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- Mar 16 2013, 7:23 PM (622 w, 8 h)
Feb 21 2019
Jul 21 2016
This is not working again
Jul 12 2016
May 10 2016
You can close this. After clean reinstall it is working again.
hello, I have mods installed but this is happening without using them just with pure game. And I am using default path for the profile. I already tried to delete Arma 3 folder in Documents but without success. Now even my own created missions are gone. I still have the sqm files but it does not load them in the editor.
Moreover, they are killed too often during canopy deployment and entire parachute flying physics is screwed (I am saying that as a military and civilian skydiver).
What you said is the purpose of the parachute, not of the infiltration technique itself. Moreover finding suitable landing side while on parachute is really irresponsible. The landing site should be chosen prior to infiltration. Imagine that you are at night with NVGs carrying 30 or more kg under your belly or in between your thighs plus weapons, jumping from more than 6 km. First you need to exit the platform, stabilize your free fall with all that stuff, keep an eye of the others from the group, preferably keep the group compact while in free fall, at the proper altitude separate the group in free fall, open the chute, follow the leading chute to the proposed drop zone (obviously not every time it has to correspond with a map), keep the altitude and space separation mid air between parachutes, land safely in the same spot as the others and do not make noises. Now, I would like to see the expert to think about freefly.
I am a military parachutist and civilian skydiver - have not seen any use of freefly in military so far. This is a military simulator, not a simulator of a free fall. Your first purpose as a military parachutist is to infiltrate as safely as possible to the exact spot with as much equipment and weapons as you need. There are other things which need to be fixed - cargo and oxygen while HALOing/HAHOing and crazy flying envelope of the parachute ingame. Possible use of different positions to simulate exit of the aircraft and relative wind. Another thing is to change attack angle like in real jump or ascend or descend rate.
It is working again
That is strange because until installing BETA, everything went well with Alpha. Probably more people are having the same problem with NVIDIA graphics. What I found out is that GPU is working - confirmned from 2 separate GPU monitoring programs - there is a visible load in graphs, so there should not be a problem.
uploaded. After further testing it seems that the problem is caused by uneven distribution to cpu cores. even with cpucount=4 or 8 from 8 max 4 are working, one of them on 100 percent, the rest some more.
clear installation, when i start the game, the FPS is 32-33. when I start playing - decreases to 13 - max 19. The same happens when I alt-tab to other application during intro screen with settings (not playing). when i switch back it is in red numbers but in half second switches to over 30 again.
sampling 100 percent, all is standard, HDR/DL - low, visibility on max - but does not have any impact, caustic enabled, aniso - high, all other disabled. tried to change settings of GPU but - maybe very low to none improvement.
driver is the latest one 314.22
no i have not tried (if i install redist from 2010, does not it screw my original directx 11.0?)
no, it is not running
i had had this game since original alpha and this problem started with beta installation, so it should not have anything with overheating or startup parameters or driver. I used to be on high graphic setting without any problem.
temperatures seem to be ok
If you have AI pilot and AI gunners, they do not shoot at all and it seems that the pilot is doing standard attack runs.
you can close this - duplicate of 0010208
I have 4 helos each of them transporting a group of soldiers. The helos join a group at the first waypoint type join/join and lead. How I disband the group of 4 helos at the release point so they go each to separate landing zone do unload the soldiers? Tha mission sqm is attached. Even the guys in formus could not help. Moreover. If we have a waypoint join/join and lead. Why there is no leave group? The same as you have for load and unload cargo.
you can close this, right now the problem seems to be fixed
2 files attached - 1 is with 30% clouds, the other with 100%.
The behaviour is a bit better now but sometimes during pick up the helos fly and individuals are chasing them around until it crashes, especially in an uneven terrain.
Since last couple patches it went terrible again. From 6 transport helicopters none came from the mission. (2 hawks 4 birds). Couple days ago all of them returned from the same mission. They stopped following waypoints, helicopters in formation do not keep it and they are flying around even with command "allowfleeing 0".
The problem still persists, the helicopters do not stop in place while troops are unloading but are floating around in low altitude, like 1 m, hitting troops on the way and hitting structures.
