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- User Since
- Mar 12 2013, 12:44 PM (622 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
I voted this down since I have survived a few crashes now and then with the two existing choppers, and also because the flighmodel isn't really done yet anyway.
cychou, yeah saw that, but then again this is the future... so, yeah you get it. I don't need to tell you that kevlars might be improved in the future so theoretically speaking helmets could be better in the future, but then also guns could likely be better. Just thinking it would be good to have a reason to wear helmets because apparently shrapnel doesn't exist in the game. But then again 1 headshot 1 kill works fine for gameplay in my opinion so whatever really.
A sniper will work just fine(1 shot kill, 1 kill), especially if its a like the Rifle Gepárd M-1epárd GM-6 Lynx which will appear in beta or final release.
The sniper won't be ineffective because of a more realistic system.
Da proof!
Results might vary...
Soldiers do in fact choose to aim for the head of their enemy, usually because the target is ducking behind cover. Saying they don't is like saying they never throw a grenade over a wall, or never suppress their enemy. If you can't see all the parts of the body of your target, you aim and fire at the part you see, as simple as that.(or suppress, and hope for said target to run out and expose himself. Now you can take your lucky shot at his vest...)
Yeah, this needs some tweaking.
Yeah that and choking actually. Heard that not being able to inhale air is the most painful way to die.
I think the military actually use lasers to detonate and blow up bombs from far away, but actaully setting fire to people, now I don't know, but I think the Geneva Convention has some rules about that :D
Yeah, noticed this early on. This needs more votes!
This is something that I always thought about, but didn't think through enough to realize how important it is! :D
Great work NordKindchen!
Noticed this today in the editor.
May 9 2016
Yeah, this needs to stay.
I actually can't see how someone thinks the animations were better back in ArmA 2, if "better" refers to ArmA 2's unrealistic animation pace compared to movement speed when jogging and running, then I can understand, but then "better" would be a less used word in any ArmA 3 animations feedback tracker thread. Wink*
@naizarak I suppose R shouldn't be reload either then since its something soldiers apparently don't train on...
@goldblaze, ah, okay, din't really think of that :( its just that there shouldn't need to be an action menu scroll for switching weapon, in my opinion...
This needs to be fixed! Wish the button for changing weapon was different too, like having it on "T"
@fenix395 Well that sure was looked upon with extravagant eyes since the issue at hand isn't about the current alpha version... this is about adding a feature to the game which is quite essential in future warfare. We all want a nice/perfected end product in the end right? with a good amount of things in it right? and therefore some people believe the game could need such features as women soldiers. This is not something we need immediately, but it would be nice to have eventually! so this deserves a ticket as much as any other issue!
Everyone's pouring their anger onto their keyboard and rubbing their fingers all over the keys, subjectivly making sense of whatever they see fit as a winning argument, but alas, to no avail, for you see, there is no concept of winning in this thread! Even if the mighty votes favor one side, the other will never give up on their belief, their struggle, is one they must fight with bitter anger, but why, one might ask!? Perhaps their wife's beat them up and therefore they are forever scared of women...
But actually, I believe they have lost the the understanding of the eternal and great Armaverse! They have forgotten that ArmA is a great free and accessible game with many features to it! A solid and partially stable core of realism which has been built up all these years! The devs have not forgotten, but perhaps they are taking their time and focusing on bigger issues at the moment, but this will not be overseen! I dream of a world with women... in games I enjoy... That is all!
I want female soldiers.
I heard they exist, so why not? because it costs more?!... hahahaha!!
@roykingtree, You have no idea whats going on do you... what items are you talking about?
This can actually be quite the gamebreaker when moving around on the dark side of the hill, and then people can see you quite easily because the terrain doesn't cast shadow on you.