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- User Since
- Jul 13 2014, 11:09 PM (558 w, 4 d)
May 21 2022
May 20 2022
Jul 4 2020
Nov 27 2019
Nov 26 2019
Nov 25 2019
Nov 24 2019
Aug 7 2019
1.04 issue is fixed, can be closed.
Mar 23 2019
Thanks @Futro . It's a nice spot up there.
Mar 3 2019
@Futro I've tried many times and have never found a trick to get to the top of the ladder. You start the dismount before the top so you can never get to the platform. Some ladders you've been able to glitch off but not this one.
Jan 17 2019
I found a SG5-K(MP5) in a mil tent on the experimental server. It looked like it spawned with mag but it was a 30rnd mag. I could remove the mag so this may have been fixed or perhaps only affects the 10rnd mags.
Jan 10 2019
Tested again on latest experimental, could not reproduce, Had 5 filled barriers down and traveled 2.4km away. When I came back they were still there.
Jan 9 2019
I retested this and I could not reproduce, however it was near the coast so it's possible other players were around and preventing the single barrier I placed from despawning. I will retest everytime I find a barrier and shovel, I really want to test with several barriers at the some time.
Dec 20 2018
Dec 17 2018
Have not got multiple Hescos set up in 1.0 yet. Going to call on the power of Reddit for some feedback.
Dec 13 2018
If you want to check the state of them right now, it was built at the radio tower SW of Solnichniy. The two that despawned were placed either side of of the larger doors of the larger shed. (see screenshot)
This is still happening in the latest experimental build. No server restarts, just moving out of range. Other loot on the ground like a pair of pants stayed, only the Hesco despawned. It was filled with dirt. I had 3 Hesco down, first one despawned then I went 1km away and came back and a second Hesco despawned. I don't think the despawn was in the order they were placed, but not 100% sure as one of the two, I'd dug up and moved.
This is still happening in the latest experimental build. No server restarts, just moving out of range. Other loot on the ground like a pair of pants stayed, only the Hesco despawned. It was filled with dirt. I had 3 Hesco down, first one despawned then I went 1km away and came back and a second Hesco despawned. I don't think the despawn was in the order they were placed, but not 100% sure as one of the two, I'd dug up and moved.
Dec 6 2018
Dec 5 2018
Dec 4 2018
Nov 8 2018
same issue
Aug 22 2018
Seems to be a 20 day delay with these items. I've not had this issue in later stress tests. #38, #39, #40. Think it can be closed.
Jun 6 2018
Played Stress Test 18 for hours without a client crash
Jun 4 2018
I was doing the fist emote. F8 I think?
I was in a group of 5, many of us were emoting to each other.
On the road just north of the checkpoint north of Electro.
Character never unlocked. Waited 6 mins and tried for maybe another 25mins.
Jun 2 2018
We were in a group of 5, one other person also got locked out at the same time the other 4 were ok.
Oh the server was US south central 0-3 1pp.
It was about 1:25am AST it all happened.
Oh and it stayed locked couldn't rejoin after 25 mins.
Jun 20 2017
This is fixed now
Jun 3 2017
May 30 2017
May 25 2017
Feb 2 2017
Jun 6 2016
May 11 2016
In Exp .57 last night, I packed up a small tent but the area where the option displays has changed. You have to go in and look up to the right.
A bit like how V3S open door options moved, did someone make a change to the object coords system?
Logging out and back in, you can then see your items.
0024964 says resolved, but it doesn't seem to be fixed in the last Exp build
Sorry I see this is being worked on, didn't find it in my first search
Good answer, case closed thanks.
That must have changed recently then. It was the small ones in .55
Any idea how many Big stones we will need to mine to test it out?
edit: Can you now stack big stones?
Me too, tried 5 stones and 8 stones. For me the fire had been lit and had gone out but still glowing
Try removing your launch options. It worked for me.
Check your launch options, clearing mine out fix it, not sure which one was to blame... See 0021812
I've just removed launch options and that has fixed it!
In my instance, EXP yesterday, it was a pump shotgun on the roof of the big red brick factory. I swapped out to Mosin, the shotgun ammo I dropped appeared but the gun disappeared.
May 10 2016
Done, hope it helps
Sorry, looked but didn't see the Guide. Make it a big flashy button for me please ;-)
Just logged out and into another server, got all my items back!
Tried unloading again with full inv, worked fine this time, cartridge appearing on the floor.