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Is there a reason to use spherical overall environment drawing distance for almost flat terrain?
If not cylindrical, may be ellipsoid will be better?
Because now you see more when closer to the ground. But in air you become blind. Opposite to reality.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Open editor;
Set visibility to 2500;
Move camera close to the ground;
then press Q;

Additional Information

Image taken closer to the ground

Image taken in the same coordinates but a little higher

Event Timeline

FullZero created this task.Oct 13 2017, 3:35 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.Oct 16 2017, 2:55 PM

The reason is performance if you have a computer powerful enough then you have a larger view distance from the get go.

I also tested it and this occurs in heights around 1.5 kilometers and above in the air. In my opinion at that height seeing the surface is quite pointless. Your targets are already so small you can't see them let alone hit them accurately without aid from guided missiles.

Wulf, I offer to save performance at same level by increasing view distance only in vertical axes and to not change it in horizontal. It should not hit performance, because there is nothing above the ground except, maybe, few planes. Performance in the air will be the same as from ground level or even a little better because of LOD.
Seeing the surface is not pointless. You can use it for better orientation in combat, emergency landing, enjoying view, etc. How can you fully enjoy playing game if you cannot see anything except your own cockpit?
If user has shitty PC and, as result, low view distance he'll be able to see the ground from higher altitude with same performance as he has at the ground level.
I think that 2.5km (default view distance for multiplayer game) is to low for fast jets.

FullZero edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Oct 24 2017, 4:16 PM