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Jan 22 2014, 5:02 PM (575 w, 1 d)

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May 11 2016

snipe added a comment to T110570: Holding chem-light like an rifle. And throwing it makes chem-light dissapears..

NO it will go back to where you picked it up from. I have had this happen as well.

May 11 2016, 5:24 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T110425: Tent Can be moved via dragging.

How about a variation of this, click and hold then move your self then release, does it move?

May 11 2016, 5:19 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T110423: Falsely VAC banned.

Well get ready for the hacker hate. When you log in and there are no walls and you can see through stuff just wait, it will render in within a few secs. As for the ban that seems strange. You may have to wait to find out what the ban was for

May 11 2016, 5:19 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T110422: Character Reset.

Sure it was not a private server? Also if the server just reset and you entered too soon that will do it. The only other reason could be that it is a messed up server.

May 11 2016, 5:19 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T110380: Was glitched into a room and can not get out.

post your acnt info, they will fix it for you

May 11 2016, 5:17 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T110376: Items disapeared.
May 11 2016, 5:17 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T110365: Plate carier bugged - deletes items all the time.

What ever you do, do not add gun holster with full vest pouches, everything will be GONE. I have a ticket for that issue started as well.

May 11 2016, 5:17 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109858: New Patch made the common loot Ultra rare.

This is to make people HUNT and GATHER. Yes it sucks that food is hard to find but it makes it more survival. I agree maybe a small boost in food but still doesn't need to be as it was.

May 11 2016, 5:00 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109693: Game will not launch.

Well for me the issue has resolved but I have heard of other with similar issues where the game looks to be launching properly but never does. I suppose you could close this ticket.

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109693: Game will not launch.

I had to reboot the computer 3 times before it would work. Dayz.exe was only using 160k memory and would not close in task manager unless I ended beservice.exe first. The only thing I did different was ran the dayz shortcut without opening steam first and that is how it worked.

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
snipe set Category to category:gamefreezes on T109693: Game will not launch.
May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
snipe set Category to category:weapons on T109631: Missing Attachments.
May 11 2016, 4:52 AM · DayZ
snipe set Category to category:other on T109432: Battle Eye FAILED to Install.
May 11 2016, 4:45 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109340: Servers wont show in server lists.

Stupid suggestion here, try clearing filter

May 11 2016, 4:42 AM · DayZ
snipe set Category to category:featurerequest on T109186: 2nd gun instead of Melee.
May 11 2016, 4:36 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109185: Sling for smaller weapons.

One more thing I thought of was a variation of the gun holster. Why not make it so you can use it as a belt holster instead of just a chest holster? Somewhere to put a pistol other then in backpack or where ever everyone puts them.

May 11 2016, 4:36 AM · DayZ
snipe set Category to category:featurerequest on T109185: Sling for smaller weapons.
May 11 2016, 4:36 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T109157: Clipping Objects.
May 11 2016, 4:35 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109143: Changing weapons causes player to stand still allowing zombies to attack or be fired upon..

Sometime I have this happen, usually when switch from melee back to gun. Going Gun to Melee it will switch while jogging. I think they are working to fix this with proper animations like Franzuu said.

May 11 2016, 4:35 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109112: Bodies disappear after certain amount of time.

It used to be that way, but in order to clean the server up to help keep it less lag free and crash free they set a timer on the bodies. If someone is with you and you die they can remove your gear and you can come back to get it later, but if they leave it on your body then yes it is gone. So they will not never this at all. If anything maybe increase to 20mins but that is it.

May 11 2016, 4:34 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109112: Bodies disappear after certain amount of time.

This is normal

May 11 2016, 4:34 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T109055: [0.55 Exp] Punched out and killed by Far away zombie.

I remember seeing that if the zombies get stuck in an object they become invisible, so the physical body is stuck but the actual AI can hit you

May 11 2016, 4:32 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T108974: Throwing Chem Light.
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108911: Private hive strange behaviour.

Is it possible that the 2 private hives are linked to the same hive? Some other servers do that, I think DayZRP has 4 and you can play in all of them. Name the private servers with IP's, and I am sure someone knows how to find out.

