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- Mar 5 2013, 5:23 PM (629 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Well as I understood it BIS allowes ports from prev. games but it would really be nice if they could remake the ARMA 2 maps into proper ARMA 3 maps. I mean I've seen Chernarus ports it is nice but the weather and so on doesn't work and obv the texture is pretty much the same.
But also there is a limit to how realistic the basic game can get, I mean in order to attract a wide variety of gamers. To be honest the game could have been much more realistic but that would weed out the gamers who are more into the aggressive shooter style and that would only lead to them being shot up all the time and in the end quit the game and this means smaller fanbase => less money => no money to support new DLCs/games. So yeaah this kind of stuff we should leave it to the moders, it was possible in Arma 2 and should probably be possible in ARMA 3.
I assume they wear some sort of ear protection but I agree that civilians should be affected by shots and explosions.
I kinda like this idea but this is a bug reporting place, use the forums for features requesting.
It would really be nice to be able to drag dead enemies/friendlies out of the way, just for the realisms sake. Just imagine this scenario: A seal team of 4 guys at a night ops, they walk in with their silenced weapons, pop a few heads and while someone provides overwatch one or two guys drag away the dead guys out of the streets and into the shadows. Also I don't know if the enemy AI does this but do they react to already dead corpses, as in if a patrol comes and ses a bunch of enemy AI dead on the ground do they actually go in an alert mode?
May 9 2016
Also please bring back 3d editor so you can place units into different rooms without the need to write cordinates for them when placing them. Or to be honest I don't know how to place them in a room inside a house without using scripts created on ARMAholic.
I also agree that it would more of a suppressive fire rather than going for a kill shot. Just think of the mounted weapons on the vehicles we have at the moment, it is also hard to hit something at full speed and off road. But yeah just imagine a vehicle on your tail and you are in a vehicle with few guys but no one is able to fire back at it, wouldn't it be better to be able to suppress the guy who is tailing you and maybe get lucky and hit a tyre or something. I just think this element should be implented not because it is effektive at taking down targets but it would hell of a nice element to suppress. Also when the vehicle is not moving you could get some nice shots on your targets and then quickly move out of the area with the vehicle.
This aint much about firing from vehicles but opening/closing windows in buildings would be a great option, kinda ruins the element of surprise when the glass breaks.
I guess only time will show us that, well at least thanks for keeping us updated :)
@SGTIce, MadDogX is just the messenger.
Too bad, I guess it is up to the community to make a mod then :/
@xHeavy - I am part of a clan called "NTF" (Nato Task Force) and we tend to be as mature as possible, the problem is just that we are not many and not everyone is able to play so that kinda sucks. However I do see your point, the younger population of this game will ruin it for me, as I am not that fond of "rambo gameplay" where you just rush to a vehicle as soon as spawn and go to an AO to raise havoc. I just hope DayZ will come out for Arma 3 so the kids can be lured to that instead of what Arma 3 is intended to be played as.
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising had the option where you could walk inside helicopters, I enjoyed that game for so many years really used to love that option. I really hope they can add that to this game too.
Well you can't fire out of the armored vehicles anyway since it has reinforced glass, but would be nice to be able to shoot from for example the little bird or the boat.
I think the AI reacts pretty ok to the explosive, if you put the mine right after a turn they will drive into it but if you put it like middle of a long road there is a great chance to notice the mine.
Good point guys but like Morthon said, it would be nice at least it is loaded with the last used round. At least that way you can fend off enemies if they are getting close to you.
To find the ammo you need to click his vest, the middle button.
Good to hear, thanks.
Yes I also experience this time to time. Sometimes gets me killed or ruins the stealth approach.
I imagine this getting fixed pretty soon.
It would be much more realistic to add female soldiers into the game.
Good thing the "G" key is not active while typing, imagine all those deaths!
It would also be nice to know how much air you have left in your Oxygen tanks. I might have missed that detail so if you know a way to see it feel free to tell me. Also when we are going deeper into the water there should be some sort of pressure on the character, you could stimulate this by changing the way you hear things and how fast you lose your breath.
+1. I don't know anyone who uses mouse to steer but I know a lot of people who use the mouse to fly with :/