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Dec 17 2013, 9:00 PM (585 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

McGuyver added a comment to T94622: [suggestion] burlap sack painting.

Agreed, in all reality all clothing/backpacks/baseball bats/wrenches/etc should all be paintable.

May 10 2016, 8:00 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

You know what would fix this? Not going back to stupid fucking public hives that didn't ever work in the first place. There's a reason private hives flourished and no one runs public hives of the Day Z mod anymore. What the fuck?

May 10 2016, 7:05 PM · DayZ
McGuyver edited Steps To Reproduce on T89567: Zombies several meters away being able to hit players climbing a ladder.
May 10 2016, 5:01 PM · DayZ
McGuyver set Category to category:characters on T89561: Not being able to run or crouch run up hills, forced walking down stairs..
May 10 2016, 5:01 PM · DayZ
McGuyver set Category to category:characters on T89560: Third Person Crosshair is not where it should be.
May 10 2016, 5:01 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T89006: 2xW Sprint is way to fast..

Sprinting also uses the most energy and will quickly lead to starvation and dehydration. If you think you can sprint from Elektro to Balota without ever picking up any food or water, you obviously haven't tried.

May 10 2016, 4:41 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T87284: vicinity range needs increasing at least 30%.

Vicinity is really retarded right now. Stuff will be in prone range, but if you go prone you can't access it. Stuff will be literally right in front of you and you can't access it.

To be honest, Vicinity should work within a 1-2m radius around the player. Let's be honest, if you were in the Firestation, below the stairs with all of those shelves, you wouldn't need to run up and down them just to grab a couple things.

May 10 2016, 3:31 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T87137: shovel doesnt even hit and the rest melees are bugged.

All melee weapons are bugged, kitchen knife and hammer both do not swing at all!

May 10 2016, 3:18 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T86888: Third person gives unfair advantage / decreases experience of the game.

This isn't a bug, don't report it as such. There are plenty of MOD Day Z servers that disable third person. There will probably be so eventually with the standalone servers, get over it.

May 10 2016, 3:06 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T86874: Losing all your gear and spawning on the coast after changing server/relogging..

This is why we need private hives...

May 10 2016, 3:03 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T86791: GHOSTING.

Sorry but this is the way they have the game designed right now. If you aren't server hopping to scrounge what little loot is available per server, you're not going to get very far.

Unless they want to change everything to private hives, which they should, even a timer won't prevent server hopping for looting. Does anyone really think someone will make their way to the Northwest Airfield, and not go do something else for 8 minutes before they switch to an empty server to loot up on? Timer is just a poor temporary fix for a pretty big problem.

If the game stays as one big public hive, there's going to be a lot of private and locked servers.

And Rusk, this is an OPEN ALPHA, if Rocket has any plans of "dealing" with people COLLECTING BUG DATA, which includes EXPLOITS; this game will end up with a worse reputation than War Z. If they don't want people server hopping for loot, they shouldn't have gone back to the archaic and outdated public hive system.

May 10 2016, 2:44 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T86704: Too Many Night Servers [PRIMARY REPORT].

Setting all servers to be on their proper timezones with an actual second to second day/night = people just hopping to somewhere where its daylight OR night, whichever they prefer.

Having all servers on a somewhat accelerated day/night schedule = all servers being practically the same.

Having an actual 24 hour second to second representation of time is just stupid. That means that if, and when, the servers turn to private hives, players will either be forced to play at generally the same time of day, every time they play, or play on multiple servers, having multiple characters, in order to play different times of DayZ.

People who say an accelerated day/night cycles aren't the solution, aren't thinking very far ahead. This game is destined for disaster if the public hive is what gets pushed forward.

May 10 2016, 2:33 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T86574: Melee Weapons Not Hurting AI/Players.

I can't even swing my weapons, a knife or a hammer. If by default you need to "raise" this weapon into an attack position, that needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY. If I can't use them because they're "badly damaged", that's one thing. But I'm pretty sure, a kitchen knife, as rusty or badly damaged as it may be, still having a handle, could kill at least a zombie or two, and probably also some people.

Of course I just accidentally fell off of a one story drop, something that MAY have broken your legs in the mod, and instantly died... So I can't test the "raise weapon" theory. If that's how it is though, that needs to be removed or changed so that ALL weapons are raised and ready to fire by default. If someone wants to lower them, they may choose to do so, AFTER they've pulled the weapon out and THEN chosen to lower it.

May 10 2016, 1:55 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

You know what would fix this? Not going back to stupid fucking public hives that didn't ever work in the first place. There's a reason private hives flourished and no one runs public hives of the Day Z mod anymore. What the fuck?

May 10 2016, 1:21 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T86495: Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT].

Currently the Zombies also walk through the floors of the Chernogorsk supermarket. If you draw any zombies to you while you there, or train them to that location, they will bug out and won't respond to the Z axis of the building. They run around with just their shoulders and head sticking out.

As soon as the player leaves the building however, the zombies are attackable and can attack the player.

May 10 2016, 1:14 PM · DayZ
McGuyver added a comment to T86472: Flashlight beam frozen in place.

Can we fix the flashlight to actually be something useful and not pointing down and to the left, not at all where the character is looking?

May 10 2016, 1:10 PM · DayZ