May 11 2016, 4:27 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108908: V3S block by shoes and Beanie Hat.

Ya that is the new "TRUCK TRAPS" people placing items on ground and it stops truck. Fireplace kits work really well for the. I think they are aware of the issue.

May 11 2016, 4:27 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108857: Can't Play.

What are the spec to you computer?

May 11 2016, 4:25 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108856: after 10 mins of playing dayz my pc turns off and restarts.

If you have a 2nd monitor just run Hardware Monitor on it and watch the CPU temp while playing. Since it is a dual core I would guess it is pushing quite high so it could be overheating.

May 11 2016, 4:25 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108856: after 10 mins of playing dayz my pc turns off and restarts.

Have you been getting any BSOD? I am dealing with a friends system doing same thing, shuts down. I have narrowed it to a bad motherboard. Since your system is so new you might have a bad component. Do a memtest to see if your ram is causing an error. Also monitor your CPU temp, if it is getting too high for some reason your system will auto shut down.

May 11 2016, 4:25 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108853: Can't kill myself..

What weapon did you have in your hands?

May 11 2016, 4:25 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108837: Frame good but after feew minutes fps drop.....

Someone else noticed issues like this and found that malwarebytes was causing issues. IF you have that try turning it off, or possibly some other anti-malware/virus software. I had issues one time with AVG

May 11 2016, 4:25 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108837: Frame good but after feew minutes fps drop.....

Do you have launch parameters in steam? If so REMOVE them

May 11 2016, 4:24 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108718: Charecter with smersh vest reset.

No it doesn't work that way. This being an Alpha and you clicking I UNDERSTAND at the beginning means that things like this will happen. My guess is the server had just done a reset and you entered it too soon. Kinda sucks I know, I had a character that had an M4 (back in June) and he had been alive for a long time, they did a hive reset and POOF gone, same sorta thing. I had many more hours into that one and gone. The fun of the game is usually finding stuff. Yes a Smersh vest is super rare and the odds of finding another one are very low. Just keep at it.

May 11 2016, 4:20 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108718: Charecter with smersh vest reset.

The only thing I could say is maybe you had bad timing logging back into the server, maybe it has just reset and what I stated before is what happened. It was the EXACT same server or a dif one?

May 11 2016, 4:20 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108718: Charecter with smersh vest reset.

Well if you immediately signed back in to same server that is your problem, you cannot just log back in that fast, you have to wait for the server to update the time in server browser, say the server resets to 0800, wait till the browser says 0801. If you don't, you will run the risk of resetting your character and there is no fix at all for it. So sounds to me as if you are SOL. Sorry.

May 11 2016, 4:20 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108704: When you tie people with duct tape, sound is like you handcuff them.

My guess is since tape is a recent addition to securing someone they have the handcuff sound as a place holder and it is known.

May 11 2016, 4:20 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108450: Close ticket.

I had this once as well, I have not crashed yet during game play. I have launch options in but not the maxmem option.

May 11 2016, 4:11 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108399: I can hear sounds that are not from other players.

Well I think they are working on fixing this with the new engine. Why waste time on an issue that will be resolved soon enough another way.

May 11 2016, 4:09 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108342: Ultra lag - Buildings not loading.

Remove launch parameters from steam

May 11 2016, 4:07 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108333: Memory Crash [ every 10 mins ].

Try removing any launch parameters you may have set in steam

May 11 2016, 4:07 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108314: Items gone from my inventory.

Was reading that it might have something to with file names, looks like file names were changed but no in coding?

May 11 2016, 4:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108282: Freezes At please Wait But I cause SERVER TO RESTART.

Do you have meat in a pot in your inv?

May 11 2016, 4:05 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108282: Freezes At please Wait But I cause SERVER TO RESTART.

Hmmm, I had heard of this happening if you had meat in pot. Can you play in private hive servers? If not then it might be you game, I would re-install it (if not already tried). If you can play in a private hive server then it is a character issue on the pub server that the devs will have to investigate.

May 11 2016, 4:05 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T108222: MP-133 Shotgun Shadow Glitch.

I have now confirmed that this bug still exists. I had been told it was fixed so I am not sure if it has yet or not now.

