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- Mar 6 2013, 8:06 PM (628 w, 4 d)
Aug 15 2016
heh, no longer supports saving for non dedi's, but have you seen a few of the latest fixes they've been prioritizing over this?
Have they fixed the respawn menu in saved games yet? I haven't noticed any mention of it in the Dev branch change log at all.
Jul 26 2016
We play my Duws Modified mission which I've been working on now for a couple of years, but it's incompatible with a dedi, unfortunately.
Jul 23 2016
Understood about the defining of a crash...not a problem no worries at all...just happy to help out.
Jul 21 2016
May 10 2016
the "player setCustomAimCoef 0.20" command will also reset itself back to 1 on a mission "RESUME".
I've noticed this before as well. I recall it happening when the AI were shooting at me while running. They'd be looking & sprinting at a perpendicular angle to me, yet they are firing their weapon at me at the same time. If they're sprinting then they shouldn't be able to fire at all, that's 1 issue...another issue is that they shouldnt have such good aim while facing away from me. It's one of those glitches that makes you roll your eyes back into your head.
AI needs ALOT of work in MANY key areas. Driving is just 1 of them.
I've noticed this ALOT too but in my case it's not tied to pistols...sometims they have binocs out and other times they just have their regular rifles in hand.
What's interesting is that when this happened to me just last nite, I tried respawning (the mission i used had group respawn enabled), and I ended up being respawned into one of the stuck bots. When this happened I could NOT move my character at all no matter what I tried to do...and I could also hear the sea (as if I was treading water)...meanwhile we were nowhere near the water, we were up in the mountains!
Im using default branch .54
this is one of those features that have been in other modern games for a long time now, and for obvious reasons needs to be implemented into arma as well.
the way the player stance has always changed when map viewing ive always felt was a complete waste of time and an unecessary animation that does nothing to enhance gameplay. I'd like to see the stance not changing at all when you view the map...instead just let it stay however it was when the player entered the map view. So, if im in standing position when I press "M" then i should stay standing...if im crouched when pressing "M", then i should stay crouched. This is what I would prefer, personally.
May 9 2016
I do not understand what you are trying to say by "not to have to assume the actions you took in the mission", nor do I understand how you are not abusing the save system by using the Suspend button because, as I said, the Suspend button is designed as an exit button that SAVES the mission where you left off.
Yes, English is my native language, so I surely understand the meaning of suspend...apparently, however, you don't understand the point of this feedback.
The point IS...offer a valid button that will exit the mission WITHOUT saving it.
In fact instead of having a Suspend button...all that is needed is an EXIT button and a SAVE button...that is all, and that would be the proper way to do this, but has never been corrected. It has nothing to do with a has to do with a language barrier and in fact a LACK of proper exit functionality. many of us have asked for this for such a long time now, I don't understand why it's still being ignored?
It's not only fine the way it is currently, but a much appreciated improvement over the movement from OFP & Arma1 & 2. I would NOT want to see it slowed down again.
You know...making every little nit picking thing as close to reality as possible is never a good idea in a game, especially in Arma, because for many years they have taken reality in certain cases over-the-top which stopped making it enjoyable for many, many players. Sometimes it's better to find a balance between extreme reality and fiction in order to make things "feel" better and work better within an engine like this.
I already personally know 6 people who have played with me since 2001, and are now DONE with arma entirely because of the way "shooting" is not enjoyable anymore, and the AI is still dumb as ever (but too much like aimbots).
I thought the new movement speeds (apart from vehicles being way too slow uphill) was one of the few "mechanical aspects" of the game that has actually improved...and would be saddened to see things go back to the way they were.
Getting the AI to follow orders at times has been a 50/50 affair at best (in all arma games)...and even when they do follow orders it takes them too long to get it done. Now in Arma 3 alpha it's worse than ever.
@Bootsy - what does this have to do with AI following orders?...I think you accidentally posted this in the wrong place :-)
you kids are giving me a headache, lets leave sleeping dogs lie and give it a rest since you can't debate like adults.
BIS will decide what THEY want anyway, and usually do not go with what the average casual gamer wants. If they go with the 10% hardcore crowd and keep the weird, fighting sway then that's the way it is and they will either pay the price or reap the reward via sales ultimately.
Each side has made their feelings known here, and that's all we can do...and it's all we SHOULD do. Bickering is a complete waste of time and brain power.
...just a note:
Originally I did NOT take the amount of magnification into account. After checking the magnification (which was 12x) I better understand the point of the excessive swaying, however if one holds their breath it should still be easier to steady the weapon, perhaps not PERFECTLY steady but still should be a bit better than the "hold breath" command is currently performing with this rifle in kneeling position.
To say this behavior is realistic is ignorant. You obviously have never used a scoped rifle IRL. The way this is working now happens to be the opposite of realistic...the only way I can calm it down is to go prone...kneeling only helps slightly.
test it in the editor, using the default bluefor rifelman (with mx rifle). Place yourself on the runway at the airport, look down the SCOPE (dont use red dot, use the scope)...without any movement on my part the sway is unplayable as if im injured. I cant be the only one this is happening to can I?
@Bootsy - it is a broken feature that requires constant baby sitting should you decide to use what I posted....and please don't reply back saying they'll only break the command if they're fired upon by enemy because that is simply not so...they will often break the hold fire command even when the enemy has not yet spotted you or your group members.
Regarding the 'no target" command, not really...mostly because to use that requires you to have visual contact on the 1 enemy unit out of a group of many and typically my AI group members have the ability to spot things nearly a kilometer away (long before I ever see them). For me it's just alot quicker & easier to use the "no fire" command when I am trying to be stealthy.
As far as the "hold fire' only guess at a possible reason for you success in using it would be that perhaps you are keeping your AI out of direct line of sight with the enemy so that even though they might know the enemy is there they do not have direct line of site to fire anyway....but this does not mean the "hold fire" command functions fact it can't be considered a valid test method at all in this case.
The AI should be put into direct line of site and still be able to hold fire if that's what you are commanding them to do...and more often than not, the result is not a good one, hehe. Some of my group will obey but there's always at least 1 of the group who will break the command and begin firing...this should not be and makes the command next to useless.
There's also been a huge bug during "danger mode" where they often will not respond to commands, but that's another bone to pick i suppose.
Sometimes I just cant help but feel alot of this feedback falls on deaf ears anyway since these are well known issues that have been around for extreme lengths of time, left untouched...meanwhile it's easier for them to fix which direction the fish are swimming, lol.
The real issue is that the friendly AI squad members do not properly follow your oders...even if you tell them to "hold fire", most of the time they will break that command and still fire upon sighted enemies. It has been left neglected this way for years.