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- User Since
- Aug 16 2013, 10:20 AM (603 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
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LMS mode should have some kind of reward that the last man standing can win. This mode could be a lot of fun.
Keep playing :) hit small Enter for 3rd person, no emphysema there.
Personally, I think these sounds improve my immersion experience - one could argue that they set in a tad too fast, but hey, not everyone has the constitution of Batman.
I think "the fence" should be laid down if you crawl, but triggered from the waist, not in front of you. That way, you keep performance as it is now, you can still track people through grass paths, and 1st person snipers won't complain about weird grass. Maybe this "grass waist trigger" should have it's own post if there is support for that idea, since a lot of the negative votes from the current grass post seem to stem from people thinking that it can't be done properly by the dev programmers.
For people complaining about not being able to see anything in high grass: well, it's high grass, sit up man! It's supposed to be hard to see things when you hide in vegetation :)
I agree, it must be possible to do this more elegantly... if not, maybe just don't flatten it when crawling.
I have noticed a tendency on many posts that peopple assume that things cannot be done by the programmers - I don't think we should speculate in that. Just vote up the suggestions you wish implemented and let Bohemia's programmers worry about how to solve it.
Video links added.
I think the biggest problem as it is now, is when my engine is damaged and I need to crashland, if I succeed, I am stuck in my burning heli... glued to the seat. At least make it so, when on the ground you can "eject" (exit).
Btw. there are other posts about this.
Seasons? I want this... but then I also want the graphics and sound immersion that comes with it, like snow creaking under foot + footsteps in snow, frosted breath... ice forming on the lakes, freezing my nuts off when emerging from a dive in blue and so on. +1
Yes, things blow up in a war. A game that approaches realism should have awesome explosions as a high priority.
I wanted to make a mod for this back in the Arma II with actual graphics supporting the windage dial on sniper rifles. I hope this is implemented in A3.
Wind could be toggled like some of the other settings when plaing on the easier modes.
May 9 2016
Also... I like pushing a red button and something goes BOOM!
Any weather is good weather in the army! ...I remmeber that from my time in service, but in fact, hard rain was the worst. In Arma, I don't care if it rains at all. I hope extremely bad weather would be implemented so rain actually makes things harder... low visibility, wind affecting bullets and helis, wet clothes being heavier and so on. +1
Melee should be very hard to use (low chance of hitting hard) if not actually not possible at all - unless you sneak up on someone and use melee which would trigger the following animation/result...
If [x] is equipped:
Rifle - melee button triggers knock out from rifle butt.
Pistol - melee button triggers knock out from downwards strike pistol grip.
combat knife - melee button triggers silent kill (hand over mouth, slit the throat5).
Regarding launchers: Swithing to a launcher you will need to stop, but throwing it on the back and going for a sidearm or rifle, tactical pace is expected in my opinion.
Yes... I hate -HATE- heli missions where I do good, but my engine is shot to pieces, i barely crashland so I can take the fight to my enemies until my dying breath... but... can't get... out.. of my heli.. am.. glued to the seat! ...ach Hans! +1