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- User Since
- Aug 30 2013, 7:56 PM (598 w, 6 d)
Mar 2 2022
Aug 8 2016
I can say they could do a couple of things, they can add the ai pod type of system where the system would figure out how to shoot the gun and we can point and click or fix it where we don't have to fight the ever so rotating V-44 so that way we can look at one point while the V-44 can continue doing it's orbit.
The two main guns are too weak. The 105mm cannon needs to double its blast radius while the other cannon (can't think what it is) needs to be HE rounds. If anything, allow us to switch between AP and HE.
May 10 2016
I don't see the need for it tbh. There is a website that does all the hard work for you, it allows you to upload a png file and it will automatically convert to .paa file format.
I'm able to start the bug when I just go prone and reload a marksman rifle. Don't need a bipod
Also the mod no idle causes the problem.
Ya getting the same problem. The items works and all but it's annoying where you can't see the textures of the items.
well in arma we have a 3 round gp so could it be too hard to think in that way when shooting mortars?
its the year 2035, they had plenty of time to add a autoloader onto the damn thing
if you are filtering for a server, it pretty much won't work, you have to look for your server the hard way till some more fixes can be done
how can you throw those ir grenades? I never can seem to get an option for them.
No i wasn't talking about the main gunner, I was talking about the driver. I had all these ai get in the tank if that helps any. For some reason i have to do a complete stop to turn the tank without it turning back (if there is an ai thats driving). If you go any speed, the driver will turn back where it was orginally going if you tell him to turn left or right. I hope this clears up some things.
on the previous update of arma, I found out if you crash a uav roughly about 3 or more times or damage a uav enough times, the uav's would consider you as an enemy and will friendly fire you and you can lose the ability to control uavs till next respawn.
What I rather see is the ability to turn the top half of your body with trackIR on 2D scopes.
May 9 2016
@freexavier are you serious? Do some research, the devs confirmed that there is going to be a 3D editor. There are more important things for them to work on before the 3D editor to come out. They may be waiting for directx 12.
combine Zeus and MCC edit. Have Zeus to place all the units down, then use MCC to save the mission sqm. Replace the first mission sqm data with MCC's and you pretty much have your 3d editor.