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- User Since
- Dec 16 2014, 6:26 PM (532 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
The new cross-hair moves with the sway of your gun when you have your gun out.
Not just amphibia, it happens with all guns. there is already a report about it.
This isnt even a valid report. You can find netting almost everywhere. All I see in this report is someone complaining that they cant find stuff.
These invisible objects are everywhere. I always thought they were placed but never actually set to be shown.
11 hours ago
Global Server Hotfix has been Released. Persistence Wipe on All Stable Servers
That means all tents were wiped too.
Can confirm this on all guns not just mosin. My friend was in ATC while I was in fire station up at North West. I could hear the click of his empty gun all the way over there.
Dayz 0.55: Persistence & Loot Infos
As of the 0.55 Stable Branch update, persistence will no longer be an opt-in feature. Persistence is now moving into the active core features “zone”. Private shard operators can request a reset of this through their GSP only in the case of any abhorrent behavior.
What does this mean for you, the average survivor?
As item cleanup and respawn is actively being worked on in order to function on a more comprehensive level – you will see DayZ gameplay become potentially significantly more difficult for 0.55.
Item Cleanup / Respawn will be iterated upon in 0.56
Loot concentration will evolve across the map as players scavenge and pick areas clean
If the area you are in seems to be picked clean, you -must- adventure further inland
Again – the behaviors involving sharp declines in loot concentration will be iterated upon and resolved, but for 0.55 you will see the struggle to survive become much harsher.
The point of the new cross hair is so it blends in. You're not supposed to see it completely, only a little just so you can know its there.
Its not just that the Zeds are hard to kill. Even if you wanted to face on face to face. The New AI auto target your back so you can spin around without it going behind you. I thought the point of experimental was to find this stuff out before it is released.
If im correct with the new Central Eco all servers are permanent persistent.
Persistence Forced to ON (Central Economy is in!)
If im correct with the new Central Eco all servers are permanent persistent.
Persistence Forced to ON (Central Economy is in!)
Also here is another report just like this -
Do you have any proof of this? Logs anything? The chance of a hacker already being on 55 is slim since whenever there is an update the hacked code they use is outdated. This guys was probably already behind you and you didn't know it.
@Veyda if you cant tell a players name and ask what it is in game they may lie. The purpose of check pulse was to tell their pulse and their name. Without it you'll never know who you are talking to.
The point of checking the pulse is to get the players name. You're making this sound like a feminist argument saying we need more "Neutral wording". Its a game. Suck it up and stop being so sensitive.
attaching* Back on topic. You need the AK Handguard Rail to attach the bipod
When posting reports you should always post evidence of the issue. The Devs shouldn't have to ask you to post the video.
Known issues 0f 0.51:
Animals spin in one place.
Animals die randomly.
Animal navigation.
Animal animations are playing at a wrong resolution.
You can drive v3s while knocked out.
Only 1 person can get on back cargo of v3s.
Random desync.
Random client crashes.
The Devs already know this
"Currently this is a priority fix for us and we are working to get it fixed as soon as possible." If this is a priority fix then it should have been fixed yesterday.
Not sure how this is an issue. Public servers they are supposed to restart with full tank. Private servers only on Wednesday they should refill
I too can confirm this. Tried today with cans and meat. Ruined it all
Can Confirm for places like the church in svetlojarsk. Works fine in the church in elektrozavodsk
0.53 had a full character wipe on public hive servers
I wouldn't say this is cheating. You're able to pick up cloths and store them in your bag, why not store them in your shirt since its fits. People just have learn to store items in the stored cloths.
Sounds like its just a bad connection to the server on your end.
May 10 2016
Confirmed for 0.52 still. Was in ATC at NWAF, broke legs and then randomly died. No gun shots or anything