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Apr 3 2015, 12:47 AM (520 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

dayz_player added a comment to T110149: About Farm.

the fruits give you energized, lots of them

May 11 2016, 5:10 AM · DayZ
dayz_player edited Steps To Reproduce on T110024: Ghillie suit or how to inspire people to kos.
May 11 2016, 5:05 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109936: items stuck on top of each cannot be seen in vicinity.

I have the same... the .55 update of loot distribution

May 11 2016, 5:03 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109922: Server spawning way less loot than other servers no matter the amount of players..

I get another kos because this is only logical way to play now (although I cannot do it) , but still f** as* , I think I just say the big GOOD BYE DAYZ !!!!

May 11 2016, 5:02 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109922: Server spawning way less loot than other servers no matter the amount of players..

If you are on that subject Paper26, I find out about dayz when I thought about buying arma, It sounded like great adventure, so I bought it and I think it was the great game, now after .55 I'm just trying to prove myself that maybe I'm completely wrong lunatic and it is playable, but my conclusion is the .54 WAS GREAT but I should buy arma. In any IT project if the update fails that hard you get back to previous stable system

May 11 2016, 5:02 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109922: Server spawning way less loot than other servers no matter the amount of players..

Old system of loot was good, why change it in the first place? I haven't found any positive aspect on the new change .55, confirmed big problem with loot system (struggling with finding water bottle now and starving, low blood level after meeting with new kind of zombie and I cannot do anything about it so I assume I will meet another nice z eventually and die soon)

May 11 2016, 5:02 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109892: Serious lack of food in coast towns with new patch..

fully agree with all, high end military loot everywhere (vests etc.) no more common sense in where to find the items you want, not enough food, zombies too powerful, too fast and quiet

May 11 2016, 5:01 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109887: assassine zombie.

Completely agree, and as the additional fun - the astonishing is that if you try to circle it in old way and succeed somehow they disappear for split of the second when hitting you with the tentacles on their back in the same time...

May 11 2016, 5:01 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109886: To smart infecteds..

my character was kos by some player when not be able to sneak out from roof of the building, because zombie is following you with no problem seeing through walls and hearing you from 50 m out, so it is always accurately waiting for you when you trying to get out. So I was running like stupid from one end of the roof to another (huge building) and then trying to sneak out back, trying to kill it from the edge (too close) etc, great, another 20 h through the window

May 11 2016, 5:01 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109886: To smart infecteds..

I'm trying to understand what is the new concept of zombies in dayz and I think they behave too much as live human beings, and it is not right in my concept of it. They should be dull, easy to kill if not in numbers, they should try to attack you through the fence, I'm thinking walking dead etc. I shouldn't think about the zombies as the intelligent enemies because they are lower than animals and their brains are almost dead. And the new stealth system? I was trying to hide in bushes from them, does not work...
Please increase numbers of them, do the massive migrations, put them in the buildings randomly, let's get players sweat because they don't know what can wait behind the doors, but do not do 'van dam universal soldiers' out of them.

May 11 2016, 5:01 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109801: 25% player left.

I bought this game to have fun, have interesting interactions with players, more posibilities to do something new. I was trying to survive the .55 an except of kos it is quite possible (apples, apples, apples,apples, apples, apples,apples, apples, apples, berries, berries,berries, berries,berries, berries,berries, berries,berries, berries, running from zombies, berries, berries, berries, apples,apples, apples, apples,apples,apples, apples, apples,apples,apples, apples, apples,apples, kos). It is nothing interesting for me there, I've stopped playing, thank you

May 11 2016, 4:58 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109801: 25% player left.

Lets say I really enjoyed playing dayz for my first few days before the .55 update (I'm very new in dayz), I saw the potential and I really like this game. I know probably about 10% of what I can do...
I don't like to repeat myself but the game now looks for me like this:
'And instead of having some kind of satisfaction of playing this game and my character progress I've end up involved in some rubbish masochistic game of watching my characters die'
And I think I should have some fun to play it because for the start... I paid for it, and I understand that it is not finished, that's why when my weapon disappear or if my character will die because of some bug, or I will have white screen when log in I will not complain too loud,
And as rubbish and not important for you my comment can be it is honest new player opinion on this change.

May 11 2016, 4:58 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109801: 25% player left.

I fully agree, The last update destroy the game and no one will Play DayZ.

May 11 2016, 4:58 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109789: loot table messed up.

