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- User Since
- Feb 8 2014, 11:24 PM (580 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
I believe I can shed some light on this.
Whenever you load a gun with bullets (any gun that doesn't need a magazine or clip) the bullets now in the gun can be ejected and turn back into stackable bullets.
Any flare round you find is acting as if it is already in a gun when you find it on the ground and you can eject it even though it isn't in a gun, also you need to use that eject option on them if you wish to stack them with other flare rounds.
You shouldn't have to eject a flare round on the ground before you can stack it with other flare rounds and they should spawn with a number telling you how many flare rounds there are in the stack you found.
Duplicate of this bug.
Duplicate of this issue.
Duplicate of this issue.
Duplicate of this issue.
Duplicate of this issue.
May 10 2016
I'm surprised this isn't higher up.
A related problem also occurs after killing/ knocking out a player.
Occasionally I'll knock out a geared guy as a fresh spawn and equip their gun but I often can't ADS with it and I can't shoot even though it is loaded and all attachments are invisible.
Also the other players inventory is entirely empty but there are items there.
The only solution to get the weapon to work and the items to appear back in your newly acquired gear is to relog, but this doesn't always work for the items.
I especially notice this in the Machine Factory on top of the lockers
(the building that looks like an extended piano house)
And also on top of the cupboard in the large green house upstairs.
Fixed in Experimental.
At the moment there are no huntable animals. (Rabbits are invincible ATM)
But they are coming soon.
The Zombie respawn mechanic is very basic at the moment and if they are killed they just respawn regardless of whether a player is nearby or not.
I'm certain the devs are aware and that they will improve how Zombies respawn in the near future.
Painkillers do nothing at the moment.
A splint or Morphine should make the notification go away even without a fracture.
First Aid Kits have 6 slots so it's not a problem when it is in your hands, unless you are trying to put a two-slot item in them as you can't rearrange the kit unless you drop it.
Ammo boxes have 10 slots and in your hands you can only see the first 6 slots, which means you have to drop it on the floor to see all of your stored ammunition.
I agree with Lord_Meshadieme picking berries atm is pointless. Going through a long animation which fails 90% of the time is annoying.
Either go through the animation and find berries or get a notification saying there are no berries on this bush, meaning you have to search different bushes instead of just spamming the same one repeatedly..
Also maybe find different sizes of berries or varying amounts of them.
I have especially noticed this if I refresh the server list several times eventually I cannot find a single server and lose internet connection for several minutes.
This seems to only happen if I have a loaded Magnum in my inventory.
I've taken blood from an unconscious player and it killed them.
A reason why this happened to your friend is that he had more than a 1000 blood before you took blood from him which is why he didn't die immediately after doing so.
He had to have been suffering from high shock so he was still unconscious, after you took the blood he would remain unconscious while recovering from his shock but remain unconscious until you gave him back his blood.
So he would have probably recovered faster if you left him alone
Log out somewhere safe and problem solved.
Personally I think this is intentional to stop people logging in and out of Servers in areas with good loot with great risk to themselves.