May 11 2016, 4:03 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T108221: Vanishing Gun.
May 11 2016, 4:03 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T108222: MP-133 Shotgun Shadow Glitch.
May 11 2016, 4:03 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T107983: Dual Weapon Holding.

I do not have a video, but all I did was have my original akm with drum mag on my back and was holding the other akm with 30rnd mag. I left the server, either entered a new one or came back to same one later. Pressed 2 to pull out akm, I never noticed which one it pulled out but I ended up killing someone and checked their body, and when I went to remove drum mag I noticed the gun I had in my hands was the one with 30rnd mag which was at top of inv now not bottom like it should have been, the other one was at bottom with no ammo in it. I never put the gun down at all until I tried to find my drum mag.

May 11 2016, 3:54 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T107983: Dual Weapon Holding.
May 11 2016, 3:54 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T107858: Axe goes back to being held.
May 11 2016, 3:50 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T107644: Add benches on the back of V3S, so it can fit atleast 4 players..

The V3S Cargo has the ability to have more people, BUT in order to get everyone in they must ALL stand at the back and enter at the EXACT SAME TIME in order to all fit. It will take some doing but we had 1 driver, 1 passenger and 3 in the back.

May 11 2016, 3:43 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T107447: 'Special' Inventory Slot Appears if Trousers Removed.

LOL, I just thought maybe hidden in underware but your request is funnier.

May 11 2016, 3:36 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T106756: Game crash causes you to lose your character.

Try a new server next time that happens to see if isnt just that server.

May 11 2016, 3:13 AM · DayZ
snipe set Category to category:environment on T106422: Damaged Shoes/Broken Leg.
May 11 2016, 2:58 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T106397: Dayz Crash #1-While playing.

I got 2 crashes last night, from what I could tell it was a battle eye issue as friends were saying battle eye said I was not responding and they also said that about 5 others dropped as well.

May 11 2016, 2:57 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T106231: Improvised Suppressor does not work on Mossin.

It depends on the condition of the bottle. Pristine you will get maybe 3 shots and it is done.

May 11 2016, 2:51 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105516: Fire Station Death.

One thing I thought of was WALKING down instead of running, maybe that will prevent a death.

May 11 2016, 2:23 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T105516: Fire Station Death.
May 11 2016, 2:23 AM · DayZ
snipe set Category to category:items on T105346: Unlimited Orange.
May 11 2016, 2:16 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105337: Tent dissapeared.

Well my guess is that maybe someone came across it and took it, but who knows. One other issue might be that the server reset and that may have cleared it. Some servers reset once a week and others more often.

May 11 2016, 2:16 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105249: Tree on the road in Chernogorsk.

There is also a tree in the road near fountain in Gorka

May 11 2016, 2:12 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105241: DAY Z DEAD.

Yes it is unfair but you know what, you agreed to accept this when you clicked I UNDERSTAND.

You know what else is unfair, I had a fully kitted out character with M4 (legit) and about 600 rounds of ammo for it. They did a character reset and I lost it all, yes it was heartbreaking that I spent all the time getting it but now I get to explore more of the map and get the new stuff. Finding gear is most of the fun anyways. You need to watch some of the DayZ pros on YT and twitch to learn where to look for stuff to find it faster. They cannot "respawn" your gear so give it up. If you do not like it go play CoD where you get all your gear back every spawn just to die in about 30 sec anyways. You posting BS requests here just takes time away from the devs doing real work.

May 11 2016, 2:12 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105241: DAY Z DEAD.

This is not a retail version of the game, when you click I UNDERSTAND when you open the game you must not truly understand. THIS IS AN ALPHA there are bugs, glitches and all kinds of messed up things that will happen. When this happens post it here with as much detail as possible and they will try and link your issue with everyone else and find common links as to why it happened so they can fix it. Please don't report it and demand your gear back, that will never happen. Sorry.

May 11 2016, 2:12 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105239: Since implementation of 0.50 water wells do not work.

These patch notes used to say it was a known issue, but it is gone now. Anyways they know there is a problem with it and I am sure it will be fixed by next patch.

