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- User Since
- Mar 24 2013, 11:49 PM (623 w, 1 d)
Jan 25 2025
The blurry GUI is gone for the equipment Screen, but still there for the spawnpoint choose location screen down right corner. But this isn't that annoying like the bugged equipment screen was that is now fixed. so thank you.
Dec 13 2024
please fix this, i like to use FSR and get more frames but with that blury gear menu its so ugly
May 7 2024
Aug 21 2017
i can't belive that this feature would be huge work but it would be a great help for serveradmins. Any update on this?
May 10 2016
i can confirm this bug. with my 8 letter lower case adminpassword i can't login. Serverconsole shows "Wrong admin password entered"
Error confirmed, i can reproduce this error by direct joining my server with the -connect parameter.
my Batchfile
:: Domination by Xeno
cd "C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\"
set P= -noSplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty -skipIntro -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=2047
set C= -connect= -port=2332
start "" "arma3battleye.exe" 0 1 %P% %C%
error with blurry clouds occurs every time.
the workaround by killzonekid with leaving the server going in the editor and rejoin the server works for me.
i'm using current main version of the game (not the dev) v1.44.130654
pics added above:
2015-05-27_00003.jpg [^] (588,917 bytes) 2015-05-27 17:46
2015-05-27_00004.jpg [^] (462,807 bytes) 2015-05-27 17:48
2015-05-27_00002.jpg [^] (395,912 bytes) 2015-05-27 17:48
you can use the following until BI will implement the feature (when this will ever happen)
after the 1.24 update the problem is still present.
YT-Vid example:
@Vitdom unfortunately not, but you can use the following until the day it will be implemented:
+1 for this. waiting since a long time to get a better penetration system for vehicles.
this command would be very useful. voted for it.
May 9 2016
through some windows you can throw grenades through others not. The status of the window (broken or not) makes no difference.
YT vid Example:
i can confirm this
tested with ArmA 3 Alpha Alpha 0.5.102571
YT vid example1:
YT vid example2:
i can also confirm that. Also made a video for this bug
YT vid example:
With the update today (25.03.2013) the bug on my post (0014851) is gone, but a new window bug seems to appaer.
through some windows you can throw grenades through others not. The status of the window (broken or not) makes no difference.
YT vid Example:
it would be great to see this feature in the game. /vote up