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- User Since
- Jun 24 2013, 6:08 PM (612 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
NLAW should be weaker but lighter, especially now that Blufor has the Titan.
I believe that they said there was a very slight possibility that parts of Altis would be in the Dev branch towards the end of Beta.
There are like 4 of them at the air base. The airbase actually has a lot of non-enter able buildings which is a disappointment.
Edit : Actually there are 8 of them at the airbase. If they are going to put them in a location as vital as the airbase there NEEDS to be interiors.
@ShotgunSheamuS: I knew he was refering to the RCO and ARCO, but when he wrote "put in an icon to show which scope is CURRENTLY IN USE" I thought that he wanted an icon while you are scoped in, which would be pointless. On the contrary, now that I know he meant that he wanted an icon while the scope is not "in use," I changed my vote because the feature would actually be useful.
What would this offer? You should be able to see the difference between a red dot and a scope.
Edit: Now that I know this is an icon for use when not scoped in, it makes sense and I changed my vote. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Sounds good.
@vryoffbtdrummr: Make a ticket for that, good idea.
Water should be a choice for an unavoidable hard crash-landing, not instant death.
It shouldn't be too late as they aren't even officially in BETA yet.
Only if it can be turned off.
We need stealth to be modeled.
@Byku: Maybe it should just be a lot lighter and easier to carry.This
would make the compact much more suitable for smaller teams to carry over distance, while the non-compact is heavy but is capable of engaging aircraft and vehicles (maybe at longer range), this would make it more of a crew served weapon.
Also: AP and AT missiles should be the same size in a backpack and non-compact rounds should be massive so that the load must be spread across the team.
Just make a particle effect of sparks and a tiny burst of light where tracers hit a solid object at a steep angle like when rounds hit the ground and puff dust.
May 9 2016
Thanks for listening BIS!
Here's my stance: Let them be in the game. If they want to play as females, why not?
A: Most people saying no are in serious teams, and as the military likely won't have women in roles such as special forces even in 2035, your groups probably won't allow it except for certain positions such as officers and pilots anyways so it won't effect you. (maybe make it disable able on servers?)
B: Since wasteland and similar mods are based on choice and freedom, not realism, it is fine that people play as women in combat there.
C: BIS please ensure that male AI don't use women's voices and vice-verse.
This is low priority and fixable by mods but if BIS wants to add them, let them.
@Sneakson: It's arguments like yours' that make people furious and foam at the mouth in this thread. There is no logic there. Where did you get that 97% want women in game, did you even look at the votes at the top of the page?