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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 5:18 PM (626 w, 4 d)
Jul 12 2016
I'm not seeing this behavior. I did your repo steps with your mission and instructions. After resuming the mission my hold J icon was a white dot and my tasks looked like this:
May 10 2016
Armed with PMCL or Titan the AI wouldn't attack the Gorgon or Madrid. OPFOR with Titan wouldn't attack the Marshall, but with RPG would attack the Marshall. OPFOR Titan vs other armorded units did attack.
Maybe an issue with using AT vs the light APCs? Seems it's vs wheeled vehicles.
You can just spawn them, they exist in all sides as a faction. No need for join group or hand editing SQMs, just use SQF to spawn them.
There are already three groups.
BLUFOR FIA in the editor. B_G_Soldier_F and so on.
OPFOR FIA available via scripting: O_G_Soldier_F and so on.
INDEP FIA available via scripting: I_G_Soldier_F and so on.
Mission makers can already decide who's fighting who without resorting to setFriend, changing gear or anything excessive. You could probably make a client side only mod to add these to the editor even.
I totally agree that they should all be available in the editor, I can't think of any reason not to do so other than confusion, but this system is proving just as confusing anyway! :)
No need for any of that, just spawn in the OPFOR sided FIA units:
_opforFIAGroup = [getMarkerPos "spawn", EAST, ["O_G_Soldier_TL_F", "O_G_Soldier_AR_F", "O_G_Soldier_F", "O_G_medic_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
FIA units are actually duplicated in INDEP, BLUFOR and OPFOR. Just INDEP and OPFOR are scriptable only, not in the editor for some mysterious reason Pettka mentioned.
We're just gonna have a client side only addOn to unhide all these hidden things anyway, so why hide them in the first place?
Make them visible under all the factions for all I care. :)
I'd tried a different unit with a single MOVE about 200m away but i'll try a longer one when i get home :)
Not seeing this at all in my Dev Build.
Your test unit has no free inventory space which is why you're not able to add NVGs. Remove a box of ammo and it works fine. Or switch to another unit with more free inventory space.
Fixed in dev branch.
Seems to be fixed in Dev Branch and was acknowledged in the patch notes.
It's entirely intentional:
"That is intended behaviour. You are able to connect terminal to the UAV of the same side. Empty UAV doesn't have any side (it has only camo of some side). That is the way how UAVs working right now and you can easily insert non-empty UAV, if you want to control it. Empty UAVs can be used as non-accesible vehicles in the mission or there can be inserted AI of desired side by script. If you think this is too confusing, you can create ticket in FT and we will reconsider that. Thanks for feedback" - DarkDruid
You can spawn an empty flying UAV and fill it with controllable crew via:
myUAV = [getPos player, 0, "B_UAV_02_F", WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
createVehicleCrew (myUAV select 0);
Players have had similar issues with their guns:
I'm a moron.
... erm... i swear they were unarmed before. Lies! Move along, nothing to see here.
Seeing the same thing here. Please restore functionality or give us some target that'll stay down and can be manually animated back up. :)
Pretty sure some kind of "loadout editor" is in works for when you place a unit in the editor.
There's also the respawn menu loadout feature.
On the player side of things Virtual Ammo Box is spectacular especially in it's ability to store loadouts across gaming sessions. Fantastic. :)
Seems it's not working for turret locations, even in other vehicles. If you orderGetIn to a valid turret location you get the same behavior as this.
"Something is not right there, getting in the gunner position of either marid or marshal and using assignedvehiclerole player returns ["Turret",[0]].
Using u1 assignasturret [apc1,[0]]; [u1] ordergetin true; , checking the assigned role of u1 returns correct as above but they do not react to the getin order, manuallly selecting u1 and pointing at the apc makes him load up as the gunner once he has been assigned that position :/" - Larrow from BIS forums
Testing with full crew + 1 the 1 guy who definitely has no seat stays where he spawns. The two who should have gotten into co-pilot and right gunner run 50m behind and left of the UH-80 no matter which azimuth the vehicle starts facing.
There's a Walk Mode/Run Mode toggle, W+S, but there's no Auto-run feature which is what this ticket was asking for.
If you're going to be traveling long distances use a vehicle, don't run. :)
" however my problem is that when i want to zoom in to iron/red-dot/reflex sights, to get a better view, i don't necessarily want to hold my breath, standing or not."
Simply double tap KeypadPlus. That will lock you to zoomed in, non-holding breath, mode.
Helicopters randomly exploding when getting into them happens even without A&W and Domination. It happens in a custom mission that has no such protections as listed by the above post there. Just utterly randomly, with no error messages or apparent cause.
It's "fixed" as in it strips off the visual uniform as well as uniform, vest and backpack properly, but we'd still like some way of having a visual uniform on a body without any inventory please. :)
removeAllWeapons also removes magazines as well. Handy that. :)
I'm all for a "only display uniform" command.
unit addVisualUniform "classname" or something would be neat.
It's a shame this was "fixed". Leaving the uniform was a good way of having dressed soldiers without inventory for survival situations where we didn't want to be running around in our underwear. As well as the situation mentioned above with regards to unlootable bodies.
Igitur on the forums mentioned, and i confirm, that this is a solid repo:
player playActionNow 'Surrender';
May 9 2016
What seems to have worked for me is to script the synchronize from an object to the provider instead of from the requester to the player.