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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 4:35 AM (587 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
This is not just melee weapons its for any type of gun also. A relog fixes the issue though like you said. Happened to me and my buddy today, both of us had it happen to us.
While my problem is different in the time it takes to crash my game still always ends up crashing, on experimental. Never had this problem before but now I crash everytime I play, could be 10 minutes after I join server or 2 hours but it always ends up saying, Dayz has stopped working...
I feel like whoever put those sounds in place was trolling. First time I thought someone shot me and broke my leg lol.
Use morphine or craft a splint with sticks and a bandage. Your legs are broken.
This is pretty scary if this guy is telling the truth. People are able to hack other characters now!?
This is a problem in the Arma engine. Something that has bugged me for a very long time. Hope they get around to fixing it because I have messed up a lot of situations by this happening.
This just started happening to me. I clipped inside a building and was stuck just like you. Had to keep walking against wall and clipped back outside. This "lag" I have encountered about 20 times within a couple hours.
Thats what makes this game so great. You literally can't trust anyone! Bandits are a huge part of the game and just because you are a bandit doesn't mean you should stand out from anyone else.
Just wait a min and it will appear again. Items sometimes take a while to show up on the ground after you drop them. Have only had maybe 1 or 2 items actually disappear.
You bought a game in Early access you had a fair share of warnings not to buy it. The performance will get better so you should just wait till then instead of asking for a refund.
This is why I play on 1st person servers.
Rule #1 of Dayz: Don't get attached to your gear. I know its no fun loosing hard earned gear to a stupid bug..BUT this is a early access game and they put out a fair share of warnings that the game is full of bugs. Get used to loosing your character to bugs and wipes its going to happen a lot.
P.S. not trying to be a jerk or anything just telling you like it is.
I knew those glasses were OP!
uljira its good that you reported this. Even know the devs already know about this there is no way for you to know unless you were a player of the Dayz mod. The zombie AI needs a ton of work still and banging on the door when its closed is a great idea and I would love to see it implemented! Welcome to Dayz! and keep reporting bugs!
I shot 3 guys today;
1st: only shot him 2 times and he ran behind a bush..went to loot body but was not there. Assuming he combat logged.
2nd: put atleast 10 bullets into the guy and he fall over dead then body disapear.
3rd: Shot the guy atleast 3 times in the back and he ran behind a building and combat logged. (all 3 guys had guns and gear so gives them more of a reason to combat log)
Need to copy over the combat timer from the mod temporarily. Otherwise everyone is going to abuse this.
The message saying " No message recieved # " means you are not connected to the server so that explains why you could not die.
They need to split the servers into 1st person and 3rd person, only solution. But yes I agree 1st person adds so much immersion to the game rather than 3rd person is nothing but immersion breaking.
Happened with my friend a couple days back. I made him relog because it bugged me so much and seemed to fix it.
You need to press spacebar to bring it up. It is probably holstered...I did the same thing for the first 30 min.
This is a known bug in the Arma engine but something that still needs fix.
Today was hearing zombie sounds every 20-30 seconds and clearly were no zombies around. Also random drinking and eating. Seems like the sounds are happening a lot more often then before...probably with the latest patch.