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- User Since
- Dec 14 2018, 9:19 PM (325 w, 3 d)
Jun 26 2024
@Geez I have exhausted his suggestions. There seems to be more to the issue than I can control.
Jun 18 2024
@Geez What did you conclude from your review?
Jun 6 2024
@Nate_LapT That's why you should set your client's profiles folder, my errors are from the client side, not from the server, so it shouldn't matter if it's your server or not. Appreciate the help here.
@Nate_LapT You should configure your client's profiles folder and see if the logs are related to the mentioned issue. It may be related, but it also could be something else. Appreciate the the call out 🥰
Jun 4 2024
Jul 14 2022
Can I get a refund now? The game is completely useless to me without the ability to mod and play modded content.
Jun 4 2022
Hey @Geez, I'm having an issue with launching PeerTools in workbench as well, do you believe this could be a similar issue?
Jun 1 2022
Thank you @Geez
May 28 2022
Jan 16 2021
I am sorry to those who are dealing with this, at least there is a solution to the issue somewhere on the horizon. I am looking forward to not having people believe that it's directly related to our mod(s). It has been hammering me for months now.
Dec 14 2020
@lava76 Can you trigger any issue with your mod list in EXP?
@Gramps Can you provide a mod list for the #InitGlobals error?
Dec 10 2020
@Geez if in the end it's something we(vpp) have to change, im fine making the change, but I must understand what causes this, so I can avoid and fix it.
Oct 26 2020
@Jacob_Mango, it's complete garbage, and most if not all modders haven't used it and continued to use the buggy shit we have had for years. I don't feel like anyone wishes to have a completely new system, just fix the serializer, or find a new one.
Oct 25 2020
@Geez, this has been an issue for years and also the same with json file size limits. Please give us an update as we have already went through this process of marking it assigned and waited years. Please and thank you, friend.
Oct 8 2020
Can they be implemented please? @Geez
Sep 24 2020
Sep 21 2020
Aug 7 2020
As an extra note from someone who owns one or more of the mods that are in the mod lists above, I have tested everything on my behalf and have found that even when reverting my codebase back a few months that the issue still happened.
Jul 9 2020
Any action on this? It's still a huge problem patches later.
Jun 21 2020
I believe all values are 0.0F to 1.0F, and this makes sense as it's a percentage 0% - 100%
Yes, this.
Jun 13 2020
From the naming scheme of SendNotificationToPlayer and SendNotificationToPlayerExtended, you can tell that those functions are specifically aimed at sending to the player specified and not all players.
Feb 29 2020
You wouldn't have to change any code which already uses the code from UIScriptedMenu since everything is written in the base class, but you'd have to change the constructor for where GetUIManager gets the moddable class instead of the non-moddable class.
My end goal is to have it like this:
Jan 29 2020
I hate to ping you, brother, but is there any update on this issue. It's something that is still happening and it's really annoying.
Jan 28 2020
Dec 12 2019
So, assigned and forget about? @Geez
Dec 3 2019
Oct 6 2019
pls fix
Oct 3 2019
Sep 15 2019
pls fix :)
Sep 14 2019
Anything on this topic?
Sep 8 2019
@Jacob_Mango Thank you, friend.
Sep 7 2019
Sep 6 2019
I've also received a bunch of bug reports for this, as well as the following:
Aug 18 2019
Thank you Cleetus, yes the only issue seems to be the json file limit when saving.
Aug 10 2019
A multimap is not a solution to this issue, @Jacob_Mango. I don't need an array of values to one key, and the way the multimap serializes is absolute cancer without making them into a template class. Also, there is still a 64kb limit on JsonSerializer stuff, so yeah....
Aug 5 2019
@Geez Any chance for this, or can it be closed? Thank you for taking a look.
Jul 7 2019
Jul 5 2019
Jun 13 2019
May 31 2019
After more test, it seems to have issues regardless of file serializer, and json serializer. I cannot seem to ever load a map that contains a string key, and a user-created class as a value.
May 14 2019
Thank you for looking into this, Geez. I will be continuing to test different parts of 1.03, and posting issues. Have a good day.
I was thinking about this a little bit, and thought to myself what I would do with a Enum.Insert, and I have determined that my use would be to add EventTypes, so I could make a custom events that would run on the event system. Unless there is a simpler way of doing this.
It seems to save the data correctly; however, it doesn't load the map/class correctly, and results in said error.
May 13 2019
Also, on the topic of json files. For the longest time the json file loader has had issues outputting maps which have any type of key (enum, string, int), and a user made class as a value, I really need maps to output to json, and it shouldn't matter the data being outputted:
May 11 2019
Note: The server does know that the slot to the right of the map in: Bug2 , and It will not allow you to place in item in that cargo square.
Dec 18 2018
Thank you tom
Let me know, if there was something else you rather than what I provided.
Please Tom, let me know if there is anything you need from me, or if I have to find a better way to explain what is being experienced.
For instance, we have a json file which holds all of the spawn points the server owners choose to allow their players to spawn at; however, due to either File I/O, or file serialization. Now, we cannot export these files. It simply will not write them, and I would assume that wouldn't read them either.
So, you are going to force us to write a bunch of 18kb files?