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- Apr 16 2013, 11:35 AM (623 w, 1 d)
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Oct 24 2017
Wulf, I offer to save performance at same level by increasing view distance only in vertical axes and to not change it in horizontal. It should not hit performance, because there is nothing above the ground except, maybe, few planes. Performance in the air will be the same as from ground level or even a little better because of LOD.
Seeing the surface is not pointless. You can use it for better orientation in combat, emergency landing, enjoying view, etc. How can you fully enjoy playing game if you cannot see anything except your own cockpit?
If user has shitty PC and, as result, low view distance he'll be able to see the ground from higher altitude with same performance as he has at the ground level.
I think that 2.5km (default view distance for multiplayer game) is to low for fast jets.
Oct 13 2017
Jun 9 2016
also, there is no wind sound at all on the water
May 10 2016
@TCVM, I'm talking about big head movements when you can't see your rifle with optical sight. In reality you can't see zoomed without optics. In my opinion, it's better zoom out to player's normal vision (right button pressed fov) when your vision is out of optics scope and restore zoom, when scope returns back to screen area. Otherwise it's like cheat, because zoomed area limited by sight fov.
Yes, I know. But what if I want to place it on the table on player's base? It should be armed? (:
Or attach it to vehicle so users can take it, like on this image:
This writes to .rpt file on every loading popup
A3\Missions_F_Heli\MPScenarios\MP_GroundSupport04.Altis: string @STR_A3_MP_GS_SC_04_Overview_text cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable
It affect Vanilla content if the missions from steam workshop are present.
I have unsubscribed on all items including mods. Turned off local mods. No loading screen.
After I have subscibed this
mission loading screen immediately appears, but after loading there is no this mission in mission list.
Now it loads every time when I am trying to host multiplayer game.
This mission
appears in list, but forces loading screen to pop up several times.
Including CBA (mission requires) doesn't help.
I always have 0xC0000005 error when I first time start game with running FreeTrack. After game restart it runs normal. Or if start FreeTrack after game start (alt+tab) game don't crash.
It works. I always use FreeTrack.
You just need to setup it.
Game crashes on start if you run FreeTrack before launching the game.
If you have the same issue, you need to run game, then alt+tab, and then start FreeTrack.
I don't think that I am first, but I can't find similar ticket.
Another example:
from outside:
from inside:
For me, it's not big deal if barrel goes through the wall. I'm sure there is another solution. May be, better to not allow to do this. It's a good reason to choose short weapon for city combat.
It's not about only crosshair. You can also see other Recruit helpers, even you are using Elite difficulty and have no pilot helmet.
blur is bad. If you watching directly on moving object it's not blurred for you. Your brain switches between objects and already do this. No need to simulate this in game. If you want to watch on moving belt, you do and there is no blur in real life. But if blur will done in-game you'll just get motion sickness, because you can't focus your eyes on moving object - it's always blurred.
Also I think that this issue related to
I have this problem too, but loading screen pops up only while I selecting map and mission.
It behaves like refreshing page after subscribing on mission on workshop. It reset mission selection to "<<New - Editor>>". It's very quick, so I start editor instead of mission when trying to press "Play" button.
My friend don't see loading screen at all. He thought that it just selected mission cursor goes to top.
We are both use devbranch.
Ok. Screnn appears only when you have workshop missions. It reset selected mission in list only when workshop mission was selected.
I have unsubscribed all missions and loading screen has gone.
After that I subscribe 2 missions:
They are not appeared in missions list. But loading screen pops up twice with interval about 5-10 seconds.
So, it seems, it's trying to update mission list after download, but fails. Maybe bacause I haven't some addons?
+1, it must be done before muzzle, top, and side attachments.