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- User Since
- Aug 29 2014, 4:05 AM (548 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Thank you for info. Closing the ticket.
I cannot reproduce this error - can you please further specify, which mods you are running and provide us some valid repro? Tried both stable / DEV branch and cannot see the error in the logs.
Thank you and have a very nice day!
Fixed in 1.48 stable branch.
Closing issue.
Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce this problem (stable version 1.48.131561). Would you please provide me more detailed repro (and ideally capture the video) or would you confirm the issue no longer exists?
Thanks for your feedback and have a very nice day.
Hello, issue 1. is fixed in 1.49 DEV branch and will be part of stable 1.50 update. Working on other parts - however some of the issues are technically complicated and I have no ETA yet.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
issue is fixed in DEV branch and will be part of Eden update.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
Hello, sorry for late feedback. Issue is fixed in 1.49 DEV branch and will be part of stable 1.50 update.
Thanks for you feedback and have a very nice day!
Hello all,
I discovered, that this fix has been accidentally reverted. We will re-fix it as soon as possible.
Thank you for understanding!
I finally fixed the issue. Fix is available in Development Branch 1.53.132440 (you can switch to Development Branch via Steam by right clicking Arma 3 in your Library, go to Properties, select BETAS tab, select development - Development Build and then wait for Steam to download the data) and will be part of 1.54 Stable update.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
I fixed the issue. The fix is present in DEV branch 1.47.137386 (you can play it by right click Arma 3 in your Steam library, select Betas tab and then select Developent Build) and will be present in patch 1.48.
Thank you very much for feedback and have a very nice day!
WIP, ETA late February 2016.
Thanks for understanding and stay tuned!
Hi all!
I am reviewing all cutscene animations and also working on community guideline how to use them properly.
Please note that some of cutscene anims are not intended to be used by "playMove" command, they are (usually) campaing based cinematic anims and there are no proper transition animations between these cutscenes and normal in-game states.
There will still remain certain anim states which will be usable only for eg. cinematic purposes and "switchMove" command will be only way how to play them on character. If there will be possible way to create some proper transitions to / from the anim I will configure it to provide better usability of these by community.
Part of the guideline will be separate list of cutscene animations with respective commands to use with those.
As the amount of the anims is quite big, this will take some time so be patient please.
I will advise when all necessary work will be done, stay tuned.
Thank you and have a very nice day!
Hi all,
we are working on fix. I will advise when it will be done.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
sorry for late feedback. The problem has been fixed recently.
Resolving the issue.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
Hello, we implemented rolling with binoculars in hands while prone. This is fixed in 1.46 Release Candidate (you can use it by right-clicking Arma 3 in Steam Library, select Properties, select BETAS tab and enter "Arma3Update146RC" code tu unlock it) and will be part of 1.46 update.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
Hello, we implemented rolling with binoculars in hands while prone. This is fixed in 1.46 Release Candidate (you can use it by right-clicking Arma 3 in Steam Library, select Properties, select BETAS tab and enter "Arma3Update146RC" code tu unlock it) and will be part of 1.46 update.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
Hello, I provide brief update on this ticket.
New animations created and configured for:
- kneel unarmed sprint
- erect binoculars in hand sprint
- kneel binoculars in hand sprint
This is fixed in DEV branch 1.45.130980 and will be part of 1.46 update.
I am also investigating the tumble (roll) issue while prone with binoculars in hand. It will be fixed as well.
Thank you for your attention and have a very nice day!
Hi mickeymen, have you tried it with latest DEV branch 1.45.130665? I tested it just now and the issue is solved from my point of view.
As for sprint animation for kneel - we are working on that, animation should be ready soon and then we will implement it to avoid confusion about current character stance (erect / kneel sprint).
Regarding prone tumble, we will also review it.
Thank you guys for your feedback, I will keep you informed.
Stopping the character while changing kneel / erect is fixed in latest DEV branch.
Animation for binocular / unarmed kneel sprint will be added ASAP.
Kneeled sprint speed will be also kept in mind (no decision yet).
Will advise, thank you and have a very nice day.
Hi, problem has been fixed in latest DEV branch 1.45.130665. Thank you for your feedback.
Hello, I fixed the issue for both HEMMT and Tempest trucks. The fix is available in latest DEV branch 1.45.130969 and will be present in 1.46 stable release.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
Hi, yes, fixed in DEV branch - see following post on the forums.
Hi all,
multiple footsteps / footprints issue is fixed in latest DEV 1.45.130742 - it should be available tomorrow in Arma 3 DEV branch on Steam.
