@ i was talking about their behaviour in Reallive. But the game physics for Fixed wings is quite broken currently.
Yeah the lack of Air Superiority fighters is quite harming, since only AAF got their Air Sup jet and Nato and Opfor only got Earthstrike planes.
There are many more issues like the performance in curves and the loss of speed in them which are higly unrealistic but thoose are different problems.
The problem i stated is that the Neophrone has this ability and it is the only plane that got this ability while it also has the second largest payload.
This means this jet which also is the fastest (300km/h faster than A10 and buzzard) cannot only Outrun enemy Fighters, it may also easily outturn them or just fly straight up and dive down again engaging the enemy and leave him with no chance. Just try it with a friend, if the Neophron pilot knows how to flight there will not be a single time in which he will loose a 1 on 1 dogfight.
with your last point about the wight and load.
I guess this would need a rework of the flight physics like the Helis got in order to work.
But it seems like we atlest get a new VTOL aircract with Tanoa, which may hopefully come alone with some changes to the Fixed wing Physics