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- Mar 9 2013, 9:01 PM (628 w, 2 d)
Fri, Mar 21
Jul 12 2016
Any words from BIS about plans to integrate support for the VR Devices? A similiar functionality like in DCS 1.5 / 2.0 would be sufficient.
May 10 2016
Reintroduced in the RC Build 1.56
Topic can be closed, as soon as it hits the final patch :)
Any news about this, BIS?
Agreed. Aircrafts like the A10 have a Weapon Release Button to fire the Rockets, Missles or drop the bomb. Would be nice to have the same ability.
Mando's Missile Suit from A2 had exactly this system and ot was great.
Any updates this thrown out feature?
There was an answer to this bugreport on discord.
(I just typed this off my phone. So please excuse any mistakes :P)
Adam: The controls that appear in Profile files and not in official controls menu (The one in game) are not officially supported. That said the switching weapons using keys is one of the systems we are currently working on and planning on releaseing with the EDEN Update.
SwissMag: Thanks adam. But the weapon selection worked flawlessly, why was it removed again?
Adam: Because it sneaked out accidently. The System is still being refined and improved :)
SwissMag: Could it accidently sneak back in until the refined version comes back?
Adam: I don't think so.
Thank you Adam.
Any chance you could give us an Update on:
"#0024027: Re mapping controls binds Joystick and key"
Since May no update only that its not occur on a Logitech 3d Extreme. But the issue occurs on other devices like MFG Crosswind, Thrustmaster, Saytek etc.
Thank you.
I'm using an older TIR version with up to date drivers. The issue is still present. Its a bug introduced by 1.48 and I know many guys who are experience it every time. Started to pause TIR while getting in...
Please revert or fix this "overhaul", whatever it is. I didnt notice any "improvements", what does it change exactly?
Try this one:
Sometimes you were stuck in an old build. But jumping between slow to fast ring did fix it. Try it out. If it doesnt work, you should receive the final version on the 29th of July anyway.
TBH this Mantis Bug Tracker is unneeded complicated and is more work that it's worth.
But I believe A3 Devs have also made things more difficult. Way to many categories are selectable.
But also the creator of this issue gave a priority of NONE, which is simply not true. ;-)
So this issue can set to be solved in 1.5. Its fixed in the DevBuild.
Good to know the older and more voted up bug report had been ignored in favor of the newer, less voted one :)
Thanks danczer for letting us know :)
Any acknowledgement by BIS? Would be good if this could be resolved in the next hotfix... so please assign it to somebody... Thank you.
Thank you.
I was asking myself what defines the center point... now I know why...
I do not agree with your Priority: It should be set to high or similiar :)
Hope it gets fixed in a hotfix...
I also have this issue, but the solution for me is to reduce the Aiming Deadzone to about the middle. It only occurs when I have it set to high levels.
Still an issue in the 1.56 RC Patch... -_-
Currently the following of my devices let Arma believe that this devices axis is a modifier key:
MFG Crosswind Pedals
Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle
Komodo Simulation Pro-Collective
Why can I map an Axis as an modifier key, when I cannot use a DX-Joystick Button as a modifier? Doesnt make sense.
Please just fix it.
A week later and no news? Adam? Please :)
Two months later? Anything we can help you guys figure it out?
1.48 was released and no fix.
Interesting find: A friend of mine never had the issue with his Thrustmaster HOTAS + Saitek Combat Pedals. Now on Saturday he received the new MFG Crosswinds and now he has the same issue.
Could somebody at bis take a look at it? Would be greatly appreciated...
Since MFG Crosswind Pedals causing issues also, I attached my DxDiag for the Dev's to have the USB Controller Manufacturer Codes. Maybe it will help them to debug.
Thank you.
Please BIS, fix it fo the next stable patch (1.48). Its anoying to disable three controllers every time you want to assign a keybind.
I have the same issues. My MFG Crosswind-Toebreaks will allways assign also, when I try to bind a key. Since toebreaks are springloaded, it's nearly impossible to find and hold the position.
My workarround for the time beeing: Disable the controller when you are assigning all the other keys. The bindings won't be delited, just greyed out.
This wasnt happening in older builds. I do not really see the point in using an AXIS as a modifier key...
Would it be possible to revert this?
1.46 and still no fix.
With a lot of mods you have to switch between AFM and SFM all the time, so it would be handy if we could at least leave the controls the same...
And please, the AFM setup is right, not the SFM.
Collective Rise (Analog) needs to be the +side and Collective Lower (Analog) should be the -side.
This should be handled like in ToH. Lose the main rotor and roll over. Depending on the speed of impact, it should hurt/kill the crew.
But the issue I think is, as a BIS Dev once stated, that as soon as the chopper collides with something, physicx engine will do the rest.
They also stated that Helicopter DLC didnt include an advanced damage model, so they rather have spend hours on hours to introduce AFM, but to make it usable is out of their scope.
Hoping for a fix.
"May later suggestion is probably why this bug is being ignored, as real pilots likely truly hand over the controls versus trying to fly while reading a map or their favorite magazine!"
Well, what about A-10 pilot or an F-16 Pilot? Both are flying solo. And they can control their CDU (basicly writing message, receiving 9-Liners, typing in flight plans) or take a look at their TAD (Mapscreen) for the next waypoitns. Another importend point is the control of the radio panels which comes with ACRE2/TFAR.
This argument was always brought up and its just nonsense... and definitly not an excuse why a aircraft should loose its throttle/collective response while in a dialog. Sorry mate.
I do not get whats your issue with the waypoint is? Even if you are pressing full throttle (with your shift) why would you press your LMB while on the mapscreen if you didnt want to create a waypoint? Putting down a marker maybe? While you cannot change the Shift and LMB to make a waypoint, you can change your "full throttle" Key.
In Arma 2 this issue was also occuring when opening the map... At least one of the things were fixed...
Please continue to fix all the dialog & Chat promts also.
Thank you.
Still happening in the actual 1.48...
There is a big report already:
Thanks for your little guide. So currently you have to use two complete different neutral collective point when switching between flight modes. Thats why most guys just change the assignment and map both axis to the rise collective (Analog).
When can we expect the two bugs you are describing to be fixed? Next hotfix or 1.50?
Any chance you could take a look at other axis related issues? 0024027 and 0024820?
Thank you.