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- User Since
- Sep 28 2013, 12:50 AM (595 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
WOWOWOWOWOWO ((isServer)or(isDedicated)) then {*****}; works for gear in init. and that means that all add* now GLOBAL! if its not bug and its true its COOL!!! i always wish it NO MORE JIP duplicate!
Same problem .everything duplicates now with all add**** commands in MP
Maybe all add commands become global after patch and i should use it only with ((isServer)or(isDedicated)) then {*****}; ?????
Looks like its only me have ctd in editor/ so pls close
Uploaded latest rpt file. CTD happend 30 minutes ago.
I have them activated a long tinme and no crashes before update. Nevermind pls deal with MP add**** duplication its asap
So simple? Thx. But in earlier posts in the ticket of similar bug you said something like:" use init on your risk"; And i scared shitless !!! What is 100% safe way to gear units?
Just had conversation with one of my comrads. He said that his helmet dissapeared in the middle of the firefight. So i edited my post.
Same problem bro, trying to make bin from cpp and nothing
I found another way to deal with that problem without chemlight module. i made initplayerlocal.sqf and wr0te inside :
- spawn
while {true} do
_chemLight1 = "Chemlight_red" createVehicleLocal (getPos tester1); _chemLight1 attachTo [tester1, [0.18,-0.1,0],"Pelvis"]; sleep 60; deleteVehicle _chemLight1;
- spawn
while {true} do
_chemLight2 = "Chemlight_blue" createVehicleLocal (getPos tester2); _chemLight2 attachTo [tester2, [0.18,-0.1,0],"Pelvis"]; sleep 60; deleteVehicle _chemLight2;
/// works well in MP;
It wasnt a issue. it was my bad. But there is new problem. When u lost all your tickets and reconnect server u still can play. So ticket system dont have sence for separated live system (example: 3 lives perplayable unit)
Oh . i suck again, forget to respawnTemplates[] = {"Tickets","Counter"}; in descriptin. KILL ME PLS
I just solved problem by using BIS_fnc_spawnGroup. domove works with unit spawned by this func. Example : _mygroup = [getmarkerpos "aispawn", EAST, ["I_Soldier_02_F","I_Soldier_02_F","I_Soldier_02_F"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; So do not use createvehicle in arma 3 for creating ai, use BIS_fnc_spawnGroup instead.
Thx , glad to hear it
Same problem! Author u are not alone!
Repo mission added
+ 1 Still occurs!
Version 1.02.110654. Game still crashes. Hotfix doesnt work propertly. RPT file added.
Quote from rpt:
Version 1.02.110654
Fault time: 2013/10/04 00:39:50
Fault address: 68FB21CB 01:001511CB C:\my\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\PhysX3_x86.dll
Fix works but NOT AT 100% I usually have messages from players about physx crashes. of course not so often as before hotfix. but this problem still persists
Version 1.02.110654
Fault time: 2013/10/04 00:39:50
Fault address: 68FB21CB 01:001511CB C:\my\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\PhysX3_x86.dll
file: co40_Altis_Domination!_Blufor_2_99l_HUD_6_02 (__CUR_MP)
world: Altis
Prev. code bytes: 85 C0 74 1D 8B 50 40 F6 42 4C 01 75 14 8B 40 60
Fault code bytes: F6 40 2C 01 75 0B 51 50 57 E8 97 FF FF FF 83 C4
And dont say that the server has another version becouse i am an server admin and i updated server to 1.02 hotfixed before crash