin, but hey. alpha.
mine works fine, though the hot key does not work. kind of a bummer, but hey. alpha.
maybe it was on and you just couldn't tell because you're wearing sunglasses on a night server.
filing a report on something you heard about? that's dumb.
"This issue has been fixed, this fix will be pushed with our next patch."
"pushed with our next patch" seems like an important part of what he's saying, yeah?
i heard that the pen and paper thing was turned off due to idiot children leaving racist and hateful notes laying around everywhere.
This is the most critical bug in the game right now, I have full confidence the devs will finally be taking care of it.
Oh man, I HATE fruit flies
I see this issue has been reassigned! I hope you have good news for us, Andy!
glad to hear it, Accolyte! this issue has been keeping the game down for way too long.
jumped in experimental last night to see if this had been addressed or not, still doesn't work.
i'm slowly learning to play around this bug, but it's been a hard time. wish they would fix it already.
i actually prefer the holster to a vest if i'm using a pistol. paired with the improvised backpack, it makes for a rather slimmed down profile vs a any other backpack and vest.
and i'm not really into the weird 3 spot biggie jacket.
i'm still hoping for a fix to this bug in one of the weekly updates, though.
i found a ton of chest holsters just laying about at the nw airfield, no one wants to use them! i'm pretty sure it's because you can't put a banana in them.
i really hope this is fixed with this new version coming out on friday
just tried to put a banana in the holster now that the new patch is going, still doesn't work :(
noticed this fix wasn't mentioned in the upcoming patch notes, hopefully they just forgot to mention it. :/
@Rich_hard1 don't be silly. in real life you can stick bananas in chest holsters all day long if you wanted to, not being able to in the game is taking away from the realism and is totally game breaking.
anyway. this bug, sadly, has not been fixed in the latest patch. it could be that it's a pretty complicated bug and taking the devs longer to fix than one might expect. hopefully it'll be resolved in the next patch!
it's not like the mod where copters go down in flames with zombies and loot around. those are weathered looking decorations, p sure they aren't supposed to spawn anything.
me and a buddy were playing last night down near cherno and we had similar symptoms (rubberbanding and all) and then were teleported out past the edge of the map on the east side. it's weird out there, no grass or trees or anything, just bald rolling hills. we had to run west for a while before we saw the treeline that marked the edge of the map. glad it put us out there and not out in the ocean.
a little later it happened again, but this time warped us to the little bus stop/train station at the end of the tracks near the nw airfield. we had switched servers at this point since we thought the first warp was a server issue. after the second warp i fired up fraps, but it never happened again.
i mean, you ever try swinging a baseball bat in a narrow hallway in real life? it doesn't really work so well. how would you have them fix it? allow the weapon to clip through the wall to hit your target?
it's pretty easy to find a day server. the night servers are the ones with hardly anybody in them. if it's got a bunch of players, 99% chance it's a day server.