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MH-9 AI hovers and waits to be killed when engaged by small arms fire.
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MH-9 helicopters piloted by nato ai will abandon travel toward assigned waypoints and hover near ground units that are firing upon them, almost as if it thinks it's going to attack them. The trigger for this behavior may be the wounding of one or both of the pilots, as setting allowDamage to false does not prevent the problem. The problem seems biggest in areas of the map where the helis must take off and move slowly due to very hilly terain, such as traveling from Camp Rogain to the Air Base, but is less noticable near the airbase itself, or when the MH-9 has significant velocity.

The civilian version of the Ka-60 does not seem to display this tendency as much, though it will abandon its waypoints as well with sufficient fire, but will typically keep a good distance of nearly a kilometer away from ground units trying to engage it.

Interestingly, the AH-9 doesn't seem to display this behavior at all. It will gladly roll right through heavy fire, land, and sit where you told it to. Maybe the MH-9 and AH-9 scripts got switched accidentally? {F18122} {F18123}


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

1 - Create a pilot, fireteam and an empty MH-9
2 - Set pilot speed to Full and behaviour Safe and have him board MH-9 (Get In)
3 - Set Fireteam behaviour to Safe and speed Full and Get In MH-9 (synched with pilot 'Load' wpt)
4 - Add an OPFOR Squad en route of the chopper, close to the unload point
5 - Have pilot fly from southern base to Camp Rogain in North. After Move wpt, place Transport Unload and synch with Fireteam's Get Out. Set another Move wpt for pilot to return to southern base and get out.


See attached mission file. At mission start go to the radio and select "Call for extraction". Move to the RV point, and watch in the direction of Camp Rogain. 4 out of 5 times, the MH-9 will get distracted by enemy fire and end up getting shot down.

Event Timeline

TraxusIV edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 16 2013, 6:31 PM
TraxusIV edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
TraxusIV set Category to AI Issues.
TraxusIV set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
TraxusIV set Severity to Major.
TraxusIV set Resolution to Open.
TraxusIV set Legacy ID to 4143220421.May 7 2016, 12:44 PM
sarlac added a subscriber: sarlac.May 7 2016, 12:44 PM
sarlac added a comment.Apr 8 2013, 4:50 PM

I've also seen this issue in action. In my mission I have an ai mh-9 drop off an ai fireteam at the start of the mission. After taking fire the ai pilot disregards any following waypoints. He just hovers in the vicinity of where he was fired upon.

Seeing this too.
Finding that this is becoming a bit of a problem in trying to create missions in the Editor involving MH-9 pickup or drop-offs as it seems to just stop enroute to LZ or after dropping off just hang in the air near LZ forgetting all remaining waypoints.

I tried this in the Editor:

1 - Create a pilot, fireteam and an empty MH-9
2 - Set pilot speed to Full and behaviour Safe and have him board MH-9 (Get In)
3 - Set Fireteam behaviour to Safe and speed Full and Get In MH-9 (synched with pilot 'Load' wpt)
4 - Have pilot fly from southern base to Camp Rogain in North. After Move wpt, place Transport Unload and synch with Fireteam's Get Out. Set another Move wpt for pilot to return to southern base and get out.

This works fine - UNTIL you add Opfor into the mix. Sometimes the team gets dropped off ok, but the pilot remains in a hover near the LZ even after the Fireteam have moved off to next waypoint. Sometimes the pilot never gets all the way to the LZ and hovers somewhere enroute. Sometimes the pilot gets to the LZ and then just hovers there with Fireteam aboard, until shot down.

The KA-60 does not display this behaviour so I can only imagine that the MH-9 is not fully implemented/completed yet. Have tried setting behaviours to 'Careless', experimented with invisible helipads all to no avail.

Hope this will be ironed out once we get to focusing on vehicles more in a later code drop. :)

Just fyi, when using transport unload the get out waypoint is not needed.

Jup saw this behaviour too in my mission making. Tried for days to find a work-around. In the end just used unitCapture and unitPlay to force the choppers to land where I wanted them to.

Could we please get a repro mission that does only demonstrate that issue, not some complete mission?

Updated the repro steps, thanks to chenye, so I can mark it reviewed.

AI will land under fire, unload passengers and take off and continue properly on further waypoints ...

hmmpf, shall be fixed since
either new bug or regression

Attached simple repro "Get_In-Get_Out.Stratis".

  • Start mission
  • Observe without intervening OPFOR units
  • Stop mission
  • Change OPFOR squad waypoint combat mode from "blue" to "no change"
  • Start mission again
  • Observe with OPFOR opening fire at the chopper

I've verified with a number of tutorials because I thought I didn't get it right, but right now it looks like even basic functionality of the LOAD/GET IN waypoints are broken.