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Powered by a brand-new Enfusion technology, Arma Reforger is an authentic Cold War military game, which allows players to battle for a sprawling mid-Atlantic island of Everon, or take a role of Game Master and create their own scenarios for other to enjoy.

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StimpsonJCat created T183157: Workbench: Error in "Create/Update Selected Editable Prefabs" for function "PreserveBudgets.
Sat, Jul 27, 6:57 AM · Arma Reforger
kawalec added a comment to T183133: Constant Timeout errors.

I don't know. My RAM is pristine, no errors.
Yesterday I've verified game files in Steam and today I have zero timeouts. I also uninstalled and reinstalled BattlEye. It may be a coincidence. I have no tools to verify this.

Sat, Jul 27, 2:57 AM · Arma Reforger
nookly added a comment to T183133: Constant Timeout errors.

Could this be related to RAM write/read errors? Lot of file load errors, from what i see in log files. Or the server doesn't catch up with updating certain thing.
Because i diagnose seperate RAM issue on my system, very rarely causing access violation crash, and also apparent in other software.

Sat, Jul 27, 2:46 AM · Arma Reforger
abudabi added a comment to T181989: DirectX 12 DirectSR Support(Amd FSR,Nvidia DLSS,Intel XeSS).

any updates?

Sat, Jul 27, 12:27 AM · Arma Reforger


EricTViking created T183152: AI Squad members get stuck on top of things.
Fri, Jul 26, 10:01 PM · Arma Reforger
speedwaystar added a comment to T182956: it no workz.

This particular error looks exactly the same as getting out of the flipped car and being moved under the map. The only difference is that the came disconnected me while I was driving and I hit the wall of a building while being disconnected. When I reconnected, the game erroneously recognised my position and moved me half-way under the map. Additionally I have been registered as still driving. All this is perfectly visible in the vide.

Fri, Jul 26, 8:52 PM · Arma Reforger
Pipib added a comment to T182552: Grenade bug.

Still experiencing same issue. Without mods. Only on server, it isnt happening in singleplayer editor scenario.

Fri, Jul 26, 8:39 PM · Arma Reforger
speedwaystar renamed T182405: [] M15 AT Mine deployment: inconsistent options display when planting from [] M15 AT Mine deployment: inconsistent options display when planting to [] M15 AT Mine deployment: inconsistent options display when planting.
Fri, Jul 26, 6:45 PM · Arma Reforger
speedwaystar updated the task description for T181493: [] (AI) {Driving} AI drivers automatically replot their route to avoid obstacles (incuding sometimes AT mines).
Fri, Jul 26, 6:45 PM · Arma Reforger
speedwaystar renamed T182408: [] {AI} {Driving} The driving AI is magically aware of distant AT Mines and plots its route to avoid them from [] {AI} {Driving} The driving AI is magically aware of distant AT Mines and plots its route to avoid them to [] {AI} {Driving} The driving AI is magically aware of distant AT Mines and plots its route to avoid them.
Fri, Jul 26, 6:45 PM · Arma Reforger
speedwaystar renamed T182945: [] certain vehicles spawn without gunners when game is paused from [] certain vehicles spawn without gunners when game is paused to [] certain vehicles spawn without gunners when game is paused.
Fri, Jul 26, 6:45 PM · Arma Reforger
speedwaystar renamed T181493: [] (AI) {Driving} AI drivers automatically replot their route to avoid obstacles (incuding sometimes AT mines) from [] (AI) {Driving} AI drivers automatically replot their route to avoid obstacles (incuding sometimes AT mines) to [] (AI) {Driving} AI drivers automatically replot their route to avoid obstacles (incuding sometimes AT mines).
Fri, Jul 26, 6:45 PM · Arma Reforger
kawalec added a comment to T182956: it no workz.
Fri, Jul 26, 6:42 PM · Arma Reforger
kawalec added a comment to T182956: it no workz.
Fri, Jul 26, 6:11 PM · Arma Reforger
kawalec added a comment to T182956: it no workz.

