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Respawn Menu not initialized properly after loading a save file
Reviewed, NormalPublic


If you save and then resume a mission which uses the respawn menu, upon resuming you are taken to the map screen, after dying or using esc/respawn... but the spawn menu does not appear and then you are also unable to exit out of the map screen, and therefore are forced to end-task Arma3.

***Edit: added the "after dying or using esc/respawn" into the description and reproduce steps.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Play a mission which uses the built in respawn menu system. Save the mission and then exit out and resume it. Upon resuming you are taken to the map screen,after dying or using esc/respawn... but the spawn menu does not appear and then you are also unable to exit out of the map screen, and therefore are forced to end-task Arma3.

Event Timeline

BigShot created this task.Jul 21 2016, 2:21 AM
BigShot changed Severity from None to Crash.
BigShot changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
razazel changed Severity from Crash to Major.Jul 21 2016, 2:29 PM
razazel claimed this task.Jul 21 2016, 2:31 PM
razazel changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.

First of all, please do not use "Crash" severity if game does not crash. Ending the application through task manager is not a crash.

Apart from that, you say you need to use task manager to quit the game. You are not able to exit the game through Menu (Esc -> Abort)?

First of all, please do not use "Crash" severity if game does not crash. Ending the application through task manager is not a crash.

Apart from that, you say you need to use task manager to quit the game. You are not able to exit the game through Menu (Esc -> Abort)?

Call it what you like but since the game stops responding to any and all user input, I called it a crash. Yes that is correct..after you die in a resumed mission that uses the respawn menu it will take you to the map screen with no respawn menu showing and you get permanently stuck there. The game stops responding to all user inputs and there is no way to play or exit the game at that point except to CTRL+ALT+DEL and end-task.

BigShot updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 21 2016, 10:45 PM
BigShot edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
razazel changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Jul 22 2016, 4:34 PM


thank you for the info, bug was issued for a fix.

Also some info to clarify, I was able to reproduce the issue only for the Host, Clients of the server do not seem to suffer the same issue is that correct? Did you try it out with other users?

Also sorry if I seemed petty over the crash thing, definitely didn't mean to be like that, it's just that the crash is being used for when application gets really messed up (e.g. memory errors) and for those it is better to have them sorted correctly.

Anyways, thank you very much for the feedback, we will do our best to fix it as soon as possible.

BigShot added a comment.EditedJul 23 2016, 2:57 PM

Understood about the defining of a crash...not a problem no worries at all...just happy to help out.

That's interesting how only the host is affected...I have not tested it yet with a connected client...but I will try to do that today for you. I can connect to myself on my LAN.

I will report back in a few hours hopefully and be able to confirm whether or not my finding are the same as yours. I would have already done it yesterday for you but due to a knee injury I'm currently on crutches and getting the LAN setup takes a little bit of back and forth trickery here :-)

***UPDATED - Ok tested on LAN with connected client and found that no matter whether the client was JIP or starting at beginning in lobby with host that the issue does not affect the client. So I confirm that it appears to be only an issue for the host currently.

razazel added a comment.EditedJul 26 2016, 9:52 AM

Thank you very much for that, we are already onto it, hopefully we will be able to provide a fix soon.

EDIT: Also, the issue should not be present if you start a dedicated server so if you have a group of friends with which you would like to play some mission, creating a dedicated server instance might be a temporary solution.

We play my Duws Modified mission which I've been working on now for a couple of years, but it's incompatible with a dedi, unfortunately.

Thank you for keeping me updated, very much appreciated...I will continue to monitor this thread in case you need any further testing assistance or questions.

Oh, yeah stupid me, dedicated server and saving do not come together well.

Have they fixed the respawn menu in saved games yet? I haven't noticed any mention of it in the Dev branch change log at all.

Still in progress, no fix available yet I'm afraid :(

heh, no longer supports saving for non dedi's, but have you seen a few of the latest fixes they've been prioritizing over this?

Fixed: The drivers of Water Scooters did not grip the vehicle’s handles properly
Fixed: The Prowler Light had some unwanted holding bars on the roll-cage
Fixed: The speed of scrolling (using ScrollBar UI controls) was too fast
Tweaked: Volume of the rotation sound for the 6.5 mm minigun
Fixed: Browsing different uniforms, vests or backpacks in Arsenal didn't update the capacity information

Obviously they've also fixed other more important items than these, however I'll never understand how they can justify spending payroll funds first on fixing THESE sorts of things over other more important issues which have actually broken the game for some users.

@BigShot Though look at the changelog might be frustrating, there is also something one has to keep in mind when comparing the issues that are fixed and that are still in progress.

These issues are different in severity however they also have very little in common and require different amount of work and, most importantly, are handled by different departments. Fixing the driver's hand position on Water Scooters in no way blocks progress on fixing the respawn.