May 11 2016, 2:12 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105236: Constant Game Crashing (Very reproducable).

Yes I had same issue when I changed resolution, I actually has a windows dump and BSOD.

Intel i7 920 @ 3ghz
Asus 6970 Direct CUII
Windows 7 64bit

May 11 2016, 2:12 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105184: Wells NEVER work!.

Read KNOWN ISSUES on patch notes

May 11 2016, 2:10 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105165: Stuck inside a Cherno high-rise (Dubky).

I think you have no choice but to die. What a crap deal. Sorry man

May 11 2016, 2:09 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105160: Very bad performance.

The patch notes show this at the end

Known Issues:

Items do not update their state properly (durability/wet). Moving them, or relogging will refresh.
Server crash
Performance deteroriation
Water Pumps Disabled

May 11 2016, 2:09 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105092: game crashes within 10 minutes of gameplay..

Does it do this?

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

Well for what ever reason I have had many many hours of play since this issue and it has not come back (yet). I would say close this ticket for now.

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

I too have dual monitors, but I was never able to regain control of the game, it would always be running still but I would have not visual of it just desktop. Your issue sounds similar but the fact you could continue playing makes me think it might be a different one as I was having the game crash on the main screen or server screen just the same as being in a server. It seemed to happen withing a few mins like the GPU stopped responding and recovered but no message would show.

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

I have been playing without any issues still, so my issue seems to be resolved but from what I read it is still an issue with others. Not sure how it was fix but I am glad it is. Will keep updating

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

I was able to play for 2 hours tonight with no issues and I was using the headset so maybe it was not the issue. Will keep monitoring.

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

I may have solved this crash issue. I have a Steel Series Siberia V2 USB headset, and I have all audio running through it. I had set it to speakers the other day disabling the headset and I ran the game tonight and it worked flawlessly for over an hour. I will do more testing to make sure

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

I left the game on the server screen for a few mins and it crashes the exact same as logging into a server.

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

Tried disabling AVG, still crashes the same. Added files from LOCAL\DayZ folder

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.
May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T105090: Crash to Decsktop with game still running.

So far I have been running the game with my headset just fine. The only other thing I can think of is that I did a file verify and everything checked out. Not sure what changed other then the day.

May 11 2016, 2:06 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T104961: Game Crash when overclocking.

Does it do this?

May 11 2016, 1:59 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T104636: DayZ crashing about 10 seconds after I have joined a server or even at startup. How do I fix it?.

Ok this is the same thing that just started happening to my since new patch. Game willfreeze, go black and video will crash to desktop buti still have sound and I can still move around and stuff. Try opening the game and leave it on the server browser screen. I crash there as well after about 2 mins

May 11 2016, 1:48 AM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T104636: DayZ crashing about 10 seconds after I have joined a server or even at startup. How do I fix it?.

Was this causing the game to crash to desktop but still be running? I am getting CTD and I am still able to move around while looking at desktop.

May 11 2016, 1:48 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

snipe added a comment to T94732: Decreasing FPS to Total Game Freeze.

I have also found that when this starts to happen my GPU usage drops to 20% or lower.

May 10 2016, 8:05 PM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T94732: Decreasing FPS to Total Game Freeze.
May 10 2016, 8:05 PM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T94390: Missing Gun After Looting.
May 10 2016, 7:51 PM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T94387: fresh body disappears when looting.

Yes this has happend to me 2x as well. but on version 0.32

May 10 2016, 7:51 PM · DayZ
snipe edited Steps To Reproduce on T93667: Freezing and crash.
May 10 2016, 7:26 PM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..

I have noticed as well in some towns/cities. One recently is Zelenogorsk drops to 15fps on normal to low settings.

Intel i7 920 @ 3ghz
12GB Ram
Asus 6970 Direct CUII 2GB
Win 7 64bit

May 10 2016, 2:23 PM · DayZ
snipe added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..

I can go into Palona, Gorka and a few others in that area with no issues at all, but I entered Vybor and the FPS dropped to 15-20, even a friend with a 4770k, 16bg ram, SSD, R9 290 was getting hits in the 20's

May 10 2016, 2:15 PM · DayZ