You removed the comment, but I would like to ask anyway what other data and information I may provide you with?
I've attached game log files and a video.
Are there any other files I could send? Like memory dump files?
Or do you have any telemetry software I could install, so it will monitor my game when I'm playing?
This particular error looks exactly the same as getting out of the flipped car and being moved under the map. The only difference is that the came disconnected me while I was driving and I hit the wall of a building while being disconnected. When I reconnected, the game erroneously recognised my position and moved me half-way under the map. Additionally I have been registered as still driving. All this is perfectly visible in the vide.
I cannot recreate this, because I don't know how to cause timeout error on demand. In Windows I use "NotMyFault" app to simulate errors, I don't know if Reforger has anything similar.

Fri, Jul 26, 6:03 PM · Arma Reforger
Trip.Hazzard created T183146: group=1 REPLICATION reason=3 CONNECTION FAILURE.
Fri, Jul 26, 5:37 PM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T181205: Game Master/Armavision cameras cannot go into the ocean from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Fri, Jul 26, 3:39 PM · Arma Reforger
Geez closed T181207: [EXPERIMENTAL] UGL fired flare continues to burn on water as Resolved.

Hello StimpsonJCat.
This is intended behaviour.

Fri, Jul 26, 3:39 PM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T183144: Vehicle shaking at low speeds from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Fri, Jul 26, 3:27 PM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T183143: Map compass does not show vehicle orientation from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Fri, Jul 26, 3:27 PM · Arma Reforger
Ponezun created T183144: Vehicle shaking at low speeds.
Fri, Jul 26, 1:55 PM · Arma Reforger
Geez closed T179108: Control "Select long/short-range radio" not working as Resolved.

Hello Asmodeus.
This will be resolved for the next major update.

Fri, Jul 26, 1:51 PM · Arma Reforger
Geez added a comment to T182956: it no workz.

Am I sarcastic. Yes, I am. I invested over a 1000 hours of my private time into Reforger and I am getting tired of unresolved problems caused by "updates" and "fixes".

Wow, just wow.... How old are you? You're acting like a spoiled child who thinks that if he bought the game, he's entitled to everything "because i paid for the game" and "i invested my time", after all, no one is forcing you to play, if you have such a huge problem with this game, contact bohemia and demand a refund. But I know perfectly well that you won't do that because you're a typical complainer. I see you all the time on various servers under the nickname "Gzregorz" (i can see your nickname in the video), so I guess you don't have the errors you describe here that often because you still play. Grow up a bit and let the creators work in peace because your constant complaining only causes more harm than good.It's good that you report bugs, but by doing it this way you're only annoying others. Peace.

Fri, Jul 26, 1:45 PM · Arma Reforger
Ponezun created T183143: Map compass does not show vehicle orientation.
Fri, Jul 26, 1:45 PM · Arma Reforger
KarolineZ added a comment to T182956: it no workz.

Am I sarcastic. Yes, I am. I invested over a 1000 hours of my private time into Reforger and I am getting tired of unresolved problems caused by "updates" and "fixes".

Fri, Jul 26, 1:31 PM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T179053: Primary mouse button settings in Windows is ignored from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Fri, Jul 26, 1:09 PM · Arma Reforger
LouMontana added a comment to T182956: it no workz.
Fri, Jul 26, 11:45 AM · Arma Reforger
Geez added a comment to T182956: it no workz.

I will not change the title, so others could draw some conclusions.
I don't know what is your role at BIS, but surely you are not a PR department employee, nor should you be. You attitude here is the same as you present on Arma Official Discord channel.
Am I sarcastic. Yes, I am. I invested over a 1000 hours of my private time into Reforger and I am getting tired of unresolved problems caused by "updates" and "fixes".
It's really disappointing that given the amount of feedback and support BIS receives from us, the players, one of "Administrators" behaves like this.
Instead of this behaviour, I would recommend some humbleness and spending more time on proper programming.

Fri, Jul 26, 11:42 AM · Arma Reforger
kawalec added a comment to T182956: it no workz.

I will not change the title, so others could draw some conclusions.
I don't know what is your role at BIS, but surely you are not a PR department employee, nor should you be. You attitude here is the same as you present on Arma Official Discord channel.
Am I sarcastic. Yes, I am. I invested over a 1000 hours of my private time into Reforger and I am getting tired of unresolved problems caused by "updates" and "fixes".
It's really disappointing that given the amount of feedback and support BIS receives from us, the players, one of "Administrators" behaves like this.
Instead of this behaviour, I would recommend some humbleness and spending more time on proper programming.

