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- User Since
- Dec 28 2013, 1:38 AM (585 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
We found a pristine supressor and I'm pretty sure it did work. I can confirm that the badly damaged supressors definatly do not work as i have tried my self. Could be one of those lamp bugs once u change server the supressor doesnt work...
Would like to vote down because of reporting a damaged silencer
wheras good discusion undearneath
had reported on same issiue and bug with handcuffs as well
the reason why is becausethe game is ment to be realistic and this wont be fix in my opinion because
- if u take antibiotics or charcoal tabs you will become sick because
2.a antibiotics destroy bacteria in the body, so on a healthy body it is harmfull as its destroying unneccesary bacteria, b charcoal tabs react in the same principle they have no chemmicals to counteract so therefore is most definatly unhealthy too
- taking painkillers does not make you sick, because we can all buy them in every day life without major short term efects, wheras antibiotics we get by a dotor and a prescription...
what do u guys think, and yes i have made my sick the same way through experimenting in the game. Another tip is also cleaning wounds with alcohol should only be preformed on infected wounds which is the only part of medicine i dont agree with, because the alcohol is a disinfectant and therefore it should steralise the wounds, but i might be wrong on this one.
Yes game had another update, works perfectly fine. No need for this topic anymore. Thx for quick fix.
had similar problems, conected with a friend on same server, we split up, i had a slight lag and my mate is telling me over ts that hes dead and theres a lot of people shoting there, runed around where he was killed no body or other people, when he can hear stuff from his account's dead player that they still are there -.-, we have also expirienced the invisible zombies on one server, but didnt fidn that as a constant problem.
To be honest its their servers and their right to do what they want to with them so if u dont like it you should set one up. I understand most of the point here that they are just for farming etc but if i had a clan server etc we might join up in 2 groups and play agains each other a death mach and presence of others would be an interferance so its highly debatable. Theres still loads of other servers anyway and people joining servers with few people are going for farming loot too so their fustration is not that somone is getting more loot is their cry that they are getting less so it highly hipocritical.
I think having the can opener the only one to not lose any product is a good thing because its an item everyone looks out for and therefore more rare and demanded, what would be nice though is if chosen characters in the preset would have few diffirent sets of specializations to chose from eg the character would have survival knowlege which would make him splill less food, need less logs to keep up a campfire etc or a medic who bandages and injects saline bags quicker, force feeds.... etc
"GhostSniper189 (reporter)
2013-12-23 16:08
Possible fix by making the camera not move with the characters lean?"
that would make the whole leaning pointless, its so u can see whats by a corner.
just make it imposible to lean if a wall is present or make the walls thicker
@jimmyleith i dont want them to impleent anything to keep the loot, just a message before the restart which will tell players not to lose their items by not droping them,
Had this problem from the start too, whole inventory is very buged before server restarts in my opinion, droping stuff takes for ever same with moving etc. Ways which i found to resolve this is
- move away from the place of droping 2 steps back,
- move some stuff in your backpack wherever
- wait for 2 mins
helps most of the time.
what i have also expireienced, is when the server restarts to bring in new loot etc, all droped items dissapear forever, this can be extreamly anyoing if ur sharing loot with a friend or swaping weapons and a loadout. would like a message to say server restarts in 45 sec or something
Blood regeneration definatly works, just gettin into "healing" stage takes time, once my character was full and yet he still didint heal, sometimes you need to wait till you digest and eat again, had no problems so far. I would recomend reading the standalone dayz wiki if your sick. All sickneses have a reason and a treatment, if u take the wrong medicine it gets worse. Taking antibiotics makes you sick too if your not ill at all. Best way is to stop eating and drinking untill sickness pases if in early stage.
I think this has been solved allready?
The best solution would be that clothing and backpack will take more space if they have anything in them, when empty they will take not much space and if u pack them they will take more, therefore no one will be able to do this anymore as it will be unbeneficial. :D
We found a pristine supressor and I'm pretty sure it did work. I can confirm that the badly damaged supressors definatly do not work as i have tried my self. Could be one of those lamp bugs once u change server the supressor doesnt work...
Would like to vote down because of reporting a damaged silencer
wheras good discusion undearneath
Half of the people have misread or not read the post at all and are arguing what he allready stated. Its not about gama setting on the monitor that are woring but the ingame ones, if u read u will see that he states that monitor setings are useless but yet theres a ton of people sayig oh u can still do it on a monitor or it doesnt work on the monitor. Dumb people read then write beacause half of the coments are just shit.
GRIZZl3Y (reporter)
2013-12-20 00:37
Im pretty sure this mimics real life pistols. They require a magazine to be in for the trigger to work"
A point i was making to my mate when arguing about this, I think this is why, it would be nice for Rocket to let us know wether we are just completly wrong or if its a bug...
Also all tall block buildings.
yes works just you need to drink more agree with previos posts
I think this bug should be put toghether with the door opening on top of stairs of doors downstairs, baisicaly the objects have response areas in wrong places. To be hones any door and ladder can be used in the same way as long as you point in the direction of the item in its area.
"I personally would like to see the line of sight option implemented, but with an additional twist, clipping through open windows etc. What I mean by this is it makes compelte sense to climb a lader outside of a window if you can see it by simply opening the window and climbing ou" from simofile few posts before
I agree this would be an awesome idea, if they do go this way they should make sure all these escapes should be vunrable from enemy fire from above.
Same problem here, we also had invisible zombies chasing my mate who was being atacked with no one around him exceppt the sound of zombies. Zombies do go up stair but only on less steap ones, firestation or any block building they will just ignore, and not bother -.-