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- Mar 5 2013, 10:06 PM (626 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
+1 for being able to breach, But the wand is not necessary IMO.
I guess you're a SWAT 4/RVS player too.
I don't think infantry could/would climb on a tree for observation.
Would be cool to be able to build or deploy some sort of small tower/drone.
Update GPU driver and download Directx 11
Johncage no need to insult him...
Are you sur it is not because you use the SDAR rifle ?
Happens to me quiet often too.
I can conform this too.
Good to report it though.
Also yeah, it's really good for an alpha.
Yea it's normal, it does it in Arma 2 aswell. It's just longer in Arma 3 because it's in alpha stage I guess.
Actually, this happens after Arma crashes. Steam send you the offers window when you quit a game.
I also noticed that the game start fine when I launch it in the steam library and I don't close the library window. However, when I launch the game, I close the steam library window and click on play, the game crashes right away.
Try downloading the file :
(Clik on "Download zip-file")
And place it the main folder of Arma 3 (Where the .exe is), then launch the game.
I doubt it will fix the issue but let's try.
now i'm lost. Well better wait for a fix by the devs.
What version of Windows are you using btw.
I can't find any startup command forcing the use of Directx10. Can't change it in the .cfg file either.
Try looking into your card settings software to see if there's nothing blocking you.
I'm gonna check if people had a similar issue in other games.
Yes 10 is minimum.
I gues so, I'm gonna take a look and see if you can start with Dx10.
Yes try installing Directx10, because you card does not support Directx11.
I checked you card, It uses Dx10, try again but with DX10 I guess.
Try to download and install Directx11 again.
What GPU are you using ?
You can do it by right cliking the object.
I've a similar problem.
Like in Arma 2, the unit you are playing may not be able to drive. When you create a unit make sure that he can be a driver.
Yea that would be awesome
The lower the resolution is, the harder it is to read texts. The only way to fix it is to increase the size of the interface in the settings.
You said it is not a bug. OP never posted it as a bug. He posted it as a feature.
Nailz : This web site is not for bugs only.
Also being able to have the choice between left and right would be cool yes as i'm also left handed.
May 9 2016
I guess it's because the proper heli commands are not in the alpha.
MIG989 : Well, one solution would be to enable a limited number of ragdoll at a time (like in Mount & Blade for exemple).
After hitting the ground, they stop being ragdoll so of course they won't move at explosions. The reason is if it stays a ragdoll forever, it would take too much ressources from your computer.
Also, adding animations with ragdoll (like in red dead redemption) is way too much time consuming to do for the devs and really useless. Don't forget that it's a military sim.