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- User Since
- Dec 22 2013, 6:48 PM (586 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
specs of PC?
change you're steam name. might fix it
try changing your steam name. Right now you're name is how the database saves you're character. so changing it should make you a "new" fresh one.
wow guys, wow. You CAN play on the same server. I have 3 PC's in my house and we all play together on the same server over a WIFI connection. It has to do with your NAT/PAT settings on youre router OP. Fix that and you should be fine.
I get this quite often. I am able to reproduce this by,
- disconnect from a server
- alt-tab out for a few seconds
- reconnect to a server
I can get the effect or whatever it is to go away by
3)video settings
Makes it go away until I repeat the steps above.
This is a repeat of a issue thats already been CONFIRMED and is beeing worked on by the devs.
Also dont post the commands in this forum like stated above people will exploit the shit out of it
Пожалуйста, используйте английский только в этих форумах!
This issue has already been posted, duplicate....... Please use the search function before posting new issues.
can confirm
this is a duplicate to a ticket I already made
lol kill urself
Thanks for the response man, I realize it was a setting in the mod however, the visual bugs in this are still a bug, and not being able to get the loot back seems to be a bug when the option to pick up X is stated (while not swimming just standing)
please up vote if this is happening to you. I tried it again today and can confirm it happens in the ocean as well
I agree, I have lost things while sharing with a friend due to server restarts. we need a warning message a few min before it restarts. I am sure devs are working on it or have it planned but I think the sooner the better
................ Please Read My Post, I AM IN THE FREAKING WOODS AND FIELDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look, I have said many times that I have tried this OUTSIDE, I am mostly OUTSIDE, I dont like being in cities and airfields. I only go there to get supplies and then I dip. When I am away from a city I move my inventory around and drop things to give to friends. That is when loot disappears.
Also if it is inside, I totally agree, and know its a known bug that loot clips into walls and crates, as well as falls through to the DIRT floor.
your issue is about loot falling through floors. mine is about loot disappearing conpletely. not falling or clipping through walls or floors.
Benz1n3, please read before you post things. This is not a lag issue. I waited and searched for 20 minuets looking for a med kit I dropped that I and my friend desperately needed after a fire fight with another group. It had 2 blood transfusion kits in it. We where not inside, so the item did not clip into the wall or crates. Also I was not in desync or lagging. I was playing on a Florida server from Florida, with a 25ping.
also want to add that this issue is not just on one server. More testing proved it is not desyn/lag and spans across multiple servers I tried.
horrible idea LOL
Guys this guy is retarded as hell.
"who can reveal anybody by ip?"
You might want to do a little research bud, I have been working in networking for over 15 years and I can tell you from my own experience, Logs are kept, when IP's are leased to a person, for how long, and when it is released and given to another person. With specific dates/times/account numbers.
It is easy to track an IP. Also, if you are using NAT or PAT, there are programs to decode the NAT/PAT translation to get the internal network address as well.
Also as everyone else said this is a bug report forum. So post bugs and problems, and please dont cry about you not able to afford a 30$ game. Get a job, buy the game, or wait until it releases and pray for a sale one day.
Duplicate post. Please use the search feature before posting new issues.
Man this a BUG REPORT FORUM, Not a bitch about a game feature you don't like forum. Wow...