The items which used to be in logical places (like netting) are not there anymore, but I can find medieval maces and swords in the sheds and the vests are everywhere (probably to compensate with over powerful zombies)

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109789: loot table messed up.

And I don't know but why we need to be forced to go north anyway? As far as I've noticed this supposed to be open world...
Maybe I'm missing something, please correct me...

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109775: Ghillie suit items.

Ok, and who told you that I will gear up and kos other player characters only because I can? I start play dayz, spend few days developing my character in roleplaying fashion (and watch them die because of the new .55 version). Do you really think that I will shoot other player character who spends as well good few days trying to survive without the reason (like being shot at)? And the ghillie suit is for me the way to survive in my style and roleplay, being stealthily as I can be and avoid confrontation.

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109775: Ghillie suit items.

And talking about ghillie is quite pointless now, after .55 I can't find nettings anywhere, I cannot find even water bottle (but I have the vest... lol)

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109775: Ghillie suit items.

what double advantage you are talking about? Are this game not supposed to be as real as possible?

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109775: Ghillie suit items.

Because in real world you cannot mask the bigger bags with burlap stripes :)

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109772: No servers show up when I enter the server browser..

It worked for me when I get the steam online, Menu Steam -> Go Online

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109771: Melee blocking.

Yeah, I was a little trolling, that why I said sorry on the end...
And you had my vote up, because it must be some sensible way of fighting with them, not only hopelessly looking at them hitting you (of course if you can see them hitting you at all...).

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109771: Melee blocking.

So you like the new change because you like challenge killing zombies with MP5K but it seems to be not comfortable to use the melee weapon when no ammo? Let's give all the players from the start the machine guns with infinite ammo! I like the challenge myself...
I'm sorry for my .55 sarcasm

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109769: [Suggestion] Combine matches.

And definitely we need more ways to make a fire, we should have fire starters, maybe lighters, able to make fire from flares etc.

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player edited Steps To Reproduce on T109768: The loot spawn lot worse than in 54, + zombies.
May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109740: Authentication Timeout.

I had the same issue, make sure that steam is online and run the dayz from steam window button, in my case that was the answer

May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109738: super zombies and empty houses.

Just not possible to defend ourselves from attack, done in not realistic gamming buggy way, and some people seems to like it (???)...

May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109738: super zombies and empty houses.

And instead of having some kind of satisfaction of your character progress we've end up involved in some rubbish masochistic game of watching our characters die from hunger or thirst, because we don't care about zombies anymore, we just let them hit us and hit them back in dull way, and this game becomes exactly that - dull, no strategy, no excitement of finding other players or better gear, no fun whatsoever

May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109733: Loot Spawning.

Fully agree, I have the same issue

May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109686: zombies moving and hitting too fast (not realisticly fast).

ok, so the artificial zombies running with the speed of light and hitting you so many times that animation is to slow for this seems to be ok for you?
Lets compare this with the walking dead movie, first you are unprepared and scared of zombies and then you learn how to dispatch them efficiently with the melee weapon or fire weapon, and then day comes when the new update of reality happens...

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
dayz_player edited Steps To Reproduce on T109686: zombies moving and hitting too fast (not realisticly fast).
May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109603: Zombies are running too fast / teleport.

I tried to strafe and hit the zombies from behind like in old good .54 times an my discoveries are so funny... I actually quite manage to do it but then the zombies glitched and hit me anyway (disappearing for split of second), and this is standard, not one off, thank you developers for screwing us out in such a nice way.
And the change in the game is so nice, now when I can find the machineguns and ton of magazines to them in almost every police stations I can feel like Rambo getting through the zombies with full auto...
It is not survival game I get used to love, please give me the old dayz back,
And can somebody tell me when I can find the netting now and what I should do with all the bloody vitamins? I need only 3 a day :)

May 11 2016, 4:51 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T109603: Zombies are running too fast / teleport.

It's so easy to do the update of the speed to get the fight with zombies not possible to win without damage, It is not that easy to get the previous zombies, change the numbers of them and group behaviour and get the game more difficult and yet satisfactory. I was actually nicely surprised to see the zombies inside of the buildings and I thought you've done good job... but fight with the zombies now is just show stopping for me. Suggestion - change zombies to dinosaurs or spider droids blowing up on impact.

May 11 2016, 4:51 AM · DayZ
dayz_player added a comment to T105274: Lose control of character. keeps moving won't stop moving seems to be worst with AI or other player character..

I have the same issue, and very often the problem with server getting me back where I was in few seconds earlier

May 11 2016, 2:14 AM · DayZ