User Details
- User Since
- Aug 31 2015, 1:47 AM (499 w, 4 d)
Dec 22 2018
this is a much broader problem than just base gates and fences. ALL doors in ALL buildings clip through players when opening
Dec 21 2018
Dec 13 2018
so the game does't crash as soon as i click on the Community Tab
games files have been verified multiple times{F604830}
Dec 12 2018
Dec 5 2018
Jun 16 2018
Jun 9 2018
May 21 2018
Jun 18 2017
So the frequency of the crash has improved but it's still happening when leaving a server or when closing the game
Jun 12 2017
sorry I meant to say .54 and .60 patches, not .50.
Something that I noted with .62 is that the game has been using all of my video memory for at least one of the GPUs on my 295x2 according to Afterburner. I don't know if this memory crash error message is related to that memory or if it's referring to virtual memory. I did some research on this message and it looks like this bug appeared in the .54 and .50 patch and that one of the fixes was to increase paging file size. So I increased mine from 8 GBs to 16 GBs but it made no difference. I don't have tis problem on any other game I play (Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain, Company of Heroes 2, Arma 3) so I know it's not my graphics card.. I never had this problem before I switched to .62 stable. I did play .62 exp before the stable version and someone posted on dayz Reddit that those who played .62 exp before the stable version just needed to delete their profiles to fix it (see link below).
I don't have an AppData folder under my name.. Where else would it be?
Jun 11 2017
May 11 2016
ah ok I guess it's server specific then
Okay so this doesn't happen all the time because I just found a Russian heli in the pogorevka area and it didn't disappear which leads me to believe that the "disappearing" helis are possibly just heli's that hit the end of some sort of timer which caused them to despawn and respawn somewhere else
I've had this happen too and I just reported it today. It happened to me in the Pogorevka area while server hopping for helis. I noticed you have windows 10. I also have that and didn't notice this bug until after installing windows 10. Of course with as many bugs as there are in this game I wouldn't be surprised if this is a new bug in the "stable" .59 patch. I had this happen on two different servers, once with an American heli and a Russian heli. I don't think it's my video card since I've never had this happen with my R9 295x2. It's either a .59 bug or perhaps an issue with Windows 10.
The issue you're describing is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about placing an empty barrel under a pine tree and it no longer appears in the "vicinity" in the New UI. I also tested this by placing a barrel in an open space, on a road, and it does appear in the UI.
I server hopped to find this loot splosion quite a bit and didn't find it. Looks like it's server specific. The command tents at the NWAF on .58 had loot splosions too but not every server. Can you post a link for the photo so we can see the screen shot?
I had this same problem on two different servers yesterday. Seems like a bug. helis shouldn't despawn that quickly. it's like a heli mirage. I thought it might be a windows 10 thing since this didn't happen until I installed windows 10 but I noticed you have windows 7 so that's probably not the problem
trust me its not a fence or gate. I know what a door sounds like and im telling you that ghost sounds are still there
Could you explain how the 45 and 7 day persistency works? If I set down and barrel and don't interact with it, is it persistent for 45 days? Does the persistency switch to 7 days as soon as I interact with it? Kind of confused on this. Please enlighten me
no this is the sound of an interior or exterior door closing or opening, trust me its a house door
sorry meant 0.58
Yes I know but it was fixed in 0.58 experimental and should have made it's way onto 0.59 stable but the sounds are still there. Trust me I played 58 exp and ghost sounds were gone.
Well I'm not dead but rather Energized, Hydrated, and Healthy so I think this one may be a bug unless I magically healed from when I logged out until when I logged in this morning. Sounds like a bug since it was fixed by relogging
Had this same problem on two different servers. it's either a bug or it's tied to a timer to give the impression that they're "dynamic"