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Improve Squad.xml by replacing it with .json and using .png.
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


The concept behind the Squad.xml system is simple and yet a unique and welcome feature of ArmA. However, the current implementation is riddled with relics that could be put aside in favor of newer, improved, approaches. Because of how simple (yet effective) the current system is there should be little reason for this not happening.

The best modern approach would be to replace squad.xml with squad.json. JSON is universal on the web, the medium squad.xml currently uses, and many times more easier to work with than xml. Specific advantages to using JSON are:

  • Better compatibility on the web
  • Better performance (JSON was created to handle data and data alone)
  • Dead-simple formatting (No more reading thru hundreds of guides)
  • Dynamic (JSON readers don't care about finding a .json file, you can generate the JSON data from any source and update it on the fly)

Another big problem with the current squad.xml system is the darned .paa emblem. If having .paa is so crucial to ArmA why not, at-least, do the conversion client-side? Having to convert emblems to .paa, a format I never encountered before ArmA, is such a royal pain in the arse. Why not use .png?


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Feature Request

Event Timeline

Scroll_Tro0L set Category to Feature Request.Aug 17 2015, 6:22 PM
Scroll_Tro0L set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
Scroll_Tro0L set Severity to None.
Scroll_Tro0L set Resolution to Open.
Scroll_Tro0L set Legacy ID to 3125663103.May 8 2016, 12:31 PM

I wasn't able to upload it but here's a really simple example of what JSON looks like.


  "squad": {
    "name": "Best Squad 2015",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "url": "",
    "picture": "amazing.png",
    "tagline": "We'll knock your socks off",

    "members": {
      "Scroll_Tro0L": {
        "steam_id": 1234125234523456,
        "role": "20-star general of sooper special forces",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "icq": "nobody uses icq anymore, just have a link to their steam profile instead",
        "remark": "ppl beware me"

      "Sidekick": {
        "steam_id": 12423234234563,
        "role": "Tactical snack manager",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "icq": false,
        "remark": "omg I'm FAMOUS!"




I don't see the need for it tbh. There is a website that does all the hard work for you, it allows you to upload a png file and it will automatically convert to .paa file format.

Lex added a comment.Aug 18 2015, 10:09 AM

Link is not open, how much? - "Url": "", [^]

@kripto202 Awesome site! Got it bookmarked now. Nonetheless, there are many issues yet with squad.xml that need to be addressed. My suggestion here is that when BI gets around to modernizing it the best thing to do is to switch to JSON because of how outdated XML is. ArmA asks for a Squad URL; that's web jurisdiction. In web, XML is pretty much deprecated in favor of JSON.

There's a good bit of disagreement with this that's focused mostly on two points: 1. XML works fine, don't do anything to it (Including inconvenience to current squad.xml users) and 2. It's difficult to implement. Though XML does work fine, again, squad.xml as a whole needs to be addressed and revamped anyways. This leads into the second point, JSON is not difficult to implement at all. Every modern language can access JSON with ease.

Even with this, I don't want the focus to be lost from the 4 original points I made. JSON is simply the best choice for data transfer involving the web.

@Lex None of that information is real, it was all in jest.

Lex added a comment.Aug 18 2015, 5:20 PM

In my opinion, the main problem is not in XML paa or png format logo. The problem is to find a place where to place the files XML (sqd_logo.paa, sqd_logo.png, squad.css, squad.dtd, squad.xml, squad.xsl). All of these files are needed for the proper page design XML. The two files enough (sqd_logo.paa, squad.xml) for the appearance of the logo in the game.
JSON change this rule?
Or for him, too, need sqd_logo.png and squad.xml, placed on Internet resource?

ins0 added a subscriber: ins0.Jun 22 2016, 4:58 PM
ins0 added a comment.EditedJun 22 2016, 5:14 PM

Hey guys, i'm the creator of :)

I would love this suggestion from a developer perspective.
But i also got a few concerns about this suggestion.

+ Less Traffic as XML generates a lot of unnecessary information/control strings
+ Mostly easy to ready


  • Many users love the feature that you can style your xml for frontend use
  • JSON needs special character escaping to not break the hole json file

So i don't see any major reasons that switching to JSON is currently better then XML.

But to be fair, xml got equal shit problems.

From a developer perspektive i would love this - from a normal non-tech user perspective this makes creating Squad Files "worse" and removes a feature that many users love - styling there xml.

Lex removed a subscriber: Lex.Mar 17 2017, 1:37 PM