User Details
- User Since
- Nov 29 2014, 4:46 PM (535 w, 2 d)
May 7 2021
Apr 26 2021
May 19 2020
Mar 21 2020
proper mission:
Additional Info:
This happens to custom prefabs of RscStructuredText classes (doesn't matter if the defined is in a Mission (description.ext) or inside a .pbo (config.cpp))
Dec 18 2019
Apr 2 2017
Mar 20 2017
Sep 12 2016
Jul 10 2016
Any news on this?
Jun 2 2016
You can do this with basically EVERY "not so thick" Object + known "Bug/Glitch/Feature/WhateverYouCallIt" since... erm... I think OFP Release was 2001 ;)
May 31 2016
Maybe an Alternative, but sadly not a real solution for it :/
May 20 2016
May 10 2016
Ah, didn't noticed your Answer. Thx then, can be closed and ignored.
Same here
EDIT: Ah! Forgot that i changed to ATI, a few weeks ago.
Heyhey Adam, what do you think, is there any chance to do that? Greetings
Anything, that can be done?
Happy Anniversary \o/
At least a feedback would be great if its confirmed or not =/
Even the unchanged SUV/Offroad can carry the maximumload and TransportMaxMagazines will be ignored.
Offroad config:
class Car_F: Car
transportMaxMagazines = 64;
Since there is no change in the soft_F config, it should take the values from Car_F
I stoped putting magazines in (manualy via Gearmenu (i)), when i reached a count of 100 "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"
New config.cpp, doesn't even work with new created Vehicles.
Nothing? =/
Tested on:
- near Pyrgos (northern Entry)
- Kavala (East, near the hospital)
- also in the middle of nowhere.
- East of Roenne
- Inside Roenne
- in the middle of nowhere
Works in Editor + Multiplayer -> New.
Dedicated -> Nope, running away OR getting back in the Car again (why??)...
Okay... Today it's working... on a Dedicated. Same procedure/position as yesterday, but this time, the move to the Waypoint oO
Problem Still/again.
- spawn
_Car = "C_SUV_01_F" createVehicle (position player);
_group = createGroup civilian;
"I_soldier_F" createUnit[ position player, _group, "", 0,"PRIVATE"];
_unit = leader _group;
_Unit moveInCargo _Car; //Or any other "get out of the Vehicle" command
sleep 10;
moveOut _Unit;
_unit -> running away
*EDIT: Works fine in SinglePlayer/Editor - MP = nope. Running like Forest Gump
Definitely needed!
Still existing in 1.54.
Yep, still not fixed. Even when a WP (or moveTo/move/doMove) is set 25m behind it. Tanks and Cars will drive a circle, instead of driving backwards.
Additional commands:
"removeWeaponCargo" : remove counterpart to "addWeaponCargo"
"removeMagazineCargo" : remove counterpart to "addMagazineCargo"
"removeItemCargo" : remove counterpart to "addItemCargo"
"removeBackpackCargo" : remove counterpart to "addBackpackCargo"
"removeWeaponItemsCargo" : remove counterpart to proposed
Any news on those?