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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 4:06 AM (625 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
@dazhbog That is exactly the bug I am talking about, just for clarity. Notice how it starts as he approaches the wreck(fire)?
I have some more info: My friend and I were playing the combined arms mission and the apc blew up next to us. He started laughing and told me his guy was freaking out. I asked him what was happening and he just told me his guy was bugging out and moving his arms weird. So I asked him if my guy was doing it, and he said yes. I didnt see my guy doing anything strange, or his character. I asked him if my guy still doing it and i walked away from the wrecked apc. He said they stopped bugging out("dancing"). So I gathered some more info:
- the bug is clientside, so in multiplayer, 2 players might not see the glitch happening.
- It has something to do with either car wrecks, or the fire
especially noticeable when a helicopter flies away form you. It will just disappear when it reaches a certain distance.
strange little bug, haha
if you are talking about wasteland games, this is an issue with the wasteland mod, not the alpha.
Yes, there should be an animation for switching optics modes(acog-type scope to backup red dot). In addition to the current instant switch being unrealistic, it is also pretty disorienting to switch optics when it is instant.
May 9 2016
The game is literally not even half done. Get over yourself.
apparently videos are not allowed for upload, and it still submits :P
I have an image attached- jpg format
This is my favourite feature of fps games, and the reason i bought red orchestra; please implement if possible!
I was about to report this, as it happens to me as well. I uploaded a screenshot of my own: i captured the screen just as the "magazine" in inserted(it is invisible).
it looks like your guy is emitting some kind of aura that moves the ground around as you crawl- really awkward for not being a saiyan...