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- Oct 19 2014, 7:40 AM (543 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
Same here.
The burlap wrap was removed in 0.51 I guess. Now you are able to craft a better looking ghilie gun wrap as shown here:
The Skull-Balaclava is spawning at US heli crash sites and ak74 mags are rare but definetly in the loot table. Same goes for the ak rail handguard and pso1 scope. I have found all of these items in 0.51 and i play on harcore servers only but that doesnt matter at all i think. The only thing i have never found is the bipod but thats probably just bad luck. Netting is also spawning in case you havent found it yet. All in all i think that every item is currently spawning but things like the ak74 mags and the pso1 scope are extremly rare.
You are right but i am afraid that the visual difference between hunting equipment and military clothing is not that big at all. Nevertheless i do support your idea because it would help spreading the people over the whole map but military bases would remain dangerous because of the better guns which, i guess is good as it is.
I think your idea is good, because you do not simply want to reduce military loot to a ridiculous small amount like other people. But i do not think that even with slightly better civilian loot anything will change. The first reason is camouflage pattern on military clothing. Most people would choose a military jacket even if the red 500 euro Jack Wolfskin counterpart has double the capacity. The second aspect is that there is no civilian counterpart for things like ballistic helmets, vests, and so on. These items will be jused as long as they are in the game by most people.
Okay a friend of mine has the same problem now. Always character resets sometimes when rejoining the same server after restart.
He tried about 20 times and now the problem is somehow gone
Thats right, connecting to a different server works. The reason so many ppl have that issue on a server is a different hive. I have connected to a public hardcore server after leaving another one yesterday WITHOUT time penalty and i was a fresh spawn. Left the server immediately and joined another one. No problem.
I dont know what hive this is but its clearly a different one as you can see by the missing time penalty.
I cannot confirm at least one of your points. When it seems that you have lost your character just connect to a different server. Some of them are experimental servers without declaration.
Everything works fine for me.
I am playing on german servers too and as i said before no problems at all.
I have found too much loot. Far to much. Especially military loot. I went to the NWAF and i am drowning in ak mags. Me and my friend found at least 35 mags on the whole nwaf...and a helicopter crash with 10 m4 mags
May 10 2016
Something similar happend to me. I was running on a field in the north with good equipment including the new mp5 and suddenly the screen was black with the message "you are dead" and "my leg is in extreme pain". I was not jumping or falling and the server was completly empty. There were no zombies and no objects in the ground which could possibly cause some sort of fall damage.
Its definetly not one hit to the head with fireaxe....i tried this many times. You need at least two to kill a zombie.
Okay so its not a bug.....just bad balancing. If the best melee weapon takes so many hits to kill a zombie.....what you do with a baseball bat?! I mean Zombies were ordinary humans and they should take as much damage as humans. 3 to 4 body hits should definetly be anough and 1 hit to the head.
Or they leave zombies as strong as they are now and dont increase the general amount of Zombies.
I am glad to hear im not the only one.
So you want to judge who is allowed to play and who not just because of a not even important graphic option?
I think you are exaggerating excessively.
I don´t want every user of a pc to have certain advantages but it sadly is like that and devs will never change this.
Of course they could enable alpha to coverage for every user, but they would be massively crtiticised by owners of bad systems and they would lose money.
Option two is to generally deactivate the effect. Game would look like shit.
The reason you want Option one is that you have a good pc and you simply don´t care about others. So you can´t understand that there are people out there who want to play but simply do not accept to spent at least 1000 euros on a computer, even if they have the money.
And of course there are more people out there with bad systems than people with high end machines.
When you can´t survive while camping in bushes you maybe should go to the cities. Now you say: "hey i can play where i want"
Of course you can, but thats my point, too. I can play with every computer i want.
DayZ will never be a fair game. Look at third person perspective. You can see above walls while others cant see you. And don´t tell me thats not the same.
Okay justPre but you said give the advanzage to players with better systems. Thats unfair too because most players use low settings because of bad machines. Alpha to coverage needs antialiasing which decreases performance a lot. I have a GTX 550 Ti manually overclocked which is not a good gpu of course. I can use Antialiasing and Alpha to coverage but even in the smallest cities it causes gamebreaking performance drops.
