Damn this thread si sooo long and so much rage and hate is here that my mailbox already asigned it as a spam...
I will be again one from many many maaaany ppl that will UP-Vote it cos, soldier by it means isnt only a first front line meat ball, soldiers are also tank crew, pilots, predators operator, mechanics etc. "Soldier" is an universal name of a person who serve his army, so guys... stop bullshiting that there are no female soldiers... there are many female very good pilots, there was in history even some female snipers, first maybe leave PC for one day and go out, read newspaper or better, join army and check for your own eyes that female soldiers isnt a myth
Actually now on whooole world all army have one simple rule: if he/she can made it he/she can be a soldier by all it means, i know some girls that are actually better than some of you on gym, i know many girls that are better logistisc than some of you guys, and i saw many many guys who could not handle even 10 pomp-actions, or was crying like babies while girls are harder emotional (thats proven by science)
At the end just to make it clear, no matter what there SHOULD be female soldiers, i dont know from where you sucked info about no Female soldiers in any army but for sure, its FAKE and GAY.