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Incorrect display of QuantityBar, if varQuantityMax exceeds varStackMax (possible fix incl.)
Assigned, NormalPublic


As I mentioned in the Title, the config in Steps To Reproduce would result in a faulty display of the quantityBar.

The following change adds the ability to use Items with a quantityBar to be stackable in Slots with different (higher) varStackMax sizes.

Use cases:
Instead of having Stacks with Numbers like Ammo/Nails -> quantityBar could be used (total amount could still be displayed via stackedUnit = "pc."; inside the Tooltip).
The same could be done for the Damage too.

In the end, it would clean up the UI from the usage of normal numbers, resulting in a more unified look for the Client.
Additionally not having the potential Overlay/Cut-off text by larger numbers (>100) and also a clear indicator if the Client can put more Items on an existing stack, which is imho a big plus in terms of UX.

Edit: Rewording*

Edit #2: Additional Info regarding Vanilla Items compatibility (for Items with 100 Item Stack Size) - All in all, these changes should be added directly when creating the model configs themselves.

Edit #3: Code update, to be (hopefully) fully compatible with Vanilla Items (multiple Items like WaterBottle, CarBattery, etc checked)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce


quantityBar = 1;
stackedUnit = "pc.";
varQuantityInit = 0;
varQuantityMin = 0;
varQuantityMax = 500;
varStackMax = 100.0;


class Slot_MyFancySlot
    name = "MyFancySlot";
    displayName = "My Fancy Slot";
    selection = "MyFancySlot";
    ghostIcon = "Sloths";
    stackMax = 500;

Alternative (see notes above in "Edit #2"):
Adding varStackMax to the Inventory_Base class:

class cfgVehicles
	class Static;
	class Inventory_Base: Static
		varStackMax = 100.0;
Additional Information

Possible fix
I ran a bunch of tests and haven't found any issues so far, with the following changes:
(changes start at Line 41):

modded class SlotsIcon
	override void SetQuantity()
		if( m_Item && m_CurrQuantity != GetQuantity() )
			m_CurrQuantity = GetQuantity();
			int has_quantity = QuantityConversions.HasItemQuantity( m_Item );
			if( has_quantity == QUANTITY_COUNT )
				string q_text = QuantityConversions.GetItemQuantityText( m_Item , true);
				if( q_text == "" )
					m_QuantityStack.Show( false );
					m_QuantityProgress.Show( false );
					m_QuantityItem.SetText( q_text );
					m_QuantityStack.Show( true );
					m_QuantityProgress.Show( false );
			else if( has_quantity == QUANTITY_PROGRESS )
				//float progress_max = m_QuantityProgress.GetMax();	// <-- Not used anywhere?!
				int max = m_Item.ConfigGetInt( "varStackMax" );	// instead of "varQuantityMax"
				int count = m_Item.ConfigGetInt( "count" );
				float quantity = QuantityConversions.GetItemQuantity( m_Item );
				if( count > 0 )
					max = count;
					if ( m_SlotParent )
						max = InventorySlots.GetStackMaxForSlotId(m_SlotID);
					if ( max == 0)
						max = m_Item.ConfigGetInt( "varQuantityMax" );
					float value = Math.Round( ( quantity / max ) * 100 );
					m_QuantityProgress.SetCurrent( value );
				m_QuantityStack.Show( false );
				m_QuantityProgress.Show( true );

Event Timeline

Dscha created this task.Apr 26 2021, 6:12 PM
Dscha updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 26 2021, 10:46 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Apr 27 2021, 6:24 PM
Dscha updated the task description. (Show Details)May 7 2021, 12:13 AM
Dscha edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Dscha updated the task description. (Show Details)May 7 2021, 12:23 AM
Dscha edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Dscha updated the task description. (Show Details)May 7 2021, 7:00 PM
Dscha edited Additional Information. (Show Details)