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- User Since
- Aug 18 2015, 8:15 PM (496 w, 3 d)
Feb 26 2020
Something I just discovered ... JsonSaveFile is creating your JSON file but it is also converting all tabs therein to spaces (1 to 4). As almost every line in your JSON file starts with at least one tab the additional character count can add up rather quickly (e.g. 1000 lines starting with a single tab is 1000 tabs that are converted into 4000 spaces). This means if you read a file IN and then save it back OUT the file size actually increases proportionally by the number of tabs replaced. If your original JSON file (with tabs) is riding just under the 64 kb limit and/or has a ton of nested tab levels ... then your file when saved back out could exceed this 64kb limit and you end up with a truncated file :(
Oct 24 2019
@Geez ... As for the MP5K (line 1790 in cfgspawnabletypes.xml)
Oct 22 2019
@Geez ... I'm still seeing allot of other server owners having issues with vehicles despawning after only a few minutes ... even after they have upped their lifespans to 3888000 (45 days) within TYPES.xml and deleted the associated BIN file.
Oct 6 2019
@Geez ... Can you see if this is being looked into? I heard that rVn is no longer with BI.
@rVn ... What is the status of this issue? Is this still a problem in v1.05? Airdrop users are wanting loot to spawn in the containers vs. scattered on the ground because we can't access the container inventory :(
@Geez ... The new function worked perfectly for my mod, thank you. However, still wondering if there are any plans to update the types.xml file to fix the issues posted herein?
Sep 26 2019
@Geez ... Thank you for that code snippet! I'll make sure that I use it whenever my mods spawn things in (i.e. Airdrop). I'll also reach to the ZomBerry mod developer to ensure he is doing the same ;)
Sep 24 2019
@Geez ... It may be that I'm misunderstanding some of the dynamics here ... how lifespans are being set/controlled for vehicles DayZ spawns in vs. how lifespans are being set/controlled for vehicles MODs are spawning in (like Trader & Zomberry). As I tried to ask in a previous post ... perhaps there are differences in the way DayZ spawn vehicles vs. the way MODs like Trader or Zomberry spawn vehicles ... perhaps the Mods are just doing it wrong, missing some key setting assignment.
Sep 21 2019
@Geez ... If this is the case then the types.xml file you push out whenever servers are updated needs to be updated with an appropriate value for all active vehicles and other objects ... vs. the 3 second lifespans that are in there now ... which is the whole point oh my post.
Sep 16 2019
@Geez ... Not trying to be difficult ... just trying to understand.
Sep 12 2019
@Geez ... I understand that for vehicles that are NOT currently active, ready to be used in the game, you would want them to despawn immediately after being spawned in. However, for known good vehicles, the value should be set to something more reasonable (e.g. 30 days).
I have to agree with 'sanguine00' ... any items being added in by MODs should be managed in a separate file (e.g. modtypes.xml). This way, DayZ could push types.xml updates to every server every day ... but the external modtypes.xlm would never be touched. This file would only be modified by server administrators that are adding/removing MODs.
Sep 10 2019
Sep 9 2019
Thank you for the response ... but I'm still unsure of the values returned by GetWind() as further testing shows inconsistent wind vectors based on smoke in the game.
Sep 4 2019
Thank you for the fast response and sorry if I did something wrong ... didn't realize that I could subscribe anyone to this ticket by creating a post to @ Geez .
@Geez ... Any chance you can take a look at this?
Aug 31 2019
After some testing I get the following results...
Aug 24 2019
Apr 19 2019
Jun 28 2018
May 11 2016
Just my two cents here but perhaps this could/should be a server setup option?
That is:
Option 1) Random Spawn (anywhere on the map)
Option 2) Spawn Away (outside X radius of last death)
Option 3) Spawn Near (spawn within X radius of last death)
Option 4) No Re-Spawn (when you are dead you are dead, wait X hours).
Option 5) etc., etc., etc. ...
I'm still a noob at all the intricacies of DayZ so take this for whats it's worth ;)
Geez, Not wanting to be too much of a pain but is there any change of getting my lost equipment back (I have a thing for H&K)? I understand if this is not possible because you might not be able to verify that I ever had it to begin with.
Future thought ... add more from the H&K line of firearms. And of course a Barret 50 for when you really want to reach out and touch someone ;)
ThanX for the FAST responses!
Geez, props on your handle! Having trouble with creating markers on the map ... Flash keeps crashing in FireFox. I switched over to IE and think I created one under my account (DiGiaComTech). Just to be sure, I included a screen capture showing the approximate location of the rock. Grid cords 044/072 look for the red + in the wooded hilltop called Veresnik just south of the military base.
I really love the game so far and have not had many issues with bugs, etc. Can't wait for the next -or- full version to be released!
The only observations or irritants I've encountered are that sometimes the interaction cursor is too precise when trying to grab an item (especially if the item is on top of a cabinet), opening a gate, or climbing a ladder. This should be a quick & easy task. From a development viewpoint this probably has something to do with the ray-cast & collider layering (I've been working with Unity3D for a couple years now).
May 10 2016
I finally found the answer...
Basically my initial assessment was correct ... that though my controller is detected, it's inputs are not mapped to your game functions, for 'Fixed Wing' at least. That is, I had to DISABLE the default controller SCHEME and create my own bindings to your game functions.
Neither suggestion you posted above gave me the critical information needed to correct this issue ... DISABLE the controller. Perhaps it's a language/translation thing but in English ... DISABLE means to turn OFF or DEACTIVATE altogether ... so it never occurred to me that I needed to DISABLE my controller. Perhaps you need to rethink the wording on this form ... perhaps you need to create a default binding SCHEME for Fixed Wing.
I tried that but as I stated ... "I Can see the controller listed in the configuration menus but I cannot see any of the controller's inputs listed (e.g. X axis, y axis, buttons, etc.) to be assigned to game functions." ... there is nothing to bind to ... all I see are mouse inputs.
Please see the uploaded images.
I think I may have found my answer ... RE: 0025266
I finally found the answer...
Basically my initial assessment was correct ... that though my controller is detected, it's inputs are not mapped to your game functions, for 'Fixed Wing' at least. That is, I had to DISABLE the default controller SCHEME and create my own bindings to your game functions.
Neither suggestion you posted above gave me the critical information needed to correct this issue ... DISABLE the controller. Perhaps it's a language/translation thing but in English ... DISABLE means to turn OFF or DEACTIVATE altogether ... so it never occurred to me that I needed to DISABLE my controller. Perhaps you need to rethink the wording on this form ... perhaps you need to create a default binding SCHEME for Fixed Wing.
Perhaps you need to rework the default controller scheme for Helicopter Movement