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- User Since
- Apr 26 2018, 7:50 PM (360 w, 4 d)
Jun 19 2022
We need Unicode in player names
Dec 13 2021
Nov 26 2021
any info???
Nov 18 2021
Nov 16 2021
Jul 14 2021
I am test on 1.12 version this with:
- Client-server mod breachingcharge with block define
- Only server mod with my code and if def
If i am don't add a 'requiredaddon' #ifdef is not worked, but with added 'requiredaddon' as 'breachingcharge' it is worked ;)
Nov 20 2020
Tested in windows server 2016, exist the same problem
Nov 17 2020
Jul 31 2020
Maybe a some answers? Developvers???
Jul 16 2020
Any answer?
Jul 9 2020
Jul 2 2020
Actualised, this bug worked in latest 1.08.153251
Jul 1 2020
May 3 2020
Apr 4 2020
Dec 2 2019
Ok, thanks, i am will be test this later
Nov 14 2019
Sep 16 2019
ok, thanks
Sep 14 2019
In DayZ there are 2 settings for server ping, in Battleye (including DarT) and in the configuration of the game server. And here is kicks I mean precisely the second such players. Strange that don't know, I thought the game developers know their game code.
In any case, in any game the problem with the ping and kik lead to the complete exclusion of the player from the server without any further problems with reconnecting to the server and the players around him, why this problem exists in a game like DayZ, and even in the release, not the test version, I was not clear. It seemed to me that this is the basic functionality of any game and its basis.
To another server, the client can connect without restarting the game, to the same no, until its non-existent clone manually kick from the server. The problem is observed both when re-entering and when restarting the game, it does not matter. Some at the time of connection to the same problem writes an error Duplicate ticket, the symptoms are the same. In logs of the server there is nothing at people who do not receive an error about Duplicate ticket, and at those who receive Duplicate ticket there is a half-connection and a kick at once. No other symptoms problems I not found, the problem least with patch 1.04 there is have 10 from 60 players at times, extremely rarely but pile have people on patches 1.02 and 1.03. Basically, as it was correctly noted earlier, people with a large ping or unstable Internet connection, which in itself imposes possible problems on their part, but the symptoms of the problem are observed in all such players. The problem is solved either by a manual kick or by rebooting the server game.
Sep 13 2019
I hear you. But explain to me then why at departure of the player from the server his identifier remains to be registered in the list of players on the server as in the status of Lobby of the server whereas actually the player at this moment took off from the server. And as long as manually by means of Rcon-admin server using Battleye that player does not kick out, he can't log in to the server normally?
Sep 12 2019
In the screenshot, the game reports that it was unable to connect to the server due to an unknown error (I'm telling you about the message at the top of the screen). In this case, the game server itself does not fix connections.
2 servers worked in 1 real server mashine in 1 ip address and diferent server ports, in bug time this player can't connect to first server and can connect to second server game, but in database server character is don't locked,
The problem from provider is possible, we assume, but according to messages from provider, problems are not observed, connection stable, and this problem is observed only at people with the unstable Internet (the ping can sharply change)
Sep 6 2019
Actual in this currect 1.5 version stable! Any info? No?
Actual in this currect 1.5 version stable! Any info? No?
Sep 5 2019
Sep 1 2019
Jul 18 2019
Jun 18 2019
Jun 11 2019
I am think, what this is nedde for Actualled information for player
May 28 2019
May 22 2019
True, for owners of private servers, there should be different options that provide the ability to specify both strictly required modifications to connect to their server (breaking this list is an exception from the server, an integrity violation or a mismatch is an exception, as is done in equalmodrequired now). Also, there must be an option that indicates modifications that are not required to connect the player on the side of his game client, but can be connected on the server side of the game (this is extremely convenient for people who make minor changes to the server side of the game in their own mind).
Yes, in the current form sigtarurechek performs its function, but not as we would like, and it does not provide decent protection. And connection equalmodrequired forces even purely server modifications to distribute for the client of a game that automatically leads both to distribution of individual developments on the server, and to superfluous problems in the form of the excess mods which are not necessary for players.
In addition to the above, there is also another problem. People entering from the game browser inside the game on the server with modifications simply kick with them, and rarely one of them can understand at least why. There is no way to indicate even the server page to such people, let alone to indicate to the player why he is excluded and what is wrong with his side. As a rule, such people simply go to look for other servers, thus online on servers that can be made interesting and unique, simply lost, and the server is forced to close.
May 21 2019
I believe that such restrictions should not be on the server side and on the client side for the single player mode (offline). In any case, I do not even see the reason for such restrictions, it creates additional difficulties in working on the game and its code for everyone who tries to create their modifications in any way. But if you have a need for this kind of thing, I would advise you to simply add an optional parameter to the configuration of the server and the game client that allows you to either remove such a lock or specify its size. This would solve a lot of questions and problems for both the authors of the game, as well as for the authors of modifications.
May 20 2019
May 19 2019
May 18 2019
it is posted Feb 14 2019, 8:34 PM
Devs, why this don't fixed?
Apr 28 2019
Apr 26 2019
Feb 4 2019
Feb 2 2019
Jan 28 2019
Oh, i am fix this, Bandage changed to BandageDressing
Jan 26 2019
Jan 13 2019
This bug exist only in containers, added to server from scripts code
Dec 17 2018
Him good work on old version game browser. Server work online 24/7, you can view him in this monitoring page;
Yes, in good work in all versions game 0.63, and don't work after update to version 1.0
Dec 16 2018
Dec 14 2018
Dec 13 2018
Nov 12 2018
Nov 9 2018
Все что вы можете - это отключить функцию записи в файл? Ребята, это как-то не серьезно, пересмотрите подход к моддингу игры, если вы перекроете весь кислород мододелам, на игру всем будет далеко и с одного места.
Nov 5 2018
Oct 3 2018
Sep 24 2018
sorry, it is fixed RconRestrict 0 in battleye config