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- User Since
- Mar 11 2013, 12:00 PM (627 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
There is a mod out there that does this, and its be stated before, By Developers, That if someone made a mod for it there not going to make it a part of the game... If that was not the intent of what was posted by the dev's then I apologize for the misconception. However, with that being said, It would be nice to have my avatar/player unit be still...
I dont like the fact that there are times when you dont want to move... so there is less a chance that people will see you .... then your swatting invisible flys, and wiping your forehead... Im pretty sure a trained soldier will ignore a fly on him while the enemy is close, so as to not alert them to his presence (being they are in concealment).
Either way it is a trivial, nonsense, Fluff, animation, that servers No purpose, then just to have some ambient movement from AI. But all Player units should be Complete Exempt from All Idle Animations!!
This needs to be
acknowledged -> Assigned (BIS Developers name here)
Look, Its easy.
- dont kit your unit out with a shit ton of gear.
- lower your weapon!!!
- use combat pace!!!!
- SFTU and play the Fucking Game..
I honestly have NOT noticed any significant change in the fatigue system. I guess only because i follow the step above.
YOU CANNOT run around .....
YOU CANNOT kit your unit to the fucking gills...
I can have my full ingame kit. on my avatar. and i have NO problem making my movements around the battlefield. AND if i get fatigued... I know its because i was irresponsible with my movement.
Here's another aspect.. most people carry backpacks... wen you get into heavy combat find a suitable place for your pack and drop it. mark it on the map.
The bottom line is it may be "unrealistic" or "extreme", however, me and many people in my group, dont have any issue moving around the battle field.
ps it is actually a part of our recruitment process that they have the patience to walk long distances. So, during our BCT/recruitment we walk from each training depot to the next. These is over 2k from each other.
Secondly, when we approach an ao, we land a minimum of 1-2 k from the EDGE of the marked hostile area. And then WALK IN....
Considering there are already heads of the African Persuasion. Ill find it very amusing if they address this issue before they address the lack of female heads/voices.
The fact that this is still listed as "new" is appalling.... Its not new it was asked for a long time ago.
No response, no acknowledgement. Just stagnation... Can this get some love.
There has to be some command that tells the engine that when an avatar is dead it ragdolls... so.. hence you can allow that command to ragdoll not just upon death but other event handlers as well.. Correct?? Please correct me and give some insight as to why there has been NO progress or mention of any work on this aspect.. thank you for your time BIS!
i honestly think most downvotes are simply trolls downvoting things, they have no clue what their downvoting.. their just trolls
same here, please fix
to replicate this you need a gun.
raise your gun to ready pos.
crouch, then walk.
you will hear only one foot step..
now lower your weapon into safe stance.
crouch and walk, you will now hear two footsteps as you should.
It seems that this only happens when you have your gun raised..
This has been an issue for years, is even present in ARMA 2..... definitely needs to be fixed....
I Never had this issue... until yesterday... during a public mission on some random server. I went to change a control... my x52 stopped working.
I went to options, controls and it was not there.!!
I went so far as to delete my profile file. and start from scratch. no dice
problem persists..
the controller is recognized when i enter public missions but after a crash and a respawn the controller dissipears ill get an rpt of it hosted asap
This is Simple to solve.. somewhere in the code of the game there is a snibbit that says something along the lines of ... if (unit x has a flaslight && in COMBAT mode ) then {turn on your flashlight and give away your pos like a moron}
it should be something like this:
While {unit x has flaslight && (NOT in COMBAT mode || Not in STEALTH mode} do { turn on your flash light so you can see.. but as soon as your in combat or in stealth mode turn of your light and hide you idiot}
its that simple.. If ai have a flashlight and they are set to "CARELESS","SAFE","AWARE" then they should feel free to use their flashlights.. as soon as they get into combat, or get set into stealth they should turn it off.. its stupid that they turn their lights on and show where they are when their shot at. it should be the opposite. Even better Add a check for nvg and laser pointers as well.. if they have nvg and a laser use it...
so wait this is a bug, that has been present since release and it still hasn't gotten ANY attention... Well no big surprise.. I did see that they corrected some of the textures on some backpacks and added the sounds for changing weapons fire mod.. thats all we need right?????
Keep in mind folks, BIS says their focusing on, "performance and stability issues" but then the'll crank out tons of updates that involve stupid shit like texture updates and extremely trivial bullshit, like the color of a shirt, or where a tree is in the woods.. these must be some truely performance improving textures, to be getting all this attention.
can we get some love on this issue...
The sound clip of the Ifrit posted is from the inside of the vehicle.. the sound anomaly is much more noticeable when outside the vehicle. And the MH-9 sound clip perfectly displays the issue... Thanks for posting those guys!!
this no longer causes crash but still does not work... the action is BUSTED Please fix it
I get the same however, i have an ATI 7950
May 9 2016
why when someone doesn't like a suggestion or idea they immediately say... "this isn't Battlefield, bro, or this isn't Call of DUTY... NO DUHHHH...
I voted this up I don't see why you cant shoot while swimming just like walking .. or combat jogging... Same with reloading, you can move while you reload on land why not be able to flip your fins and swim away while you reload, or to the side.. or what have you..
to say that this concept is stupid or far fetched .. well, is downright foolish..
This is quite literally the reverse of what I am experiencing.. I barely touch down and 2-3 items go red in the vehicle hud.
Windows 7
TrackIR Ver. 5.2.200 (Build 14548)
Broken for me...
I have been following this ticket.. I am especially interested in the resolution of this problem now, because I just recently purchased a TrackIR5.. I use Aiming Deadzone, Playing with out it sux IMHO. Any news on a fix for this.. We are in BETA and things like this should be ironed out by now..