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- User Since
- Dec 26 2013, 4:26 PM (583 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 10 2016
Whilst we are at it, can we have the associated sounds to, we'll call one the thunderer (SPLA-DOOOSSSSH) the submariner (plop....???, where the F*@ks that gone) the flock of seagulls (plip plip Quuaaaakkkkk) for when you've got the squits etc.
Visuals would be awesome, open the toilet door to someone sat there asking for bog roll, we could have pissing contests see who can get up the wall the highest... seriously.
I'm stuck under the very tall high rise flats above balota airstrip. It is a 50/50 chance of being flipped into the room on the left as you walk down the smashed stairs to leave the building.
Once in this room it is impossible to vault out, but you will fall through the floor/wall on the left has you look out the window entrapping under the building.
Possible solution/s
(1) make the wall solid so you cannot be flipped through it.
(2) put a hole in the building so you can escape being trapped.
(3) make the door of the room you're flipped into open
Weapons should only be either pristine(new), normal(used) or damaged.
Cleaning Kits should do what it says, keeps them clean so as to reduce the chance of stoppages.
Thanks for the reply Mr Accolyte "Thumbs"
its broken, saying click slower when you have 4 or more zombies on you like fruit bats isn't going to help because once it's stuck it also affects melee with fists and therefore you are left using the only weapon available bear in mind you may not at this point have any weapons to help you. fix it...
This bug is still present in V48 Experimental. The zoomed scope reticle sways in an overly exaggerated form making for me sniping impossible. Even looking less than 50m at the ground zoomed in means the scope sways in an oval of about a metre in size whilst standing.
Now, if this is a feature of having scoped weapons, then I can only assume the person that made it as probably never picked up a weapon and fired at a target using a scope of any kind.
The sway I see would be the type of movement you would expect if you were looking down the scope whilst running toward your target and is totally unusable for any kind of shooting and especially makes scoped shooting impossible.
Not sure if this will help you but I've found that if I check all routes out of the building I'm able to find one which will let me escape, it's as though the game engine is unable to give you the path you want to use so you have to find the path out of the building it can see.
There are recipes, they should be able to be painted.
Crafting: SKS paint recipe
Crafting: Firefighter Axe paint recipe
Crafting: B95 paint recipe
More than likely you where killed in the 30 Secs after log/kick/disconnect. That needs to be changed/looked at, to only be in effect if you have taken any sort of damage or used a weapon within say 3 to 5 mins (Used as in Fired/axed etc or have a kill to your toon).
I'm sure this has happened to me on more than one toon
All it requires is one PVP Free server per (UK, DE, SE and US)
But if you believe 0009320 is game breaking, I think you have missed the point.
@swagadordali - That would be the purpose of further testing in a "PVP Environment" IE Stable Server, not the Experimental Server.
Just died again to the same issue, was looking out of a window in a large tower block and was killed, I was kneeling at the window looking out in 3rd person.
Both times it as happened in the hallways, both times in the kneeling in left hand corner of the window in 3rd person view.
Death screen shot attached
Go one better, just take your weapons off of the hot bar, log in silently, put your weapons back on the hot bar, no need to reload.
Why give your position away to the bandits in the game...
Why does the hot bar need to reload the weapons after logging in?
theory of a group being what?
application of fire?
points of aim for prone, sitting, kneeling and standing all vary.
seriously, I bet most people believe they can hit a static target at 100mtr standing and hit a bull every time. I bet most haven't even seen a real range never mind shot on one.
Just happened to me, error "game stopped working" log back in, character is reset.
Since patch 37 (now 42), this as not happened again.
Tinned food works (Checked tuna, sardines and beans) as it should even when multiple tins are open (will just consume one tin) have not checked the cereal yet due to not finding any.
may just be packets eg rice, cereal and milk effected.
No servers (experimental) to be seen or updates.
Are you saying this isn't going to be fixed?
One of the biggest issues to this game is trying to get in it, the server list DOS the game and you sit there waiting for a server list that will never appear, sometimes you have to exit the game to force a server list refresh.
Refreshing the list further adds to the problem by chucking you to the other side of the worlds servers which means you then have to refresh again adding further frustration.
Moving from internet to favourites wipes the server list, again you have to wait for the server list to appear, further DOS'ing yourself.
Love the game once in it, but seriously sort this server listing problem please.
(I'm a UK Player) After the initial server list as loaded I've found that if I refresh the server list I lose all the UK server listings but gain access to all the US and Aus servers, if I refresh again I lose those and gain access once again to the UK servers.
Added a couple of screenshots.
If you'd have searched you would have seen this issue as been reported thousands of (jk)
Your right though, the search function doesn't work.
I think he may mean energised and hydrated.
eat until "stuffed", drink until "stuffed" you will have to balance this yourself, eat everything as soon as you can then drink untill "stuffed"
You will need more water than food so try carrying atleast 2 canteens if possible or know where to find water on your route around the map.
I've seen this issue, a small work around (for me) is to esc back to main screen and select "change server"