During infil I had 1 crash. During exfil every time at least 1 helo. During infil they seem to be more stable, even they are swinging a bit (anyway, at least trying to be in one place until everybody disembarks) but during exfil they roll over on the terrain. Still need a bit more stability. Can we also add combat infil - that means they four on rails exit almost at once and the 2 inside after? Este to otestujem tento tyzden.
If I place 2 helos and group them, the second does not even spawn at the startup. I sorted this out by using waypoints (join, join and lead). Yes, the zones are restricted (US manuals say 25m diameter for MH-6), however the main problem still persists: Once the helicopter lands for insertion, the first person jumps out and the helicopter starts flying around hovering in 30 m diameter while the rest disembark (the same with loading). Regarding giving AI some freedom - I would not insist on precise scripting if the AI would be reliably enough to let the decide =DDDDD. Attaching mission.sqm with 2 helos (first it is necessary to get in the choppa with the team). Radio alpha for departing the assembly area, radio bravo for extract.
After latest patches the AI behavior even worse. They dropped my troops from 10 m altitude and the second heli crashed after it unloaded 2nd man.
Now it should work without any addons. There are no enemies. Radios - alpha1 for movement to extraction (men+helos). alpha2 for extracting assault element. Alpha 3 for extracting security. alpha4 for rtb. alpha0 for calling helo CAS. When I was trying to play this one, first one of the AH flew somewhere else. During the insertion southern security crashed. Then one of little birds on its route to its assembly area. After requesting extraction only one helo was landing at a time using the same heliport (invisible). The helo for extraction of remaining security used different heliport as supposed to. The AHs did not return back on signal.
Maybe it is a problem only if you are using several helos at once. All I want is they just fly in, land or hover 1 m AGL (exactly over their designated helipad - not the neighbour's one or in 20 m diameter +-) and do not move until all troops disembark (preferably all together - especially if they are on side rails or the door is big). Sometimes they move around during troops disembarking in 2 m altitude (they sweep in all 4 directions even 20 or 30 m hitting trees and buildings which are fairly apart of the helipads - seems the pilot loses control in hovering). Then they should take off to such altitude that they clear all obstacles and fly away (happened to me that they used to crash even during normal flight after insertion).
Regarding the pick up - they should fly in from designated direction and angle (I was looking everywhere but did not find a script command for a waypoint facing), they should not wait 4 minutes before they start landing one by one (mostly on the same LZ) so instead of extraction lasting 5 or 6 min it should be done in less than 40 seconds for all helicopters. During the extraction they use to hover 2 m AGL - sometimes after loading 2 troops losing balance and sweeping to the side even 20 or 30m - the rest of soldiers chasing them. If there is an obstacle close by - they hit it.
I uploaded the mission file. Best way is to play it as a civilian observer in the village(for now it is the basic preset - for better view either use mccsandbox or go to the higher ground). Radios are Alpha 1 for executing the raid after insertion. Alpha 2 for picking up the raid element. Alpha 3 for picking up the security elements. Alpha 4 for RTB. Alpha 5 and 6 for requesting QRF. Alpha 0 for requesting CAS.
Folloving mods are used:
"a3_map_stratis", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Helipads", "A3_Characters_F_OPFOR", "A3_Characters_F_Civil", "blend_vi", "mas_usa_devg", "a3_air_f_ka60", "a3_characters_f_blufor", "A3_Soft_F_Offroad", "cba_main", "A3_Soft_F_Hunter"
The more patches the worse the heli AI. I created a mission in the editor with 7 helos(3 little birds, 2 Ka-60 empty with pilots vie get in and 2 AHs). Normally during the insertion at least 1 of the little birds crashes. Immediately after the insertion maybe 1 or 2 more - mostly little birds (AI controlled empty Ka-60s do a bit better but not always). During pick up usually 1 or 2 as well. And during maneuvering also 1 or both AHs while supressing enemy hit the hills. So it is a great success if at least 3 or 4 helos come back. I think this is a serious thing which needs improvement.
There is a quick fix but only if you are using night vision. Just turn it on and off and the colors return to normal.
Happened to me again and again, they can have different flight paths their separation during take off is sufficient, even between groups of helicopters, but they act like magnets once they take off. They do not keep the separation and designed paths.
May 9 2016
I can confirm - I can add that to the civilian but cannot remove from a soldier with "this removeweapon "nvgoggles";"
EDIT: SOLVED - try "this unassignitem "nvgoggles";"