Push back issue still waiting for fix.
Thank for you feedback!
Hello all,
please check following community wiki page:
I tweaked the configs for dog, sheep, goat, cockerel and rabbit to provide some basic possibility to override default animal behaviour via script. Hen is WIP, there are some unpredictable problems.
Hope this helps.
You can test it in DEV branch 1.55.133771.
Thank you very much for patience and I am looking forward your feedback.
After I will finish hen config, this issue will be considered solved.
Have a very nice holiday!
Hello all,
planned for 1.56, sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you for understanding.
Hello all!
Current state is affected by recent changes on the engine side. The animal agents will reach it's desired destination after some time, but their movement is interrupted by idles as well, so it is not as smooth as expected.
However, I have few ideas how to create workaround for this. I will inform you, when it will be done. Again, sorry for any inconvenience and stay tuned.
Thank you for understanding and have a very nice day!
Hello all,
could you please provide us more details on what the issue with dogs is? I ran the attached mission (tried both Stable and Dev branches) and do not see a problem there.
Please let us know.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
Hello guys,
please be informed that I will take special care to our animals animations sets which should solve aforementioned issues. Those improvements / fixes will hopefully make it to 1.50 patch. Thanks a lot for your feedback and please be patient, there are a lot of animation stuff that needs to be improved and fixed so the animals are only matter of time.
Thanks for you patience, will keep you informed, have a very nice day!
Hello, fixed in DEV branch 1.43.130481.
Hello, problem is fixed now. Fix should be reflected in latest DEV branch version tomorrow (23-04-15). Would you please test it then and advise? Thank you very much!
Hi, you are right, L, LB, B and RB movements still affected. Will review and fix the issue ASAP. Will advise.
Hi, problem fixed for all movement directions and both pistol and rifle. Fixed in DEV branch 1.43.130380. Would you please test it and close the issue eventually? Thank you!
yes I agree that "playMove" issues are SP related as well. I just want to reproduce MP issues mentioned by mysteryx and if these issues are present, we will have to fix it as well. I hope there won't be any other confusion regarding this.
Just to inform you - I am focusing on cutscenes in general at the moment and hope it will help the community to use more anims in their missions.
Take care and stay tuned.
Hi Chris,
because this ticket has been more likely related to one anim state only, the other ticket is formulated in more general way (and mention as well MP issues with some anims). Sorry for any confusion caused.
At the moment, there is no specific list but I am working on it as it will be part of aforementioned guideline. Please be patient, it will be available soon.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!
Hi Chris,
I am already reviewing all cutscene animations and working on community guideline how to use them. As the amount of the anims is quite big, this will take some time so be patient please.
As peeing animation is already fixed, I am resolving this issue.
For the rest of cutscenes, please watch this issue:
Thank you and have a very nice day!
Hi KK, switching weapons while moving / running is already acknowledged, but ATM I don't know when it will be implemented. Hopefully soon.
I have to fix one small issue, will do that tomorrow morning (CET), hopefully it will make it to the latest DEV branch. Added some mission briefings. Will advice.
Hi KK, today I worked hard on this. Let me just describe the different use of switchMove and playMove (I am quite sure, you know, but for the others) and correct approach to it.
switchMove should be used for interruptable (user input) animations - this will prevent mission makers from need to use UNIT switchMove ""; command after animation finished (this is quite demanding to achieve because animDone EH is not fired in this case) and I think command will be more usable then.
playMove should not be interrupted by user input, to create possibility of movie-like cutscenes and to have smooth transitions between before and after states.
Today I fixed turn around issue with car fixing, now you cannot move while using UNIT playMove "Acts_carFixingWheel".
I am gradually working on cutscenes in general and trying to provide much more possibilities to mission makers with those commands (hopefully I will have some mission briefings from campaign done today). I will have to check it in campaign if the animations works properly as well.
All todays fixes should be available in tomorrows DEV branch (if all the tests will be successful) , so feel free to check if any problem occurs. I will advice (and post list of reworked cutscenes eventually) later today.
Have a very nice day!
FYI: I am reviewing ALL cut scenes at the moment to be usable via both switchMove and playMove commands. These will be interuptable by pressing movement keys and properly set up. It will be available in DEV branch as soon as I finish the review.
Thanks for feedback, I will review it ASAP.
I reviewed the bug and fixed it. It should be available in today's (21-01-15) DEV branch. Please test it then and close the issue if the problem is solved. Thanks.
Hello all,
just noticed this bug via DEV Branch discussion thread on forums. We will definitely look at what can be done with these.
Thank you for your feedback and have a very nice day!