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- User Since
- Nov 23 2018, 2:27 PM (330 w, 3 d)
Apr 29 2019
Yeah you definitely got shot by a player. Dont ever get to attached to your loot. Everything is temporary.
Apr 26 2019
They aren't going to check anything for you. You died.
Apr 24 2019
Its because of people duplicating those guns. The game only allows a certain amount of each guns to spawn. So when people duplicate the guns, it counts against the amount that is allowed to spawn. If the amount of duped guns goes over the amount allowed to spawn, the guns will no longer spawn.
Apr 23 2019
They dont reply to anyone here lol.
Lmfao they aren't going to respond. You just deal with it like the rest of us has for 6 years now.
Apr 20 2019
You were shot in the head.
Feb 13 2019
The M4A1 can have a detachable carry handle on it. It has picitinny rail on top so you can put anything you want on it. The older M4 which had 3 round burst instead of full auto was issued with an detachable carry handle as standard. And it would not make it an m16. The m16 has a rifle length gas system, A2 stock and a 21 inch barrel vs the M4s carbine length gas system, carbine length buffer tube and a 14.5 inch barrel. The M4 has an effective range of 200-400m and a muzzle velocity of 2800-2950 fps VS the M16s effective range of 400-600m and a muzzle velocity of 3100-3300 fps. Dont even get me started on how the difference in barrel length effects bullet drop, down range energy and how the bullet yaws and fragments in flesh lol.
Feb 9 2019
The devs have been saying for months that persistence is broken so build at your own risk. They are working on fixing it.
Thats why i just hide stashes all around. Building bases is pointless right now. It puts a giant target on you loot. You are pretty much just giving your stuff away.
Feb 7 2019
Duct tape is supposed to be a 1 use item
Or just lock the character to the server like how it currently is on PC?
Feb 6 2019
Someone stole your loot m8.
Jan 31 2019
Let everyone know. The more people do it, the faster it will be fixed. If you msg them with it, they dont give a shit. If everyone complains then they will work on it.
Jan 30 2019
Dec 30 2018
Your gun is jammed. Throw it away and find another one. You cant un jam guns on xbox right now.
It isnt a bug they just haven't put in the controls to unjam, cycle bolt, pump slide, steady your aim, leaning and switching shoulders. The controls are just missing.
If the engine gets ruined, the car despawns very quickly taking everything stored within with it to car hell.
Dec 27 2018
They are going to be changing alot of stuff in these next few months.
Yes. They changed how it works.
Theres no way to unjam guns on xbox yet.
It only appears when you get a sickness. Its working just fine.
Yes. Most updates come with a wipe so dont get too attached to anything right now.
Fyi, they arent going to help you or get your stuff back lol
Dec 23 2018
I haven't had that last issue happen to me. I hate when you are sprinting and go to zoom in with RB and you throw a heavy punch instead like an idiot lol.
Dec 22 2018
Its a game preview
Its like this for every gun.
www. is a great place to find what you need and to learn the lay of the land.
Welcome to DayZ, friend. She is a harsh and unforgiving bitch at times. But stick with it, learn the map and game because it isnt going to get easier. Its hardcore and brutal. Its not going to change.
Dec 21 2018
It is wonky sometimes. I find holding LT and reload works all of the time.
Yup i know. Just reminding them.
Dec 20 2018
Weird. The mosin with the pu scope works fine prone.
Dec 18 2018
Thats not me dummy. I reported it private. This guy didnt. Pay attention to the user names lol
Yeah i reported this privately
Dec 17 2018
Its a known issue and will be fixed in the next update sometime this week.
Everything the experimental branch gets, xbox gets.
The Xbox IS experimental. it is equal to the experimental branch. 0.63 Beta never came to stable. It was only on experimental. They took 0.63 Beta and slapped 1.0 on it and pushed it to stable branch. 1.0 is still Beta.
Dec 16 2018
They updated the capacity of all backpacks. Get used to it because its going to be this way from now on. Its not a bug.
Dec 15 2018
Yes this is common. They are working on fixing these persistence issues. If a server crashes and does not shut down correctly, it deletes everything. Its just how the servers work.
Dec 14 2018
They said they fixed this internally and will be released soon.
Yeah i noticed that hipfire is broken. The bullets go anywhere but where you want the to. ADS helps alot to minimize that.
Dec 13 2018
Dec 11 2018
Report them 1 at a time or they arent worked on. Either way i guess you waste time, right? You have the time.
Report the bugs 1 at a time so they each have their own task with steps to reproduce. Dont lump it all together into one.
This is where you formally report bugs and not to rant and suggest. The forums are for that. Report your issues one at a time and follow the guidelines.