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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 5:45 PM (625 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
I've found out how to fix this issue. All I had to do was delete my .cfg gile in this location C:\Users\BrighamBush\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha and its works perfectly now.
Admin please delete this issue since i've found a fix to it.
I got it fixed already. I just deleted my .cfg file in the documents and the screen resolution was finally able to be properly set and it doesnt have the issue any more.
When I mouse over Play the Exit button is highlighted. So when I click on play. It's actually clicking on Exit. If I hover over exit and click it will actually click on play. However If I alt-tab out and back in the game. while its launched and before clicking on anything. The buttons are selecting normally. Meaning, I hover over play and click on play and the next appropriate menu shows up.
This is also occuring in all menus. When I select Ra 1920x1080 resolution it does not go full change the size.
Same issue on ATI Radeon HD 6770
Please cancel this issue report. I found out the problem. The game modes people are playing are not playing on Development mode. When I switched to beta mode all the game modes were available. Sorry for the bad report.
I just found what version my game is 0.5.102571
Is this the latest. If so why am i getting bad version on any server?
@nosalis We cant even play the game to find bugs if the game is constantly being hacked.
Obviously people who downvote are the fucking scriptkiddies destroying the game for everyone else
I haven't even been receiving any patches. How many have there been cause the game has never updated for me.
@G4rr4-Br is a spammer. Cause hes posting on anyones post about this bug. He must be one of those little no life kids server hopping and destroying peoples games.
Its a hack with those damn scriptkiddies. They need an anti cheat system that bans their IPs of people who have scripts that are running or if they can modify them when ever they want. They need to make the banning so they will never be able to play the game again.
The scripts need to also be sent in for verification through the anti cheat system so the computers or people can check them to see if they are crap like nuking server, changing people into birds, etc. That way only legit scripts that have to deal with the game are allowed to run.
Because I was stupid and raged and put in a part where I said to have the hackers killed. And I couldn't go back and edit or delete my original post.
The game is becoming unplayable with every server I join into has someone hacking within 5 minutes of joining.
Well, they may need to make the game require you to send in your scripts for verification to assure that its not a hack that will ruin the game for everyone else. If it doesnt pass then the anti cheat system will no allow that script to run.
At the very minimum add a feature int he anti hack system where if they are are banned one time from a server for hacking then their IP address is never allowed to connect to the multiplayer ever again
Also while the character is int the vehicle the driver actually has his hands on the steering wheel. It shows it if you're driving. But when the passenger looks at the driver. The characters's hands are on its lap.
May 9 2016
I can understand about all the envionment effect. I just want that damn cricket noise to shut off or at least not be a constant screaching sound.
It stopped crashing. I found out it was a server issue and all had to do was restart my computer and the game stopped crashing.
This would be a great idea for the hardcore people. I think it needs to be optional and dependent on the difficulty settings. As standard throughout the entire game would be way to hard for people who are not experts at the game.
However, I think that much detail to a character then repeated to all the ai and people playing the game. I think it would be so much processing that would bog down the game so much. Anyone with a computer that doesn't have the highest end specs will not be able to play the game.
CoD people do not belong in Arma 3. Stick to your crappy as arcade games and let the pros enjoy arma 3 without CoD people. CoD is nothing but a game for 12 yr old prepubescent little kids. This game is a military sim for true gamers.
Women, stfu go get your damn tampons and play the damn game.
Women are on the front lines. Thats fine. I accept it. my sister is a LT and has command of several soldiers. But she doesnt even want women on the frontline because the shit people end up seeing, such as legs shot off, bodies blown to bits, head sniped off, etc. is to much for women. Even for her. And what if a women gets pregnant right before she is sent over seas. Then the gov is going to have her stay home and then the military is short another soldier.
As for the game. It doesnt matter if a female character is in the game. I dont care if they have one or not. As long as the game is playable. It wont matter if you have a male or female character in game. You're still going to play the exact same way.