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I've been playing this game for 3 or 4 days straight. I have ran into a random but or two and looked passed them. But this has drawn the line. I had military gear guns surpressors food you name it I had it. And then I'm just walking down the road and my guy just falls to the ground and I am dead. For no reason whatsoever just dead. No zombies around, no player around, nothing. Just dead. This was the best concept for a game I had ever seen. I fell in love with it. Now I will never play it again. The ONLY way I would even consider playing this game again is if these bugs would be fixed immediately and somehow have my loot returned to me because this was unfair.


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Xbox one

Event Timeline

Imustdecrease triaged this task as Immediate priority.

You were shot in the head.

You were shot in the head.

Probably that... if it was a critical shot you wouldn't hear it either.

Definitely one shot to the head. IT'S NOT A BUG.

AdamF added a subscriber: AdamF.Apr 26 2019, 1:09 AM
This comment was removed by AdamF.
AdamF added a comment.EditedApr 26 2019, 1:10 AM

Hey, I just experienced the same issue and submitted a ticket of my own, before seeing yours.

I'm pretty confident I wasn't shot or I wouldn't be on the support site going through all of this.

It'd only take someone a couple of minutes to check the server log (I supplied IP in my ticket as well as my steam ID) and confirm whether I was shot or what, I'll apologise for wasting time if it turns out I actually was shot! Just would be nice to know.

They aren't going to check anything for you. You died.