I think its balanced because people with better PCs have a higher view distance (which is unfair too) and they have a better resolution which makes small objects in distance even better visible.
When you increase brightness sun may is blinding you....when you disable shadows you probably can´t see players behind objects...when you decrease all graphic options you get an performance boost helping you in cities....
The list is endless. This is possible in pretty much all multiplayer games. It´s the reason why people calling themselves "pro gamer" use lowest settings to get the biggest advantage and maximum performance.
Gaming on PC never was fair and it never will be 100% but that´s okay.
Maybe it seems a little bit unfriendly, but if you want fairness play Battlefield or Call of Duty on Playstation. But even in this case it depends on your TV -.-
In my opinion your "report" makes no sense. Try to play in Cities when you are scared by snipers.
In 460 hours of playing DayZ Standalone i saw 3 cheater flying through the air while shooting and 6 cheater using speedloader with 70 bullets inside. I play on full servers most the time and in my opinion the amount of hackers is still quite low. Of course its annoying to experience hacking but even bigger is the problem with glitchers camping inside prison buildings and shoting through walls, because this is a known issue existing since launch of the game.
I hope they are going to fix this soon.
Experienced this problem too. I never thought that people glitching inside the prison building could shoot outside but it is possible and there is nothing you can do about it. Died with a five man team on NEAF :(
I have a similar problem. My Nvidia Geforce 550 Ti driver (335.23) crashes after about an hour of playing. Time to crash varies and depends on the graphic settings. At low texture settings, a crash occurs rarely or not at all. On high settings more often.
The previous driver caused the same problems but before that everything worked fine.
In other games i have no problems with driver crashes and the temperature of the graphic card is slightly under 80 degrees. Same temperature as with other games.
Tactical carrier vests are not made from kevlar and they offer no bullet protection. In my opinion you should be able to patch everything that u can patch in real life. Standard carrier vests, rain jackets, hats, backpacks, holster and so on. Im sure developers will add the patch option for these items later....
Everything ruined because of one hit from a zombie is something i would call a stupid feature.
The .22 caliber used in the sporter is not meant to kill a zombie with one shot except a headshot. To use more then one round u need a 10 or 30 round mag, which u can find in prisons for example.
Death = Irreversible loss of all vital functions.
Being dead should be the definite end also in the game.
In my opinion you can survive too much damage even in the current version.
Yellow boxes and pristine non bullet proof clothing can make you nearly invincible on distance when you have a teammate with medical equip.
This works, thank you!
Same Problem here, can´t play!
When you do not survive it´s your fault. Be careful, play more and get better. You can play this game the way you want it, thats the important aspect which makes it different. This hopefully will never change.
I think this is a good idea. It adds more possibilities to "socially" interact with other players.
People owning a server can do what they want and there is nothing we can do about it. Besides that, even if you could report server...what would happen? Do you think the developers would shut the server down? Someone has paid for the server and just because he is using his admin rights there is no reason and no possibility to do something.
The only option you have is to change the server which is no problem at all.
Same thing with Battlefield. There are thousands of servers and you have problems to pick one without admins???
Fixed in the stable version.
After a server restart loot is missing in military tents, every new building (police station for example), some rooms in civil buildings, cars and so on...
Don´t forget that this is not only a Problem in Balota. Tents near the NWAF are without loot, too. For me there is at the moment no reason to visit NWAF simplay because it is not worth the risk. I hope they will fix this and improve the whole item spawn because some things like long range scopes are currently nearly untraceable.
I have solved the problem. All you have to do is limit the audio sources to a maximum of 24 in the game options. Thanks to WilkuActual for the hint that it could be an audio problem.
I have exactly the same problem. Game runs "quite good" on my GTX 550 Ti but only jet attacks or full auto Anti-Air fire is causing static noises and unbelievable lag with fps drops to zero both in king of the hill and even singleplayer missions. I bought a new GPU (GTX 660) and still have the same problem. Depending on how many jets are up in the air king of the hill is nearly unplayable.