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- User Since
- Apr 16 2021, 5:59 PM (205 w, 6 d)
Jan 25 2024
@Geez are there any news about this for 1.24 or for the year 2024 in general?
I don't want to annoy you, but i kinda care a lot about this specific issue.
Nov 9 2023
@WeirdXone Both as i have written in my reply above. My custom lighting gets also written into the configs. So offline Lighting and on the Server are the same.
Nov 8 2023
it is still the same sadly. @Geez
Here images from DayZ community offline mode with Vanilla Default light
Nov 6 2023
OK in that case, then maybe a bit more feedback could help @Geez
Nov 3 2023
Soo... may i ask what "Assigned" means?
Is someone working on it to fix it for stable, or is it just going to be in the Backlog again forever?
Oct 7 2023
I would love to have more realistic nights on my server.
But with how it is now,
you eighter have a night setup that is so bright that it doesnt matter that the moon is making the night darker
you have a night setup that is so dark that you wont even see a thing... so again that it doesnt matter if the moon is making it darker.
Feb 5 2023
Ah, you guys have changed the .RVmat ...
removing the NoZwrite broke it.
ticket can be closed
Feb 1 2023
Jan 31 2023
@Geez It seams to not be part of 1.20 Experimental yet?
@Geez It seams to not be part of 1.20 Experimental yet?
Jan 20 2023
@Geez could you awnser me the question, what license the tree models fall under?
is someone allowed to change and repack them in a mod?
Jan 19 2023
@Riddick_2K the Config for Lighting does already make a difference between a sky that is clear or with overcast.
the configuration for a clear sky is for a overcast value of 0 up to 0.35
then it starts a linear transmission into the overcast config from 0.35 up to 0.65
and anything from 0.65 up to 1.0 just has the overcast config at 100%
Jan 18 2023
What you see in the video is easy to do, you can make your own lighting setup with a mod.
you just need to adjust
diffuse[] which is the color that gets overlayed on surfaces that are exposed to the moon
bidirect[] is the color for the faces that are facing away from the moon
groundReflection[] is like a little lightsource that commes from the ground. not very noticable
and ambient[] which is like a color overlay that effects all surfaces... no idea why it is commented to be shadows, cuz it is not effecting shadows in any way
Jan 9 2023
@KnudZ These are Tickets for the developers. They develop the game.
They are not Administrators for Servers. They dont hunt down Cheaters, they dont Compensate Items or anything else.
Battleeye is the Anti-Cheat software and the game is never going to be free of cheaters, its a never ending Battle.
Jan 6 2023
Jan 4 2023
Any news on this?
Takes like a Minute to fix that tbh.
Dec 29 2022
Dec 27 2022
unfortunatly, has been like this since forever... if the devs don't know about this already, then they never play their own game.
Dec 12 2022
as a Serveradmin myself, i can tell you. players very often report a player to be a Hacker, which then turns out to not be a cheater...
Players often only have a limited view of what actualy happened and assume way to fast that it must have been a Cheater.
Dec 7 2022
Nov 15 2022
hmm... never mind, i tested it again just now and it doesnt appear to be happening anymore.
it was a while back when i discovered it and just got around today to make all the tickets for stuff i had noticed... so this one seams to be outdated, sorry
Feb 2 2022
Oh and it would be nice to know if You guys are planning to bring a machine gun into the game eventualy... i am just asking because i want to know if there is a animation set for machine guns comming some day or if i need to improvise something.
i dont want to know which machine gun. or when it will come.
only want to know if it planned.
Nov 16 2021
Apr 16 2021
m_FullMaturityTime += Math.RandomInt(-60,180);
float divided = /*(float) ((60 * 5) + Math.RandomInt(0, 60 * 1)) / fertility;*/ m_FullMaturityTime;