You were most likely attacked by a zombie, or taken some sort of blunt trauma. Same happened to me. Painkillers should cure the condition.
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May 10 2016
My last character i had two ammo boxes full of SKS ammo, more than 100 rounds. maybe you're just having bad luck.
This problem has gotten me killed several times when moving on elevated platforms. I agree, movement should be more precise.
I love the challenge! and with tougher Zombies maybe players will start teaming a little bit more. Now it's true survival.
That's bullshit.
Agreed! i've gotten stuck four times. Maybe press one of the F keys to use your weapon on yourself?
Going prone in a field is pretty much pointless anyways because players can perfectly see you, grass doesn't render if you're far enough away. You'll look like a sitting duck.
For the most part, night in any video game should disregard any realism; because night-time needs to be playable. As of now, Most players don't even play on night servers.
but the game is in alpher.
This problem manifests itself more with trees than anything.
Until the problem gets resolved, there are video configurations that can increase FPS. i.e: disabling/lowering clouds and shadows detail.
Or perhaps lowering resolution slightly.
Zeds do still run through walls and doors and pretty much act like there are the Hulk. Shoot I would rather them act more like hulk smashing through objects than it would be something fun to look at whilst they beat you down. For Shame DHall and other devs for "fixing" this issue. You guys need to get your shit together or NO ONE will buy the PS4 version or the Beta (if he ever gets that far which by the way I seriously doubt it will ever get passed alpha. He's got our money now he's gonna run.)
Agh! when will the status go to resolved!?
The fact that the Zombies have no collision is fucked up, even for an Alpha.