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- Mar 15 2013, 4:55 PM (624 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
The "problem" can be extend at the overlaps of the different items textures.
See the image for more infos
I think that each server's admin can ban players and it's already "enough" (and set the server to avoid some issues)
#exec ban (name, ID or Player#)
List are always "bad"... if for some reason your ID will be on a list, and all admins use the list, you can be out of game just because one had a problem with you and put your ID on this famous list.
For really 'bad' hackers: probably one ID wouldn't help and/or it will be possible to make a report.
Mhhh now I've the problem with the Opfor Sniper too but the problem is with "a3_weapons_f_longrangerifles_gm6" (that's strange because if I'm not completely crazy before it was good, perhaps our team had a problem on the own server)
Now I've tried to put just 1 one weapon:
removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "srifle_GM6_SOS_f";
removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "srifle_LRR_SOS_f";
removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "srifle_LRR_f";
removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "srifle_GM6_f";
removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "srifle_EBR_F";
Than to put away all weapons:
removeAllWeapons this;
The problem persist
Ok, now I've tested some different situations.
I wasn't freeze.
So, sorry for this report no more "actual" :)
i've tried so:
- take a chopper, land them, put an explosive, blow them up -> run near the chopper.
I wasn't freeze
I have to find a chopper with a burning body inside (when I saw the problem I was always a medic that would drag a friend from an incident area)
As soon as possible I'll test this second situation and give the definitively feedback
@CSR Kryssar
Just to know, on witch version do you have make this jump?
I mean, yesterday we was on a server and we have try to play as seals but we have seen this problems:
- the chopper must be practically "at ground" (on water) to be able to see the "get out" option
- if we try to make "eject" no time to go out of the chopper that we was already death
I've write that only because so, perhaps, during the new script works you can check this situation if you find that it can be good to check them.
Hahaha yes, I've seen...
Well, I see that your info (gamesturbator) is already under control..., so this one can be ignored (I've mists something or I can't close my feedbacks to help to keep a clear feedback tracker page?) and make reference at:
Now I'm trying with 32bit but the problem is always actual.
The problem is only "local"; I mean:
Launch game
I see the logo's Arma3 with the 'charge' field
I see the "Bohemia Logo"
I see the "Arma3 Alpha Logo"
I see this is war
I see the copyrights
60 seconds black screen
I see the menu
And than I can play normally
Edit: the file DxDiag_32 is mine (32bit, on a laptop)
Same for me, since today
Ok, first edit:
- I've tried to let the black screen and, after around 1 minute I've finally the main menu screen
Windows 7 Ultimate, 64bit
Ok, I've just see that if I press the right button of the mouse I can 'take' the map and move them... it's already better than 'increase - decrease' the zoom
(lol... it make days that I've the problem, I post here and few minutes after I find a possible solution... so, the priority can perhaps be reduced, even if, IMHO, it would be nice be able to move with the "mouse slide")
100% with you
It would be nice, finally, to find a game where you have to know how your weapon works (I didn't mean know the specifics, but know... "ok, I've this weapon, with this optic... the target is at this distance, I've to aim...." or didn't engage some fights if I know that the distance would give me a disadvantage)
Yes, vote up for me
--> sorry for the possibles errors
I agree (even if perhaps it's not so important).
It would be able to give an other game perspective.
May 9 2016
Same as Reduxion
That's my first try into the "Arma" World and... well, I'm lost into the multiplayer (even with the little tutorial about the basic mouvement).
I see a lot of TK and I've make some too.
How know who are friends and who are opponents? (without 'friend-signs')
I know that's an Alfa and I'm pretty sure that the game would be "different" (I think: add favourite server, friends,....) so about this point I wouldn't write more...
It's just to give a +1 and hope that for final version we can have a "guide for ..." (I'll be the first who will read them ^_^
until now It was good for me, but today I've tried to join twice a server and... froze, than crash
(to be honest, each time that I join a server I've to wait several seconds to be able to choose the squad, because before that the game-window still blocked)
yes... a little bit as I've write here:
Actually we are really "limited" when we are in a vehicle.
If we will take land from a boat we can't protect our self with smoke or shooting the enemy... we can't control the situation...
Until now we have just to sit down and wait...