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- Mar 7 2013, 11:53 PM (629 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Seeing this too.
Finding that this is becoming a bit of a problem in trying to create missions in the Editor involving MH-9 pickup or drop-offs as it seems to just stop enroute to LZ or after dropping off just hang in the air near LZ forgetting all remaining waypoints.
I tried this in the Editor:
1 - Create a pilot, fireteam and an empty MH-9
2 - Set pilot speed to Full and behaviour Safe and have him board MH-9 (Get In)
3 - Set Fireteam behaviour to Safe and speed Full and Get In MH-9 (synched with pilot 'Load' wpt)
4 - Have pilot fly from southern base to Camp Rogain in North. After Move wpt, place Transport Unload and synch with Fireteam's Get Out. Set another Move wpt for pilot to return to southern base and get out.
This works fine - UNTIL you add Opfor into the mix. Sometimes the team gets dropped off ok, but the pilot remains in a hover near the LZ even after the Fireteam have moved off to next waypoint. Sometimes the pilot never gets all the way to the LZ and hovers somewhere enroute. Sometimes the pilot gets to the LZ and then just hovers there with Fireteam aboard, until shot down.
The KA-60 does not display this behaviour so I can only imagine that the MH-9 is not fully implemented/completed yet. Have tried setting behaviours to 'Careless', experimented with invisible helipads all to no avail.
Hope this will be ironed out once we get to focusing on vehicles more in a later code drop. :)
Are you synching the 'Unload' and 'Get out' waypoints together?
I 'fixed' this by placing an invisible helipad
next to the Unload waypoint.
editor > empty > signs > helipad(invisible)
Works a treat now.
May 9 2016
Same as Kid18120 here - I am able to destroy the 2 vehicles either with direct or indirect splash damage.
In-vehicle - (Hunter and Ifrit) engine/running sound loop is not very pleasant with a distinct 'pop' being audible when the loop restarts.
The braking sound (horrible squeaking) is a place holder I hope?
Would be nice to have this refined so that you can't hear this and the engine sounds like it's not based on a 10 second loop. This imo, adversely affects enjoyment of driving a powerfully engined vehicle for any distance because the sound loops so obviously and quickly.
Foot steps - agree with what others have stated in terms of occlusion, proximity and variety based on terrain type.
Mine detonation - still getting the 'Aargh!' before the 'BOOM!' which seems a little weird.
Mortar shells - imo could do with sounding a bit 'beefier' as per ACE2
Rifle fire - as mentioned by others I think it could benefit from a little tweak in the spatial occlusion department.
Some observations so far...
Tried to create a convoy last night in Editor.
3 Hunters moving along road from south to base in north, normal speed, safe behaviour and column formation. It didn't go so well.
Vehicles were going at normal speed yet seemed to struggle making a lot of the turns, then braking to standstill or constantly starting and then slamming on the brakes, then slowly starting up again, then hitting the car in front, then waiting for the car in front to move while the car in front is reversing into them and...rolling the other car onto its side and everyone getting out.
Tried slowing the speed to limited, but this also saw mixed results with some cars 'catching' (ironically) on the crash barrier because they were driving alongside another vehicle they were supposed to stay behind and then all occupants dismounting and standing still next to their vehicle.
I'm hoping the sounds for the vehicles are not final as the constant braking 'squeak' drives me nuts after 1 km.
Similar behaviours observed for the Ifrit as well, though the KA-60 pathfinding seems more refined than the MH-9 for some reason which frequently just stops mid route.
AI on foot seems ok for the most part and I love that AI mortars are firing now :)
[EDIT 10-Apr] Even with helipads placed I am still experiencing inconsistent outcomes with the MH-9 as reported by others elsewhere]
I 'fixed' this by placing the invisible helipad next to the unload waypoint (duh!)
This can be found in the editor under:
empty, signs, helipad(invisible)
Drop-offs work nicely now.
I see this too (since ArmA 2)
'Attachments' filter in Inventory screen would be a very 'nice to have'
@Raahk I think he means that the mouse controls are inverting/reverting in-flight. Bug.
Switched to 5.56mm Stanag and struggling to down a soldier at <20m range firing single shots down the iron sights.
Not hitting the proverbial barn door at 40m :)
Only seem to land good hits at about 10m range.
The accuracy and drop off seem a little bit severe?
Recoil is ok as long as bipods are implemented.
I take the point of using controlled bursts, firing down the sights etc - this is all a given when talking about ArmA - but the upwards recoil even when prone on the LMGs currently seems a little bit overdone imho.
Would be good if it can be enabled/disabled as menu option.
+1 Bipods should defo (imho) be implemented akin to how they are implemented in ARMA II ACE as a means of effectively lowering weapon recoil.
agree, it feels conspicuously absent.