Fri, Jul 26, 11:35 AM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T179491: Inventory user interface - equipment items not updated after putting them from an arsenal container from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Fri, Jul 26, 11:22 AM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T179621: Game Master - scenario properties - year is not saved from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Fri, Jul 26, 11:22 AM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T183134: Controller friendly player AI Squad Lead (Actually the High Command System) Tweaks to bring the system up to a minimum viable standard from New to Feedback.
Fri, Jul 26, 11:04 AM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T181501: GM does not save waypoint from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Fri, Jul 26, 11:01 AM · Arma Reforger
Geez closed T179708: Experimental, AI placement/usage issues as Resolved.
Fri, Jul 26, 11:01 AM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T183136: On some occasions, when a locked group is created and you are alone in the group and then you die. from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Fri, Jul 26, 10:58 AM · Arma Reforger
Geez changed the status of T183133: Constant Timeout errors from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Fri, Jul 26, 10:54 AM · Arma Reforger
LouMontana added a comment to T182956: it no workz.

It is as helpful as your earlier sarcasm, without the sarcasm. Feel free to amend it

Fri, Jul 26, 10:51 AM · Arma Reforger
Electroencefalografista added a comment to T182409: Multiplayer Spawning Group Hop bug.

I believe this might be fixed finally. I had no issues staying in a squad at all today. I actually saw radios up and people using them.
Anybody else still getting it?

Fri, Jul 26, 9:56 AM · Arma Reforger
Electroencefalografista created T183136: On some occasions, when a locked group is created and you are alone in the group and then you die..
Fri, Jul 26, 7:22 AM · Arma Reforger
HER0 added a comment to T182054: Group switching unexpectedly on spawn.

This appears to be fixed, now.

Fri, Jul 26, 5:49 AM · Arma Reforger
Yamachinu added a comment to T182409: Multiplayer Spawning Group Hop bug.

I believe this might be fixed finally. I had no issues staying in a squad at all today. I actually saw radios up and people using them.
Anybody else still getting it?

Fri, Jul 26, 4:04 AM · Arma Reforger
kawalec updated the task description for T183133: Constant Timeout errors.
Fri, Jul 26, 3:08 AM · Arma Reforger
patriaminas added a comment to T181501: GM does not save waypoint.

The problem persists in version "". Thanks.

Fri, Jul 26, 3:04 AM · Arma Reforger
Mamith created T183134: Controller friendly player AI Squad Lead (Actually the High Command System) Tweaks to bring the system up to a minimum viable standard.
Fri, Jul 26, 2:56 AM · Arma Reforger
nookly added a comment to T183133: Constant Timeout errors.

I have the same constant timeout errors, on US servers more often, every 5-20 minutes and only i get kicked out, on EU, timeout errors are rare, every 20m-60m, but i notice that other players are kicked ass well.

Fri, Jul 26, 2:35 AM · Arma Reforger
kawalec created T183133: Constant Timeout errors.
Fri, Jul 26, 1:32 AM · Arma Reforger

Thu, Jul 25

Commander_Falcon renamed T181796: [] Arsenal boxes don't show a preview when selected in Game Master from [] Arsenal boxes don't show a preview when selected in Game Master to [] Arsenal boxes don't show a preview when selected in Game Master.
Thu, Jul 25, 7:42 PM · Arma Reforger
Commander_Falcon renamed T181863: [] Incorrect characters spawn in certain vehicles or no characters spawn at all from [] Incorrect characters spawn in certain vehicles or no characters spawn at all to [] Incorrect characters spawn in certain vehicles or no characters spawn at all.
Thu, Jul 25, 7:42 PM · Arma Reforger
Commander_Falcon renamed T181927: [] Most gestures from the gestures menu have been removed from [] Most gestures from the gestures menu have been removed to [] Most gestures from the gestures menu have been removed.
Thu, Jul 25, 7:39 PM · Arma Reforger
Commander_Falcon renamed T182376: [] Inconsistent preview image quality from [] Inconsistent preview image quality to [] Inconsistent preview image quality.
Thu, Jul 25, 7:39 PM · Arma Reforger