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- Mar 5 2013, 10:26 PM (625 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
I don't think it would be possible to get the Kinect working with a PC game for any reason, it's an xbox peripheral coded for the xbox to work with games programmed to use it and the xobx. But there is a peripheral already built for that purpose, works better than the kinect ever could, and works with arma 2 already so it wil work for arma 3 if it doesn't already. It's called TrackIR by Natural point.
May 9 2016
well yea they are also not much fun to you because they are either point and shoot with the sight or mark the map for a direct hit, it would be nice for a little more involvement in the firing.
i would imagine that the animations could just be mirrored, and it would add at least a little difference because suddenly playing on a team with one lefty and one righty they take different wall sides because of how much you have to expose yourself.
the little bird's weapons are controlled by the pilot because they require the pilot to move the aircraft to actually aim the weapons, in an apache the gunner can fire in a direction other than the helicopter, but the pilot should be able to hand over control to the copilot and if the pilot dies the copilot should be able to take control himself.
i will say though, the dev's shouldn't go overboard fixing this because it is leaps and bounds better than in A2 where slightest scratch caused an explosion
the helicopter controls should not limit what the helicopter can do, so if the collective control (which is hugely important) is too floatly and unresponsive then it should be fixed. I can understand the idea of keeping it simple enough that people don't just instantly side-slip their way into a cliff, but tweaking the collective to be more sensitive and making the choppers a bit more realistic won't ruin that. But between how it now and how it is in take on helicopter, I would take how it is because the ToH model feels slow and unresponsive (I can control DCS better than those helis)
this might be an issue with the game detecting whether you are underwater or not, because most underwater weapons have a range of about 40-50m after which the bullet slows down exponentially and then just sinks, which in game means your bullets just kind of disappear. Were you completely out of the water? I know when i played the mission the first shots i fired where after I got to a shed about 50m from the shore and i killed a guy at a 100-150m range.
edit: the guy below me probably has the answer, but I won't remove the note just in case.
is there a medic on the team? If there isn't then this is probably an issue of AI not using FAKs until a your wounded severely enough since FAKs are listed as "for heavy wounds".
yes you're right about belt pieces for the AR but I meant the standard assault rifle, i should have been more specific, which would eject nothing but gas or possible a platic cap (G11 caseless ammo has one to hold the bullet in place) since the propellent is formed into a casing lke in the image i have added
yea this issue will become less and less common as people learn the camos/gear, and usually if they are pointing their gun at you then they aren't just going to say hello.
JNC you still haven't provided any details as to what part of it is bad, let alone details to possibly help fix it.
@Revage, since you have asked people to not hide behind the timeframe argument i feel the need to explain why i used it. I do believe that this issue is one that should be addressed and that female characters in Arma 2 were done poorly and I also agree that female soldiers probably should be added, although maybe not into the Iranian forces because I just don't see that sort of thing happening in real life.
This issue, however, is not important at the moment when so much of the content is not in the game and not yet to be tested, even from a developer's point of view they want to know if what is in the game now is working not what should be added next. It would be better to wait and bring this back up when the dev's have added in all of the civillian models as that will most likely include female characters and then this issue will be relevant to what the dev's want to find out. In short "it's alpha so please test the content that is here and make sure that works before asking for more stuff to add"
i agree with reiber, we don't even have the tanks or half the other character models yet; let's just get all that stuff in first and test all that before asking for all new cosmetic stuff, who knows maybe BI are already planning just haven't included them yet.
try running it on medium and use more of your gpu and less of your cpu.
If the issue is with the Iranians it is probably because some of their weapons fire caseless ammo so there wouldn't be anything ejected.
most likely the two overlays not compatible at the same time so one replaces the other, same thing happens with the TS3 overlay in other games on steam. So most likely not an A3 issue.
This is might be an issue with limited or no simulation of the wheels on helicopters, they are probably treated like skids although i can't confirm this. This might be better when they add in airplanes which have to taxi.
Which helicopter? the Ah/Mh-9 is very nimble even at high speed. I do agree though, the inertia doesn't feel completely correct but it does feel like a design choice because helicopters in A2 were very similar. Probably have to wait for more helis to test against.